Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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703BugNewNormalFix OpenGL/GTK03/01/2014 05:49 PM
1964BugNewNormalFix PGSQL with mingw06/07/2019 09:42 AM
1630BugNewNormalFix problem with ArrayCtrl::Sorting01/30/2017 07:35 PM
496BugNewNormalFix SQL threading issue07/22/2013 12:20 PM
2019BugNewNormalFix svg files (or rather should be 'implement SVG filters....')02/23/2020 07:05 PMPainter
891BugNewNormalFix thread__ issues10/02/2014 08:08 AM
1450BugNewNormalFix uppbox05/09/2016 03:18 PM
1915BugNewNormalFix WhenPush issue11/14/2018 02:23 PMCtrlLib
2033BugNewNormalGetDataFile problem in RPI07/30/2020 09:14 AM
733BugNewNormalGetTickCount / msecs should probably rather return int6404/03/2014 08:37 AM
2211BugNewNormalgit revert does not work08/07/2021 11:49 AM
1293BugNewNormalGLCtrl dosen't recive key events10/16/2015 08:42 PMGLCtrl
896BugNewNormalGLCtrl issue10/09/2014 08:10 AM
757BugNewNormalGLDraw problem07/17/2014 09:45 PMGLDraw
552BugNewNormalHeader/Footer QTF should have '^^' suppressed (check)10/29/2013 10:01 AM
2246BugNewNormalide BOM UTF-16 does not work well06/16/2022 09:31 PM
2158BugNewNormalIde ideas: (for 2021.2)04/02/2021 10:41 AM
1203BugNewNormalide TabBar issue07/26/2015 09:36 AM
2245BugNewNormalide view hard limit should be deduced based on memory maybe06/16/2022 09:31 PM
1155BugNewNormalide/cpp/u++: Check why in linux, it consumes 328MB vs 100MB in windows06/28/2015 09:15 AM
1014BugNewNormalide: CdbHexView SetTotal should respect Win6403/15/2015 12:51 PM
1780BugNewNormalide: check handling of FileTime (probably the cause of 15 years unidentified undo crash problem)08/05/2017 10:17 AM
1040BugNewNormalide: Check theide CPU activity while building04/07/2015 03:10 PM
1197BugNewNormalide: Fix GccBuilder for OSX07/22/2015 09:51 AM
1150BugNewNormalide: Log (e.g.) should be reloaded when activating theide06/25/2015 02:24 PM

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