Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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774BugNewNormalWhen dialog is moved from one screen to another, its MaxSize should be changed04/29/2014 11:19 AM
776FeatureNewNormalTabCtrl should be able to Hide tabs05/07/2014 09:24 AM
786FeatureNewNormalOption/Switch skinning05/29/2014 01:44 PM
787FeatureNewNormalUnZip streaming mode (like Zip)06/06/2014 10:12 AM
810FeatureNewNormalLineEdit: refactor recangular selection07/16/2014 08:55 AM
826FeatureNewNormalFormat/double variant that allows to specify both decimal and thousands separator08/06/2014 03:44 PM
843FeatureNewNormalRegExp: Change rules for ReplaceGlobal for empty strings09/04/2014 10:09 AM
849FeatureNewNormalide: "Apply diff" (like directory comparison tool)09/08/2014 02:46 PM
861FeatureNewNormalPDB enums09/21/2014 06:10 PM
891BugNewNormalFix thread__ issues10/02/2014 08:08 AM
896BugNewNormalGLCtrl issue10/09/2014 08:10 AM
921BugNewNormaladd jpeg-ls11/06/2014 09:20 AM
934FeatureNewNormalReview NetProxy code02/16/2015 02:17 PM
936BugNewNormalX11 backend has problems with compiz11/24/2014 04:35 PM
949FeatureNewNormalAdd win32 clang12/18/2014 10:40 AM
985FeatureNewNormalResponse files issue02/15/2015 07:45 PM
991FeatureNewNormalCopy spellchecker files to website02/22/2015 06:50 PM
999FeatureNewNormalIt should be possible to define text of RichTextCtrl in Layout Designer03/01/2015 08:23 AM
1014BugNewNormalide: CdbHexView SetTotal should respect Win6403/15/2015 12:51 PM
1020FeatureNewNormalArrayCtrl ColumnCtrl03/22/2015 07:31 AM
1021BugNewNormalAdd bgp03/22/2015 09:02 AM
1022FeatureNewNormalTextCtrl: UndoBuffer limit, consider compression (lz4)03/25/2015 09:53 AM
1033BugNewNormaljsonrpc seems to have problem with Null Date04/02/2015 04:15 PM
1039BugNewNormalide: Replace in block shows progress indicator for small (1000 lines) block04/07/2015 01:05 PM
1040BugNewNormalide: Check theide CPU activity while building04/07/2015 03:10 PM

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