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Skylark configuration




struct SkylarkSessionConfig

Structure that groups session configuration parameters.


Public Member List


String cookie

The name of session cookie. Default value is loaded from "session_cookie" .ini parameter, which defaults to "__skylark_session_cookie__".



String dir

Directory used to store Skylark sessions. Skylark sessions are stored either in SQL table or in this directory. If table parameter is not empty, SQL table is used, otherwise sessions are stored in dir. Default value is loaded from "session_dir" .ini parameter, which defaults to ConfigFile("session").



int format

Format used to store sessions. Can be "JSON", "XML" or "BINARY". Default value is loaded from "session_format" .ini parameter, which defaults to "BINARY".



SqlId data_column

SQL table column used to store session. It has to be of "CLOB" format (able to store text of any length). Default value is loaded from "session_data_column" .ini parameter, which defaults to "DATA".



SqlId id_column

SQL table column used as session ID primary key, which is UUID based String. Columns should be able to store at least 32 characters. Default value is loaded from "session_id_column" .ini parameter, which defaults to "ID".



SqlId lastwrite_column

SQL table column used to store last-write time of session. Column must be able to store Time type. Default value is loaded from "session_lastwrite_column" .ini parameter, which defaults to "LASTWRITE".



SqlId table

The name of SQL table used to store sessions. If not empty, sessions are stored into SQL database rather than to filesystem. Default value is loaded from "session_table" .ini parameter, which defaults to empty string (and thus default is to store sessions to filesystem).



int expire

Number of seconds after which Skylark session expires and can be deleted. Default value is loaded from "session_expire" .ini parameter, which defaults to 3600 * 24 * 365, one year.





struct SkylarkConfig

Structure groups Skylark configuration parameters.



Public Member List


String root

Application root URL directory.



String path

Set of directories, separated by ';', used when searching for static files, e.g. witz templates. Default value is loaded from "path" .ini parameter, which defaults to "UPP_ASSEMBLY__" environment variable which is set by theide when starting application to current assembly - that way in debug mode, static files can be referred the same way as include files (of other packages) - "package_name/filename.witz".



SkylarkSessionConfig session

Skylark session parameters. See above...



int threads

Number of handler threads in each Skylark process. Traditionally, the advantage of threads over spawning more processes is that threads can share (cached) data, disadvantage is that single thread crashing takes down the whole process (and thus possibly several requests being processed). Default value is loaded from "threads" .ini parameter, which defaults to 3 * number_of_logical_CPU cores + 1.



int port

TCP/IP port of Skylark application. Skylark automatically detects SCGI and plain HTTP requests and replies accordingly. Default value is loaded from "port" .ini parameter, which defaults to 8001.



String ip

Allows to specify the IP address Skylark listens on. Default is empty which makes Skylark listen on the default port.



int prefork

Number of processes spawned to handle requests. Master process maintains this number of running processes, spawning additional ones in case that child process terminate or abort. Zero means that main process handles HTTP requests directly. Default value is loaded from "prefork" .ini parameter, which defaults to 1 in release mode (so that main process acts basically as watchdog) and 0 in debug mode (it is easier to debug just one process).



int timeout

Maximum processing time in seconds of single HTTP request before aborting the handler process. Zero means that there is no timeout.  Default value is loaded from "timeout" .ini parameter, which defaults to 300 seconds in release and zero (no timeout) in debug mode.



bool use_caching

If true, various things are cached, most importantly compiled witz templates. Default value is loaded from "use_caching" .ini parameter, which defaults to true in release mode and false in debug mode.


Last edit by cxl on 12/02/2017. Do you want to contribute?. T++