
From 03/14/2015 to 04/12/2015


01:03 PM Bug #1041: TheIDE - "Failed to start application" dialog should escape ide debuging mode
It seems I missed some information. First of all is file information (ide/Debuggers - Gdb_MI2.cpp - line 141). And o... Zbigniew Rebacz


09:51 PM Bug #1041 (Patch ready): TheIDE - "Failed to start application" dialog should escape ide debuging...
Zbigniew Rebacz
09:49 PM Bug #1041: TheIDE - "Failed to start application" dialog should escape ide debuging mode
It seems that it is Gdb_MI2 related problem. The solution is relatively easy:... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:08 PM Bug #1041 (Approved): TheIDE - "Failed to start application" dialog should escape ide debuging mode
If dialog "Failed to start application" occures it should close ide debuger interface.
Quite annoying ;)
Zbigniew Rebacz


03:10 PM Bug #1040 (New): ide: Check theide CPU activity while building
Miroslav Fidler
01:05 PM Bug #1039 (New): ide: Replace in block shows progress indicator for small (1000 lines) block
Miroslav Fidler


01:25 PM Feature #1038 (Approved): Build methods dialog should change language name
Even if builder support language other that "C++" in build method dialogue there is always "Common C++/C options".
Zbigniew Rebacz


02:26 PM Feature #1037 (Approved): F4 should skip lines without line number in errors pane
Miroslav Fidler


09:35 AM Bug #1036 (Approved): Consecutive HTTP requests problem Miroslav Fidler


01:04 PM Feature #1035 (Approved): ide: Assist popup height should be always max (because one can shorted ID)
Miroslav Fidler
01:04 PM Bug #1034 (Rejected): ide: Pressing ctrl+comma crashed
Miroslav Fidler


04:15 PM Bug #1033 (New): jsonrpc seems to have problem with Null Date
Miroslav Fidler


02:33 PM Feature #1032 (Approved): Go back/forward enable option in file menubar
Go back/forward operation can be easily check... Below is exemplary implementation (ide/idebar.cpp - line 73):
Zbigniew Rebacz
02:21 PM Bug #1031: Show/hide workspace should use menu check box
... Zbigniew Rebacz
02:21 PM Bug #1031 (Approved): Show/hide workspace should use menu check box
It seems that this option doesn’t have menu check box.
For more information please see idebar.cpp (line 88).
Zbigniew Rebacz
01:56 PM Bug #1030: "View as hex" can led to confusion
Next bug:
- open any cpp file.
- view as binary
- in hex viewer use edit as text (Ctrl+T)
- open edit menubar
Zbigniew Rebacz
01:53 PM Bug #1030 (Rejected): "View as hex" can led to confusion
The problem with "View as hex" entry in edit menu:
- missing separator when file type doesn’t support designer
- vi...
Zbigniew Rebacz


11:07 PM Feature #1029 (Approved): Add IDE common java support
It seems that java is not fully support by IDE common...
Should I only keep changes like this in my branch o...
Zbigniew Rebacz


10:16 PM Feature #1028 (Approved): Function-like templates
Several times lately, I found myself in a situation when I needed to render similar code in witz template multiple ti... Jan Dolinár
02:32 PM Bug #1027 (Approved): DropList pop up dosen't work
It seems that DropList dosen't invoke pop-up when element is longer than DropList area.
Tested on GTK backend.
Zbigniew Rebacz


03:24 PM Bug #1013 (Approved): RichEdit copy of whole complex text fails
Miroslav Fidler
02:03 PM Feature #1024 (Patch ready): New icon for cut, undo & redo
Can we use red cut instead of blue? Zbigniew Rebacz
01:19 PM Feature #1024: New icon for cut, undo & redo
I have replace 'cut', but I find current undo/redo more... Miroslav Fidler
09:59 AM Feature #1026 (Approved): Move SVN mirror to
Miroslav Fidler
09:59 AM Feature #1025 (Approved): Add SILK icon set author acknowledgement
Miroslav Fidler


10:42 PM Feature #1024 (Approved): New icon for cut, undo & redo
I think we forget to change this icon to more modern in latest release.
This icons are basing on http://www.famfam...
Zbigniew Rebacz
11:56 AM Bug #1023 (New): Check MI2 Miroslav Fidler
09:53 AM Feature #1022 (New): TextCtrl: UndoBuffer limit, consider compression (lz4)
Miroslav Fidler


09:02 AM Bug #1021 (New): Add bgp
Miroslav Fidler
07:31 AM Feature #1020 (New): ArrayCtrl ColumnCtrl Miroslav Fidler


07:56 PM Bug #1019 (Approved): ide: Wildcard search "Array%<*\*>" fails to recognize \*
Miroslav Fidler
02:28 PM Bug #1019 (Approved): ide: Wildcard search "Array%<*\*>" fails to recognize \*
Miroslav Fidler


09:26 AM Bug #1017 (Approved): EditText: 2GB limit should be respected
Miroslav Fidler


12:37 PM Bug #1018 (Approved): Assist++ bug
does not list matching global functions..
Miroslav Fidler


08:50 AM Bug #995 (Patch ready): Synchronize controls after SetValues
Daniel Kos


02:02 PM Bug #1017 (Approved): EditText: 2GB limit should be respected
(should not crash...) Miroslav Fidler


01:29 PM Bug #1015 (Approved): Xmlize nulls
Miroslav Fidler
12:51 PM Bug #1015 (Approved): Xmlize nulls Miroslav Fidler
01:20 PM Bug #1016 (Rejected): Xmlize nulls
Miroslav Fidler
01:04 PM Bug #1016 (Rejected): Xmlize nulls Miroslav Fidler


03:06 PM Feature #299 (Rejected): Refactor hexview
Miroslav Fidler
12:51 PM Bug #1014 (New): ide: CdbHexView SetTotal should respect Win64
Miroslav Fidler


07:53 PM Feature #770 (Approved): theide LF/CRLF mode should be visible, editable
Miroslav Fidler
07:31 PM Feature #214 (Approved): Painter: Stroke Preclip
Miroslav Fidler
07:30 PM Feature #358 (Rejected): Value mode block that throws instead of asserts in case of type error
Miroslav Fidler
06:06 PM Feature #1012 (Approved): ide: error list could show error possition, when available
Miroslav Fidler

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