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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
1088FeatureNewNormalInstallPanicMessageBox() available to programMiroslav Fidler05/19/2015 12:19 PMCoreIñaki Zabala
438FeatureNewNormalArrayCtrl to show header fields when column width is too smallMiroslav Fidler02/07/2013 11:27 AMCtrlLibIñaki Zabala
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLibcbpporter cbpporter
1604FeatureIn ProgressNormalStreamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positionscbpporter cbpporter01/18/2017 03:40 PMCodeEditorcbpporter cbpporter
2126BugNewHighTheIDE doesn't compile from archive on Debian due to lack of "msse4.1" flag Miroslav Fidler12/08/2020 11:25 PMGeneralZbigniew Rebacz
1667BugNewHighTheIde crash after suspend (linux)Miroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1840TaskNewHighSystem notification should not be limited only to tray iconMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlCoreZbigniew Rebacz
1341BugIn ProgressHighMenubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI featureMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1394BugNewHighJapanese characters are too small in CodeEditorMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMDrawZbigniew Rebacz
1437TaskNewHighFix documentation links12/26/2016 03:42 PMDocumentationZbigniew Rebacz
1693BugNewHighFileSel layout glitch on Windows 10 (Create directory button out of window)10/21/2020 11:33 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1719FeaturePatch readyHighAdd STARTTLS support to SMTPMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreZbigniew Rebacz

1 ... 11 12 13 (301-312/312) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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