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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
1462FeatureNewLowFile Categories should be crated from config file05/29/2016 07:52 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1937BugNewNormalTheIDE help doesn't disply related package10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1319FeatureNewNormalide: Some C++ types like size_t could be highlighted...01/25/2017 11:51 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1364BugNewNormalProblem with opening main package10/21/2020 11:33 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1722BugNewNormalCheck IDE with 1366x768, 125% text05/18/2017 09:36 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
1813FeatureNewNormalReport a bug - improve10/21/2020 11:33 PMIDEMiroslav Fidler
2019BugNewNormalFix svg files (or rather should be 'implement SVG filters....')02/23/2020 07:05 PMPainterMiroslav Fidler
1435BugNewNormalDouble click on world shouldn't mark space after world10/21/2020 11:34 PMRichEditZbigniew Rebacz
493FeatureNewNormalSkylark Replace '$'07/16/2013 08:59 AMSkylarkMiroslav Fidler
249FeatureNewNormalConsider SqlExp: create view as (as we already have Select)04/06/2013 05:38 PMSqlMiroslav Fidler
2023FeatureNewNormalMSSQL: WhenReconnect04/13/2020 01:37 PMSqlMiroslav Fidler
1228BugNewNormalTurtle should support full screen window08/07/2015 10:49 PMTurtleZbigniew Rebacz
1471FeatureNewNormalImplement 404 site for uppweb04/24/2017 10:38 PMWebsiteZbigniew Rebacz
1604FeatureIn ProgressNormalStreamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positionscbpporter cbpporter01/18/2017 03:40 PMCodeEditorcbpporter cbpporter
956BugPatch readyNormalRemove hand icon from calendarDaniel Kos02/25/2015 06:55 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
995BugPatch readyNormalSynchronize controls after SetValuesDaniel Kos11/21/2015 04:14 PMGridCtrlIñaki Zabala
1669FeatureNewNormalTabBar should have buttons instead of close button possition detectionDaniel Kos04/02/2017 09:47 PMTabBarZbigniew Rebacz
1670TaskNewNormalTabBar should support tool tipDaniel Kos04/02/2017 09:48 PMTabBarZbigniew Rebacz
32FeatureNewLowsvn log filter to do almost automatic announcement textsIñaki Zabala02/17/2011 12:49 PMIñaki Zabala
465FeatureNewNormalAlphabetical sorting of documentation topics (the code)Iñaki Zabala05/09/2013 08:16 AMWebsiteMiroslav Fidler
73FeatureNewNormalimprove color Standard conversions RGB <-> Cie XYZ <-> Cie L*a*b*Ion Lupascu07/05/2011 10:00 PMIon Lupascu
247FeatureIn ProgressNormalUse shared bz2, jpeg, tiff in linuxJan Dolinár02/23/2015 03:53 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
523FeaturePatch readyNormalPeriodic background jobs in skylarkJan Dolinár10/07/2013 09:24 AMSkylarkJan Dolinár
668BugNewNormalMemory leak in SysExecMassimo Del Fedele01/28/2014 08:30 AMMiroslav Fidler
788BugNewNormalide: Gdb_MI2 Weird issue with long stringsMassimo Del Fedele06/09/2014 06:55 PMMiroslav Fidler

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