Sender Ghost's activity

From 11/24/2019 to 12/23/2019


04:20 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Attached screenshot for TheIDE (with applied patch) after build of examples/AddressBook package for gtk3 branch. Sender Ghost
03:31 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Attached patch for mentioned checks, just in case. Sender Ghost


09:33 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Possible algorithm for C/C++ errors/warnings (Clang, GCC, MSVC):... Sender Ghost
08:57 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
or with ".cpp" extension:... Sender Ghost
08:53 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Also possible to add following cases to check:... Sender Ghost
02:27 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Sender Ghost wrote:
> Another testcase, based on current implementation of "Ide::FindLineError":
Sender Ghost
02:25 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Another testcase, based on current implementation of "Ide::FindLineError": Sender Ghost
01:55 AM U++ Bug #2004: ide: Problem with "note:" being red because there is "error" in the identifier
Some testcase for "Ide::FindLineError": Sender Ghost

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