Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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1071BugNewNormalcpp: Resolve issue with iml/lay/sch05/13/2015 01:15 PM
1073FeatureNewLowcpp: .sch could allow #include06/14/2015 03:01 PM
1092BugNewNormalRichEdit: What is wrong with this code?05/20/2015 04:38 PM
1093FeatureNewNormalSelectDirButton consider Append option05/24/2015 10:29 AM
1097FeatureNewNormalContent-ID header issue with HttpRequest05/29/2015 08:40 AM
1112FeatureNewNormalcpp: When adding (empty, or .cpp) file to project, do not check06/10/2015 09:58 AM
1117FeatureNewNormalImprove PDB debugger06/13/2015 07:08 PM
1150BugNewNormalide: Log (e.g.) should be reloaded when activating theide06/25/2015 02:24 PM
1155BugNewNormalide/cpp/u++: Check why in linux, it consumes 328MB vs 100MB in windows06/28/2015 09:15 AM
1158BugNewNormalcpp: Resolve specific declaration06/28/2015 04:04 PM
1187FeatureNewNormalide: svn history double-click should go to line07/16/2015 08:45 AM
1197BugNewNormalide: Fix GccBuilder for OSX07/22/2015 09:51 AM
1203BugNewNormalide TabBar issue07/26/2015 09:36 AM
1210FeatureNewNormalTabCtrl should be able to have tabs at bottom (and even better, left, right)07/27/2015 05:58 PM
1223FeatureNewNormalFind(Replace) in files could predefine current directory08/05/2015 02:59 PM
1227BugNewNormalImprove buildinfo08/07/2015 03:03 PM
1284FeatureNewNormalOpenGL 3 support10/08/2015 08:33 PM
1318FeatureNewNormalide: Clicking on tree pointer could move memory pane10/31/2015 08:55 PM
1332FeatureNewNormalcpp: Body resume11/11/2015 01:01 PM
1333FeatureNewNormalcpp: Way to handle with special includes (e.g. like Rights.i)11/11/2015 01:24 PM
1345BugNewNormalConsider replacing nasm11/25/2015 03:33 PM
1373BugNewNormalProblem with string and parenthesis01/25/2016 03:12 PM
1390FeatureNewNormalChange Win32 OpenSSL library03/01/2016 09:13 AM
1420FeatureNewNormalide: Find pane should resize search fields04/20/2016 10:30 AM
1428FeatureNewNormalSVN Synchronize: option to disable nest04/24/2016 11:48 AM

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