Feature #32

svn log filter to do almost automatic announcement texts

Added by Iñaki Zabala over 13 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:02/17/2011
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:Iñaki Zabala% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Actually to prepare announcement texts is very annoying: hundreds of messages to filter.

The proposal is to do a program (or adding uppweb this feature) to do automatically the announcement text, to be filtered by a human before releasing it.

The tasks would be:
- To define and agree a svn log format
- To modify TheIDE to add in svn menu the options to fill the log format automatically
- To do a program (or adding to uppweb) to filter svn messages from last release and to prepare announcement prepared to follow different formats (Google, SF, FreshMeat, U++).

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