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Subversion Install and Permissions


Table of contents


1. Subversion Install

2. Upload Permissions

3. Generating patch

4. Mirrors


1. Subversion Install

Upp project and Bazaar packages are hosted in Upp hosting system and latest releases are available through Subversion. This is an Open Source version control system.

So first of all you will have to install a Subversion (SVN) client like TortoiseSVN, SmartSVN, SlikSVN, kdesvn or just an "apt install subversion" in Linux. Be sure that in Windows the svn client is in PATH environment variable although this is usually done by installer.

2. Upload Permissions

Well. You have svn installed so that you could get the latest source code from official repository with just this command line:


svn checkout svn://www.ultimatepp.org/upp/trunk/ my-upp


To get upload permissions you will have to send a post to Forum/Bazaar, explain as much details as possible about your project and ask for permission to upload it to Bazaar.

If the project is accepted (as usual), Upp administrator will contact you and give you the address where you have to upload your new package, username (your Upp Forum nick) and password.

However, if you are not interested in creating your own package and you want to help in U++ development throw writing documentation or new features for TheIDE. Please contact Upp administrator directly.

For example, if the svn base address is "svn://", you should have to upload your package to "svn://".

Please do not put spaces in your package name. You also should take care to not modify others packages (you may have write access to them too).

When you commit (upload to svn server) the changes do not forget to enter a comment following this format:


"My_Cool_Package: First release"




"My_Cool_Package: Added X an Y. Fixed bug Z"


You can monitor that your changes are correctly commited by observing following site: https://github.com/ultimatepp/mirror/commits/master.

And do not put many different features into a single commit. It is better to separate them if they do different things.

3. Generating patch

Sometimes you need to deliver patch for the whole library, but you don't have permission to commit. In this case it is good to consider generating a diff file that can be easily applied by U++ developer.

At the beginning, we need to move to the directory that holds U++ sources tracked by subversion. Next, we will generate the diff file. At command line described history looks like this:


cd ~/upp/uppsrc

svn diff > ../MyAwsomeUppPath.diff


In the above scenario the diff file will be stored in ~/upp directory. Now, all you need to do is post your patch.

4. Mirrors

Besides the official U++ official repository there are following mirrors:


svn checkout "https://github.com/ultimatepp/mirror" my-upp-mirror


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