
From 11/19/2011 to 12/18/2011


02:42 PM Bug #219 (Approved): Template "preprocessor" level
Miroslav Fidler
11:57 AM Feature #224 (Approved): Fix T++ all.i order
Miroslav Fidler
11:30 AM Task #202 (Approved): Update Topic++ documentation
good job, approved. Miroslav Fidler
11:29 AM Bug #225 (Approved): uppweb: Some .png images converted from T++ seems to be broken
Miroslav Fidler


12:42 AM Bug #225 (Approved): uppweb: Some .png images converted from T++ seems to be broken
Miroslav Fidler
11:43 PM Task #203 (Approved): Update Assist++ documentation
Good job! Miroslav Fidler
08:58 PM Feature #100 (Approved): Add introspection tools for .sch, improve SqlCtrls
Miroslav Fidler
02:24 PM Feature #224 (Approved): Fix T++ all.i order that two passes produce the same file, which does not get commited to svn.... Miroslav Fidler
10:29 AM Bug #223 (Approved): Fix website generation
Miroslav Fidler
09:04 AM Bug #223 (Approved): Fix website generation
Miroslav Fidler
09:47 AM Bug #200 (Approved): Problems with ColorPopUp
Miroslav Fidler


11:31 AM Feature #222 (Approved): Sql Attach, Detach, SetSession
Please return back when you are done with Oracle reference cursors, I will try to play a little with private/protecte... Miroslav Fidler


03:23 PM Feature #216 (Approved): Multipart requests (file uploads)
Miroslav Fidler
09:14 AM Feature #216 (Approved): Multipart requests (file uploads)
Miroslav Fidler
02:25 PM Feature #221 (Approved): Hi-DPI in windows Miroslav Fidler
11:31 AM Feature #220 (New): Add reference example for ArrayCtrl columns / indicies
Miroslav Fidler
11:11 AM Feature #217 (Approved): POST redirect
Miroslav Fidler
09:15 AM Feature #217 (Approved): POST redirect
Miroslav Fidler
10:45 AM Feature #215 (Approved): Cookies
Miroslav Fidler
09:14 AM Feature #215 (Approved): Cookies
Miroslav Fidler
09:17 AM Bug #219 (Approved): Template "preprocessor" level
Miroslav Fidler
09:16 AM Bug #218 (Approved): Dispatch - 2nd iteration
(introduce positional and named parameters, introduce '...' equivalent) Miroslav Fidler


01:01 PM Feature #214 (Approved): Painter: Stroke Preclip
Stroking with dash is expensive, sometimes there is situation where only small fraction of dashes really gets display... Miroslav Fidler
10:31 AM Bug #213 (Patch ready): TheIDE: Selecting items of navigator bar for layout files as text
Sender Ghost
10:30 AM Bug #213 (Approved): TheIDE: Selecting items of navigator bar for layout files as text
Selecting item of navigator bar for layout file as text doesn't select position inside editor. Sender Ghost


09:49 PM Bug #212 (Patch ready): TheIDE: SaveLoadPackageNS(false), SaveLoadPackage(false) applying
Sender Ghost
09:48 PM Bug #212 (Approved): TheIDE: SaveLoadPackageNS(false), SaveLoadPackage(false) applying
Fixing of issue #139 introduced new *sel* argument for "SaveLoadPackageNS":/redmine/projects/upp/repository/revisions... Sender Ghost
03:25 PM Feature #211: ToAscii improvement
'DIAERESIS' (U+00A8) dtto. Myslim, ze vse co ma na te strance co jsem posilal dekompozici na SPACE a neco dalsiho tak... Miroslav Fidler
01:26 PM Feature #211 (Rejected): ToAscii improvement
Sorry for czech copy&paste:
Tak pythoni a perli verze ToAscii prekladaji i znak
Miroslav Fidler
12:35 PM Feature #209: Consider adding FindFile::GetPath
That would be very helpful! I'd say that I would use it in 90% of FindFile usage. It should be also more optimal than... Jan Dolinár
11:26 AM Feature #209 (Approved): Consider adding FindFile::GetPath
Miroslav Fidler
11:27 AM Bug #210 (Approved): umk: most likely problem in dependencies
(things do not get recompiled when they should have) Miroslav Fidler


