Bug #666

Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend

Added by Massimo Del Fedele over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:01/26/2014
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Miroslav Fidler% Done:


Category:CtrlCoreSpent time:-
Target version:-


Since introduction of GTK backend, the DHCtrl control (in GTK) is simply
a Ctrl alias.
I'd need access to underlying X11 window object in order to embed
an OpenCascade window there.
Now it's only possible in windows and in X11 backends, not in GTK one.

The best would be to add a protected function GetHWND() to Ctrl, returning Null for non-windowes controls
and the window handle for windowed ones, and make it public in DHCtrl.


#1 Updated by Miroslav Fidler over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready for QA
  • Assignee changed from Miroslav Fidler to Massimo Del Fedele

I am somewhat reluctant to provide this: move to GTK was primarily intended to isolate us from X11, so that when e.g. wayland takes over, we are safe. Or perhaps to support more platforms.

I think you should rather use

class Ctrl {
    GdkWindow *gdk() const { return top ? top->window->window : NULL; }
    GtkWindow *gtk() const { return top ? (GtkWindow *)top->window : NULL; }

and then use gdk/gtk functions to retrieve X11 handle (possible with #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11).

#2 Updated by Massimo Del Fedele over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Massimo Del Fedele to Miroslav Fidler

Any solution for me is good, as long as I can get the platform window handle for a DHCtrl.
I'm creating an OpenCascade control and it needs a windowed control and its handle.

IMHO, the best would be to provide the handle from inside DHCtrl with a protected function, so when you
adds new platform you just have to provide this function for new platforms and the rest stays almost
platform-independent, but any way will do the trick for me.

If you add it in some way, I'll adapt my code.

#3 Updated by Miroslav Fidler over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready for QA to Rejected
  • Assignee changed from Miroslav Fidler to Massimo Del Fedele

Well, what I wanted to say is that for GTK backend the apparent handle is not X11 id, but GtkWindow * (or GdkWindow *)....

I am not quite sure whether creating something like

void *GetWindowHandle();

is a good idea - I think you would still have to provide platform specific code (plus it is not quite defined which one of 3 possible handles it should return for GTK/X11).

#4 Updated by Massimo Del Fedele over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Massimo Del Fedele to Miroslav Fidler


I tested with gtk() and gdk() functions, but they return NULL.
I guess (just lurked a bit inside your code...) because DHCtrl, in GTK mode, is simply an alias of Ctrl which don't get a window (aka top==NULL).

I think that DHCtrl should be a windowed control as in win32 and x11 mode, otherwise it becomes useless.
And I think, once it's windowed, it could contain a member function to get its handle.
The latter isn't mandatory, of course, but why have a DHCtrl then, if there's no access need to plaform-dependent window ?

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