Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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1564BugNewNormalCEF chromium in bin10/28/2016 08:55 AM
1585BugNewNormalCheck Prompt / TopWindow Image issue11/29/2016 09:21 AM
1607BugNewNormalArrayCtrl sorting needs refactoring01/06/2017 11:02 AM
1630BugNewNormalFix problem with ArrayCtrl::Sorting01/30/2017 07:35 PM
1655BugNewNormalPrinterDlg::SyncPrinterOptions03/07/2017 01:18 AM
1756BugNewNormalLinux issues with FullScreen06/24/2017 03:41 PM
1780BugNewNormalide: check handling of FileTime (probably the cause of 15 years unidentified undo crash problem)08/05/2017 10:17 AM
1860BugNewNormalCopy backtrace of all threads seems to damage thread list03/27/2018 07:50 PM
1890BugNewNormalUpdate PCRE07/16/2018 09:53 AM
1940BugNewNormalSVG to fix03/11/2019 09:01 AM
1964BugNewNormalFix PGSQL with mingw06/07/2019 09:42 AM
1965BugNewNormalRichEdit Ctrl+A behaviour06/07/2019 10:40 AM
1966BugNewNormalRegExp06/12/2019 09:48 AM
1973BugNewNormalLinux tarball installation MyApps might be missing templates07/10/2019 10:33 AM
2012BugPatch readyNormalRemove more than one inclusion of header file(s)Miroslav Fidler02/16/2020 11:10 PM
2022BugNewNormalDiscrepancy: Mafile produces just single build_info.h04/09/2020 10:23 AM
2039BugNewNormalclang c++ 17 issue06/01/2020 11:33 PM
2033BugNewNormalGetDataFile problem in RPI07/30/2020 09:14 AM
2054BugNewNormalOpenIndiana socket problem08/06/2020 05:39 PM
2055BugNewNormalRapsberry PI / LX desktop issue08/06/2020 05:40 PM
2007BugPatch readyNormalMinimal set for pkg-config dependencies in uppsrc/CtrlCore and uppsrc/Draw packagesMiroslav Fidler08/08/2020 05:03 AM
2056BugNewNormaltheide still generating empty assembly at checkout trunk08/12/2020 01:48 PM
2058BugNewNormalWine problem with changing the gui font size09/04/2020 10:24 AM
2060BugNewNormalMultimonitor issue windows1009/04/2020 01:46 PM
2084BugNewNormalMacOS issue with menubat (activated while function in progress)10/16/2020 06:11 PM

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