10:57 AM Task #208 (New): Update PAD XML
Miroslav Fidler


10:17 PM Task #203 (Ready for QA): Update Assist++ documentation
Jan Dolinár
10:17 PM Task #203 (In Progress): Update Assist++ documentation
Miroslav Fidler wrote:
> There is "More" at "Change properties"....
Well, that was easy to overlook :-)
Jan Dolinár
08:19 PM Task #202 (Ready for QA): Update Topic++ documentation
Anyone who has some time on hands, please check the article for both factual and grammatical errors ;) Jan Dolinár
10:11 AM Feature #207: Document .upp
I guess I could do that, if you don't mind. I became quite intimate with that file format lately :) Jan Dolinár
09:31 AM Feature #207 (Approved): Document .upp
Miroslav Fidler
09:23 AM Feature #206 (Rejected): force_inline increases app size 5241344->5331456
Probably of no consequence and OK, but... Miroslav Fidler


01:25 PM Feature #189: Shell syntax highlighting
I would advise switching bracket matching off. I guess strings can be ignored, correct solution woult be to add some ... Miroslav Fidler


12:36 AM Bug #178 (Approved): TheIDE: Convert to "UTF-8 BOM" encoding.
r4246 Sender Ghost


01:15 PM Task #203: Update Assist++ documentation
Jan Dolinár wrote:
> Oups, I have copy&pasted wrong title :-( It should be "Update Assist++ documentation"
> I...
Miroslav Fidler
01:13 PM Bug #205 (New): Problem with Forum
(Sorry for czech copy&paste..)
BTW: od upgrade fora mi nefunguji ty sipecky na prvni neprectenou zpravu v threadu....
Miroslav Fidler
11:08 AM Feature #204 (Approved): consider public svo_memcpy, svo_memset
Miroslav Fidler


04:26 PM Task #203: Update Assist++ documentation
Oups, I have copy&pasted wrong title :-( It should be "Update Assist++ documentation"
I don't see how to change i...
Jan Dolinár
02:56 PM Task #203 (Approved): Update Assist++ documentation
Assist++ page$ide$Assist$en-us.html is terribly out-of-date. It needs to be updated, otherw... Jan Dolinár
02:54 PM Task #202 (Approved): Update Topic++ documentation
The documentation about documentation is really lacking... see Jan Dolinár


10:35 PM Bug #178: TheIDE: Convert to "UTF-8 BOM" encoding.
I raised the priority of Bug, because this is not "Convert to "UTF-8 BOM" encoding" issue, which is a consequence.
Sender Ghost
10:21 PM Bug #185: Investigate weird QTF formatting (why is Udaj centered?)
There is also another simplified test case:... Sender Ghost
07:28 PM Feature #201 (Approved): Activate GetHasValue for pointers (investigate)
/* Is it time to activate this?
template <class T>
inline unsigned GetHashValue(T *ptr) ...
Miroslav Fidler


11:34 AM Bug #178 (Patch ready): TheIDE: Convert to "UTF-8 BOM" encoding.
Sender Ghost
08:07 AM Bug #200 (Approved): Problems with ColorPopUp Miroslav Fidler


02:54 PM Feature #190: theide should recognize binary files
If someone had a time to write a hex-editor widget, it would be a great to open unknown binary files in it... Jan Dolinár
01:09 PM Feature #190 (Approved): theide should recognize binary files
and do not try to display them as text... Miroslav Fidler
01:15 PM Feature #199 (Approved): css syntax highlighting
possibly in html as well Miroslav Fidler
01:14 PM Feature #198 (Approved): html syntax highlighting
possibly with embedded javascript as well... Miroslav Fidler
01:13 PM Feature #197 (Approved): JavaScript syntax highlighting
Miroslav Fidler
01:12 PM Feature #196 (Approved): support for iml -> png, jpg
Miroslav Fidler
01:12 PM Feature #195 (Approved): support for static files (in dispatch and using dispatch)
Miroslav Fidler
01:11 PM Feature #194 (Rejected): Layout forms
Miroslav Fidler
01:11 PM Feature #193 (Approved): template engine
Miroslav Fidler
01:10 PM Feature #192 (Approved): theide should be able to edit .png files
using icon designer Miroslav Fidler
01:10 PM Feature #191 (Approved): theide should recognize .png and .jpg files
and display preview Miroslav Fidler
03:16 AM Feature #189 (Rejected): Shell syntax highlighting
I sometimes use theide to edit shell scripts (mainly used in custom build steps) and I miss highlighting a lot. So I ... Jan Dolinár


