Task #239

Optimize IDE on big projects

Added by Massimo Del Fedele over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:01/23/2012
Priority:ImmediateDue date:
Assignee:Miroslav Fidler% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


On my project, around 8000+ files from statistics, theide is unusable slow on VMWare and VirtualBox both running windows XP,
so slow even checking a fully built app that I had to terminate the application.
On wine, I could build and run, but still very slow.
I've no real machine to test it.
The application uses the OCE bazaar packages and my UppCad Package.



#1 Updated by Jan DolinĂ¡r over 12 years ago

I remember having similar problems in past... The most time was taken by the progress bars when opening theide, there is a lot of repaints. For testing in virtualized environments, using umk could be a solution (until you need to debug), but fixing the speed of opening would be much better.

#2 Updated by Massimo Del Fedele over 12 years ago

Hi Jan,

besides of opening, which is slow but acceptable, the main problem is on building; the time needed (I guess...) to check what needs to be rebuild becomes too long when project has many files.
I think umk won't solve the problem either, and I need the debugger anyways, otherwise I could pre-compile as libs some parts o my code instead of adding it as a package.

#3 Updated by Miroslav Fidler over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Speed is OK on real HW, so I guess we are not here to fix VM behaviour...

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