
From 05/30/2013 to 06/28/2013


10:08 AM Feature #487 (Approved): Integrate XmlView with theide
Miroslav Fidler


11:20 PM Feature #482 (Approved): TcpSocket should be able to listen on specific IP
Thanks for including and improving the patches. Works fine, just one little detail - I believe the line 191 in Skylar... Jan Dolinár
11:20 PM Feature #482 (Approved): TcpSocket should be able to listen on specific IP
Thanks for including and improving the patches. Works fine, just one little detail - I believe the line 191 in Skylar... Jan Dolinár


01:48 PM Bug #486 (Approved): Menubar color Miroslav Fidler
01:44 PM Bug #485 (Approved): Linux issues - font bold weight, scrollbar artifacts Miroslav Fidler


12:26 PM Bug #484 (Approved): Automated sorting of layout items (based on graphical position) in layout de...
Miroslav Fidler
11:20 AM Bug #472 (Approved): Fix docking widget
Miroslav Fidler
09:31 AM Bug #481 (Approved): SVN current package problem
Miroslav Fidler
09:30 AM Feature #482 (Ready for QA): TcpSocket should be able to listen on specific IP
Added variant with IpAddrInfo as first parameter of Listen and also docs.. Miroslav Fidler
09:30 AM Feature #482 (Ready for QA): TcpSocket should be able to listen on specific IP
Added variant with IpAddrInfo as first parameter of Listen and also docs.. Miroslav Fidler


10:49 AM Feature #353: Add support for VC2012
Since, this feature is not complete (as people "said":/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=7045&goto=40064#msg_40064 on the foru... Sender Ghost


01:04 AM Feature #353: Add support for VC2012
There are also "arm" SDK subdirectories (along with "x64" and "x86"), but I'm not sure about them. Sender Ghost
12:17 AM Feature #353 (Patch ready): Add support for VC2012
I created second patch, which corrects include and library directories. Sender Ghost
12:17 AM Feature #353 (Patch ready): Add support for VC2012
I created second patch, which corrects include and library directories. Sender Ghost
12:17 AM Feature #353 (Patch ready): Add support for VC2012
I created second patch, which corrects include and library directories. Sender Ghost


10:33 AM Feature #483 (Rejected): Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
Overall, while I see this feature interesting, I think, that "Ctrl::NoLayoutZoom":/redmine/projects/upp/repository/re... Sender Ghost
10:33 AM Feature #483 (Rejected): Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
Overall, while I see this feature interesting, I think, that "Ctrl::NoLayoutZoom":/redmine/projects/upp/repository/re... Sender Ghost
10:30 AM Feature #483: Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
The next parts are "zoomable":/redmine/projects/upp/repository/revisions/3456/entry/trunk/uppsrc/CtrlCore/lay.h#L17 l... Sender Ghost


02:54 PM Feature #483: Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
Seems like, the proposed patch is just a part of other changes for full support of mentioned feature. Sender Ghost
11:07 AM Feature #483: Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
Personally, I see the problems with font sizes, zoomed layout size, overlapping widgets (in case of mixing zoomed and... Sender Ghost
09:27 AM Feature #483 (Rejected): Ide (LayDes): Zoomable and not zoomable layout items
There is a possibility to use not zoomed logical positions for layout items. By default, they are zoomable.
I propos...
Sender Ghost
07:53 AM Bug #481 (Ready for CR): SVN current package problem
Here is a second version of the patch. The issue with synchronize all should be fixed. Also, there was a bug causing ... Jan Dolinár
07:53 AM Bug #481 (Ready for CR): SVN current package problem
Here is a second version of the patch. The issue with synchronize all should be fixed. Also, there was a bug causing ... Jan Dolinár
07:53 AM Bug #481 (Ready for CR): SVN current package problem
Here is a second version of the patch. The issue with synchronize all should be fixed. Also, there was a bug causing ... Jan Dolinár
07:53 AM Bug #481 (Ready for CR): SVN current package problem
Here is a second version of the patch. The issue with synchronize all should be fixed. Also, there was a bug causing ... Jan Dolinár


09:18 PM Feature #482 (Approved): TcpSocket should be able to listen on specific IP
TcpSocket::Listen should take optional parameter that would allow it to listen on specific IP address, e.g. only on l... Jan Dolinár

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