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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
1121BugNewNormalSometimes stop debuggin by button crash ide (GDB_MI2)Massimo Del Fedele12/11/2017 01:57 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1801FeatureNewNormalZstd custom memory allocation routines10/24/2017 08:22 AMMiroslav Fidler
1791BugNewNormallibpng issue08/25/2017 09:24 AMDrawMiroslav Fidler
1780BugNewNormalide: check handling of FileTime (probably the cause of 15 years unidentified undo crash problem)08/05/2017 10:17 AMMiroslav Fidler
1758FeatureNewNormaldecode / findargMiroslav Fidler06/30/2017 01:25 PMCoreMiroslav Fidler
1757TaskNewNormalCodeEditor should not use global state for highlight06/24/2017 03:44 PMCodeEditorZbigniew Rebacz
1756BugNewNormalLinux issues with FullScreen06/24/2017 03:41 PMMiroslav Fidler
1722BugNewNormalCheck IDE with 1366x768, 125% text05/18/2017 09:36 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1717DocumentationNewNormalCreate "Build method" settings detailed documentationZbigniew Rebacz05/12/2017 09:54 PMDocumentationZbigniew Rebacz
1518FeatureNewNormalBetter main package separationMiroslav Fidler05/01/2017 03:33 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1698FeatureNewLowColor pusher should have it's representation in .usc file04/28/2017 09:55 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1471FeatureNewNormalImplement 404 site for uppweb04/24/2017 10:38 PMWebsiteZbigniew Rebacz
1670TaskNewNormalTabBar should support tool tipDaniel Kos04/02/2017 09:48 PMTabBarZbigniew Rebacz
1669FeatureNewNormalTabBar should have buttons instead of close button possition detectionDaniel Kos04/02/2017 09:47 PMTabBarZbigniew Rebacz
1665BugNewLowRemove dependency of using shorts file name in GccBuilderZbigniew Rebacz03/26/2017 09:34 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLibcbpporter cbpporter
1655BugNewNormalPrinterDlg::SyncPrinterOptions03/07/2017 01:18 AMMiroslav Fidler
1649BugNewNormalCtrlCore: 'CurrentTime' macro redefined in GtkX11Util.cpp fileMiroslav Fidler02/24/2017 09:03 PMCtrlCoreSender Ghost
1630BugNewNormalFix problem with ArrayCtrl::Sorting01/30/2017 07:35 PMMiroslav Fidler
1626BugNewNormalAdd unittest of PainterMiroslav Fidler01/29/2017 09:35 PMPainterMiroslav Fidler
1622FeatureNewNormalLayout designer should have crlf / lf / autodetection logicMiroslav Fidler01/27/2017 08:24 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1319FeatureNewNormalide: Some C++ types like size_t could be highlighted...01/25/2017 11:51 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
208TaskNewNormalUpdate PAD XML01/23/2017 11:30 PMMiroslav Fidler
318FeatureNewNormalAdd lockless support to Core and allocator01/23/2017 10:34 PMCoreMiroslav Fidler
907BugNewNormalCore/SSL: Add a way to choose method (SSLv3, TLSv1 ....), add SNI01/23/2017 10:31 PMCoreMiroslav Fidler

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