
From 09/24/2015 to 10/23/2015


08:57 PM Feature #1304 (Approved): AndroidBuilder should be able to compile Core
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:53 PM Bug #1303 (New): Improve Android Builder output
Current layout doesn’t look good. Here is example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:47 PM Bug #1175: umk: Fix for android builder
Output for terminal:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz


12:14 AM Bug #1298 (Rejected): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
It seems it happends the way that i don't remember. I reject this. Zbigniew Rebacz
11:37 PM Bug #1298 (In Progress): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
feature is disabled for .diff for quite a long time now, see idefile.cpp 36:... Miroslav Fidler
11:37 PM Bug #1298 (In Progress): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
feature is disabled for .diff for quite a long time now, see idefile.cpp 36:... Miroslav Fidler
11:49 PM Bug #1301 (In Progress): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Unable to reproduce. Video? Miroslav Fidler
11:49 PM Bug #1301 (In Progress): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Unable to reproduce. Video? Miroslav Fidler
10:33 PM Bug #1301: Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
You can test it with "B (Bold)" button in TopicEditor. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:32 PM Bug #1301 (Approved): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
1. Start clicking on button that has got "Check" option in toolbar. After several clicks (two or more) it starts caus... Zbigniew Rebacz
11:34 PM Feature #1302 (Patch ready): RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
Zbigniew Rebacz
11:33 PM Feature #1302: RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
In the future TheIDE topic editor needs also this improvement. Zbigniew Rebacz
11:33 PM Feature #1302 (Patch ready): RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
Now nonprintable characters are shown by default. You can turn it off by using "wrench" button on the right side of r... Zbigniew Rebacz
04:01 PM Bug #1300 (Approved): cpp: Missing function in assist
void GetProductSaleSinceTill(int product_sale_id, Date& since, Date& till)
Miroslav Fidler
07:57 AM Bug #1299 (Rejected): ide: MINGW - need to add includes to std::
Miroslav Fidler


05:10 PM Bug #1297 (Approved): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:17 PM Bug #1297 (Ready for QA): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
better now? Miroslav Fidler
04:17 PM Bug #1297 (Ready for QA): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
better now? Miroslav Fidler
08:07 AM Bug #1299 (Rejected): ide: MINGW - need to add includes to std::
Miroslav Fidler


10:34 PM Bug #1298 (Rejected): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
This feature cause problems in this kind of files.
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:09 PM Bug #1297: Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Screenshot added. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:33 AM Bug #1297: Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Host? (Linux/KDE?)
Miroslav Fidler
09:04 PM Bug #1296 (Approved): Deleting current build method cause crash
Miroslav Fidler


11:33 PM Bug #1297 (Approved): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
I think the default CodeEditor size is too big in compare to what was previous. On the other hand, it is significant ... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:02 PM Bug #1296: Deleting current build method cause crash
Switching to affected package - cause permanent crash! Zbigniew Rebacz
07:59 PM Bug #1296 (Approved): Deleting current build method cause crash
1. Create build method for example "GCC2".
2. Switch to GCC2 inside project.
3. Open build methods dialog.
4. Dele...
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:10 PM Bug #1295 (Approved): ide/install: mingw32-openssl, consider mingw64
Miroslav Fidler


11:27 AM Bug #1287 (Approved): Ide crash during debugging in help window
Miroslav Fidler


06:42 PM Bug #1027 (Approved): DropList pop up dosen't work
On X11 works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:53 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
Well, it was just explicitly disabled. I hope enabling it will not cause any problems... (esp. in X11) Miroslav Fidler
01:53 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
Well, it was just explicitly disabled. I hope enabling it will not cause any problems... (esp. in X11) Miroslav Fidler
02:59 PM Bug #1294 (Approved): cpp: Assist++ now working (maybe, check)
void DisplayPopup::Cancel()
Vector<Ctrl *> h = GetTopCtrls();
for(int i = 0; i < h.GetCo...
Miroslav Fidler


08:42 PM Bug #1293 (New): GLCtrl dosen't recive key events
Tested on X11. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:35 PM Feature #1026: Move SVN mirror to
Brows svn just jump to googlecode. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:35 PM Feature #1026: Move SVN mirror to
Where can I find it? Can you change urls on site? Zbigniew Rebacz


11:55 PM Bug #1292 (Approved): ide: High memory consumption
Miroslav Fidler
01:43 PM Bug #1292 (Approved): ide: High memory consumption
Miroslav Fidler


09:16 AM Bug #1042 (Approved): Increase /STACKSIZE for MSC builder
Miroslav Fidler
09:16 AM Bug #1291 (Approved): ide: Environment setting tabs should react immediatelly, "grouping" does no...
Miroslav Fidler


04:35 PM Bug #1290 (Approved): ide: Parameter highlight broken with ',' constant
Vector<String> s = GetCsvLine(in, ',', CHARSET_UTF8)
(interprets ',' as argument separating comma)
Miroslav Fidler
02:19 PM Feature #1288 (Approved): .tpp and help should have active designer icon only in ide toolbar
Miroslav Fidler
08:49 AM Bug #1289 (Approved): ide: Fix about dialog (for ubuntu)
Miroslav Fidler