06:31 PM Bug #185: Investigate weird QTF formatting (why is Udaj centered?)
> why is Udaj centered?
Because of "[= [ $$0,0#00000000000000000000000000000000:Default]".
"[= " - align center p...
Sender Ghost


10:26 PM Bug #188 (Rejected): IDE hangs when copy-pasting T++ to Word Miroslav Fidler
09:18 PM Bug #180 (Approved): Fix issue with 'umk' documentation missing
Miroslav Fidler
08:55 PM Feature #187 (New): Topic++ - consider selector of language (and perhaps always display en-us)
Miroslav Fidler
07:52 PM Feature #183 (Approved): Consider adding String QtfAsPdf(const String& qtf); (and AsPdf(RichText))
Miroslav Fidler
02:49 PM Bug #182 (Approved): Format(".2f%`%") crashes
Miroslav Fidler
02:48 PM Bug #186 (New): Resolve issue with sprintf in Format
For true fortification, we cannot relly on sprintf - it crashes for some formatting strings. Miroslav Fidler
01:42 PM Bug #185 (Rejected): Investigate weird QTF formatting (why is Udaj centered?)
[ {{3:1:1:1:1:1@L [> Údaj]:: [= Zobrazení:: Kliky:: CTR:: Cena:: CPC]::@W [< V období 23.10.2011 - 22.11.2011:: ][> 7... Miroslav Fidler


08:35 AM Bug #184 (Approved): Consider something like Select<S_TABLE>().From(
Miroslav Fidler
08:23 AM Feature #183 (Approved): Consider adding String QtfAsPdf(const String& qtf); (and AsPdf(RichText))
Miroslav Fidler


09:13 AM Bug #182 (Approved): Format(".2f%`%") crashes
Perhaps Format should be crash resistant... Miroslav Fidler
08:36 AM Bug #181 (Rejected): Qtf: not placing & after }} sometimes results in empty RichText
...maybe a feature, but confusing...
Miroslav Fidler


08:09 AM Bug #180 (Approved): Fix issue with 'umk' documentation missing
Miroslav Fidler


09:19 AM Bug #179 (Approved): Appearance problem with DockingCtrl Miroslav Fidler


06:56 PM Bug #165 (Approved): CodeEditor: incorrect refresh with scope highlighting enabled
Daniel Kos


09:45 PM Bug #165: CodeEditor: incorrect refresh with scope highlighting enabled
Sender Ghost wrote:
> It tells with red color on -braces-.
with *red* color on ')' and ']' brackets.
Sender Ghost
08:05 PM Bug #165: CodeEditor: incorrect refresh with scope highlighting enabled
??Personally, I like current behaviour is better, as it visually tells that something is wrong.??
It tells with red ...
Sender Ghost
08:03 PM Bug #165: CodeEditor: incorrect refresh with scope highlighting enabled
#177 Sender Ghost
07:05 PM Bug #165: CodeEditor: incorrect refresh with scope highlighting enabled
Sender Ghost wrote:
> I think, r4170 didn't solve this problem.
> Incorrect scope highlighting for following source...
Miroslav Fidler
08:56 PM Bug #178 (Approved): TheIDE: Convert to "UTF-8 BOM" encoding.
The case:
1. File with "Default" encoding (or another one, except "UTF-8 BOM").
2. TheIDE -> "Convert to encoding.....
Sender Ghost
08:02 PM Bug #177 (Patch ready): CodeEditor: Consider fixing incorrect braces in syntax highlighting
Sender Ghost
08:01 PM Bug #177 (Rejected): CodeEditor: Consider fixing incorrect braces in syntax highlighting
#165 Sender Ghost
12:49 PM Feature #157 (Approved): Get ready for 11.11 release
Miroslav Fidler
09:38 AM Feature #176 (Rejected): Consider anihilating plugin/z in favor of "import by include" technique
Miroslav Fidler


12:30 AM Bug #175 (Approved): Consider something like SqlSet ContainerSet(const T& cont)
Miroslav Fidler

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