
From 12/27/2015 to 01/25/2016


09:21 PM Bug #1372: TheIDE fails to compile with NOGTK flag
Thanks for information. It is my fault. We can change None. I will make complex patch that allows identation insert i... Zbigniew Rebacz
03:12 PM Bug #1373 (New): Problem with string and parenthesis Miroslav Fidler


10:05 PM Bug #1372: TheIDE fails to compile with NOGTK flag
Ok, so it has nothing to do with namespaces... The problem is 'None' in PythonSyntax::Identation::Type. There is macr... Jan Dolinár
08:01 AM Bug #1372 (Approved): TheIDE fails to compile with NOGTK flag
It seems to be some issue with Upp namespace. See full buildlog here: Jan Dolinár


09:11 AM Bug #1371: assist++ not working
Was caused by untermintated string literal (csv header). But perhaps we could recover after that... Miroslav Fidler
09:08 AM Bug #1371 (New): assist++ not working
Payment *p
C:\u\nos\trunk\NosCore\AwaitsPayment.cpp 42
Miroslav Fidler


02:44 PM Bug #1350 (Approved): ide: error dialog should offer option to copy error to clipboard
Miroslav Fidler
02:43 PM Bug #1359 (Approved): MINGW64 .rc issue
Miroslav Fidler
09:59 AM Bug #1368 (Approved): ide: Optimize console output
Miroslav Fidler


08:13 AM Bug #1365 (Approved): PHP highlighting problem
Miroslav Fidler
07:47 AM Feature #1369 (Approved): Optimize String::LCompare
Miroslav Fidler


10:23 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Forum disscusion url: Zbigniew Rebacz
10:21 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Instead of CTRL + F5 should be F5 Zbigniew Rebacz
10:19 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Tested on Windows 10. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:19 PM Bug #1370 (Approved): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
1. Swith to Mingw build method.
2. Start debugin (CTRL + F5)
3. Result: no output
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:03 AM Task #1361 (Approved): Android manifest generation in upt should have tab indentations
Miroslav Fidler
07:51 AM Bug #1357 (Approved): Alt+L shall do GoBack when the log file is opened (patch included)
Miroslav Fidler


12:55 PM Bug #1367 (Approved): Problem with top-level menu
Miroslav Fidler
12:54 PM Feature #1358 (Approved): Optimize memory allocator: ideas
Miroslav Fidler


01:32 PM Feature #1369 (Approved): Optimize String::LCompare
Miroslav Fidler
07:47 AM Bug #1368 (Approved): ide: Optimize console output Miroslav Fidler


09:15 AM Bug #1367 (Approved): Problem with top-level menu Miroslav Fidler


01:13 PM Feature #1366 (Approved): Add gtest to bazzar
Nice unit test framework. Zbigniew Rebacz


11:35 AM Bug #1365 (Approved): PHP highlighting problem
... Miroslav Fidler


04:52 PM Bug #1364 (New): Problem with opening main package Miroslav Fidler


04:58 PM Bug #1363 (New): Run options per main package/flag
Currently we have got problems with web packages - ide should open app site.
Moreover we can have package that is ...
Zbigniew Rebacz

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