10:12 PM Feature #1288 (Approved): .tpp and help should have active designer icon only in ide toolbar
Now .tpp edito disable all icons, i think it wold be nice to have it enable. It can help a little bit in problems des... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:09 PM Bug #1287: Ide crash during debugging in help window
Probably it will also crash .tpp files as well. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:09 PM Bug #1287 (Approved): Ide crash during debugging in help window
1. Open help (Press F1)
2. Run debug (F5)
3. Change to other file via tabs in ide
4. Back to help tab
Zbigniew Rebacz
02:27 PM Bug #948 (Rejected): Add/check support for MSVC12
Miroslav Fidler
02:27 PM Feature #1026 (Approved): Move SVN mirror to
Miroslav Fidler
02:21 PM Bug #1209 (Approved): IDE compilation error with MSC12 related to precompile headers
Miroslav Fidler


11:22 PM Bug #1258 (Approved): std::vector dosen't work with AndroidBuilder assist++
Miroslav Fidler
10:51 PM Bug #1286 (New): cpp: Fix remaining issue gcc 4.9
template<typename _Alloc2, typename _Tp2>
static constexpr true_type
_S_chk(typename _Alloc2::template rebi...
Miroslav Fidler


01:40 PM Bug #1192 (Approved): cpp: Adding external #include (e.g. <vector>) does not cause parsing on ass...
Miroslav Fidler


01:18 PM Feature #1285 (New): CtrlLib: FileSel could perform reload on Activate
Miroslav Fidler


09:10 PM Bug #1251 (Approved): Problem with formatting code
Miroslav Fidler
08:33 PM Feature #1284: OpenGL 3 support
OK. Miroslav Fidler
03:48 PM Feature #1284: OpenGL 3 support
I think this patch is too radical. It means that some thing can stop working like windows scaling in GLDraw. It happe... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:19 AM Feature #1284 (New): OpenGL 3 support Miroslav Fidler
08:31 PM Feature #984 (Approved): CodeEditor features
Miroslav Fidler


12:04 PM Bug #1283 (Rejected): RichText/QTF: {{*1:1 does not work, {{1:1* does, why?
(it works according to docs...) Miroslav Fidler


02:26 PM Bug #1283 (Rejected): RichText/QTF: {{*1:1 does not work, {{1:1* does, why?
Miroslav Fidler


09:42 PM Bug #824 (Approved): ide: Find&Replace history does not work very well...
Miroslav Fidler
07:23 PM Bug #1282 (Approved): Help Topics shouldn't have view as text and view as binary option
Miroslav Fidler
03:04 PM Bug #1282 (Approved): Help Topics shouldn't have view as text and view as binary option
Hex is empty and text is empty, so it can lead to confusion. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:07 PM Bug #1274 (Approved): Ide: Read-Only does not work well in Linux
Miroslav Fidler
03:25 PM Task #1278 (Approved): Upgrade theide on uppbox
Miroslav Fidler
02:14 PM Feature #1148 (Approved): ide: When cpp finalized, remove CLOGs....
Miroslav Fidler
02:14 PM Bug #1280 (Approved): assist: Alt+I on method not declared should go to class
Miroslav Fidler
08:05 AM Feature #1266 (Approved): Finalize UHD
Miroslav Fidler


04:12 PM Bug #1276 (Approved): cpp: Assist++ error
Miroslav Fidler
07:36 AM Bug #1281 (Approved): ide: Layout designer: Wron textsize calculation with "unknown" class
Miroslav Fidler


10:21 AM Bug #1281 (Approved): ide: Layout designer: Wron textsize calculation with "unknown" class
Miroslav Fidler


10:01 AM Bug #1280 (Approved): assist: Alt+I on method not declared should go to class
Used to work, does not anymore...
Miroslav Fidler


04:06 PM Feature #1279 (New): In comment link detection
Sometimes i want to comment my code with url. I think it would be nice that i can click on it and open webbrowser. By... Zbigniew Rebacz
12:32 PM Task #1278 (Approved): Upgrade theide on uppbox
Please upgrade theide on the machine that produces nightly builds. I fixed some trouble in the code generating makefi... Jan Dolinár


04:00 PM Bug #1270 (Approved): UMK output with information can be more readable
Miroslav Fidler
03:53 PM Feature #1275 (Approved): ide usvn: avoid svn clicks on list
Miroslav Fidler


02:03 PM Bug #1277 (Approved): ide: log Highlight some more words - ok, status, success
Miroslav Fidler


10:53 AM Bug #1277 (Approved): ide: log Highlight some more words - ok, status, success
Miroslav Fidler
10:42 AM Bug #1276 (Approved): cpp: Assist++ error
NosCore/res.icpp 223
ValueMap m = ResourceCache::The().GetAttrs(id, variant_id);
No jump on GetAttrs
Miroslav Fidler

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