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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
  none 267 Collapse all/Expand all
1052BugNewNormalRichEdit::Print() fails when RichEdit is Floating()Miroslav Fidler05/05/2015 10:16 AMRichEditIñaki Zabala
1604FeatureIn ProgressNormalStreamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positionscbpporter cbpporter01/18/2017 03:40 PMCodeEditorcbpporter cbpporter
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLibcbpporter cbpporter
1279FeatureNewLowIn comment link detection09/28/2015 04:06 PMCodeEditorZbigniew Rebacz
1470FeatureNewLowHighlight deprecated parameters in [[annotation]]06/11/2016 06:12 PMCodeEditorZbigniew Rebacz
964FeatureNewLowWindows 8/7/Vista? menuitem style extension for inactive item01/20/2015 11:17 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1698FeatureNewLowColor pusher should have it's representation in .usc file04/28/2017 09:55 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
977FeatureNewLowIDE - File open dialog (FileSel) should use "All file" option by default02/05/2015 01:07 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1462FeatureNewLowFile Categories should be crated from config file05/29/2016 07:52 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1665BugNewLowRemove dependency of using shorts file name in GccBuilderZbigniew Rebacz03/26/2017 09:34 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
170FeatureNewLowscalar Date conversion optimization11/15/2011 08:22 AMMiroslav Fidler
1073FeatureNewLowcpp: .sch could allow #include06/14/2015 03:01 PMMiroslav Fidler
102BugNewLowIn linux, fix irregular scrollbar themes Amaranth and Crystal sphereMiroslav Fidler09/26/2011 08:57 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
32FeatureNewLowsvn log filter to do almost automatic announcement textsIñaki Zabala02/17/2011 12:49 PMIñaki Zabala
1053BugNewLowUWord to disable Save tool bar button after savingMiroslav Fidler05/05/2015 04:19 PMIñaki Zabala
266FeatureNewLowBreakpoints in templatesMiroslav Fidler08/21/2015 03:39 PMDebuggerIñaki Zabala
1999BugNewLowUnused parameter multisamplebuffering in GLCtrl.h, line 151Miroslav Fidler11/01/2019 06:19 PMGLCtrlIñaki Zabala
  Release 2021.1 19 Collapse all/Expand all
1719FeaturePatch readyHighAdd STARTTLS support to SMTPMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreZbigniew Rebacz
1693BugNewHighFileSel layout glitch on Windows 10 (Create directory button out of window)10/21/2020 11:33 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1394BugNewHighJapanese characters are too small in CodeEditorMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMDrawZbigniew Rebacz
2126BugNewHighTheIDE doesn't compile from archive on Debian due to lack of "msse4.1" flag Miroslav Fidler12/08/2020 11:25 PMGeneralZbigniew Rebacz
1623BugNewNormalResolve problem with Android build method name and compilation flagZbigniew Rebacz10/21/2020 11:33 PMAndroidZbigniew Rebacz
1348BugNewNormalAssist++ problems with class constructor implemented in file10/21/2020 11:33 PMAssist++Zbigniew Rebacz
2068FeatureNewNormalCore/Heap.h should be includableMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreZbigniew Rebacz
816FeatureNewNormalHandle resolution change event on all existing backends10/21/2020 11:33 PMCtrlCoreZbigniew Rebacz

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