
From 11/01/2017 to 11/30/2017


09:04 AM Bug #1634 (Approved): Painter::PreClip does not work
Miroslav Fidler


06:29 PM Bug #1810 (Approved): Check websocket issues
Miroslav Fidler


11:09 AM Bug #1811 (In Progress): Font scaling breaks auto-complete popup placemen
Seems the problem is not eliminated in 100% percent - please read the feedback on the forum. Zbigniew Rebacz


06:40 PM Bug #1807 (Approved): Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
Zbigniew Rebacz


12:57 AM Bug #1701 (Approved): Thread::GetCurrentThreadId() is not detected by the assist
Yes it works - i tested it 7 months ago and it doesn't work, so something should fix it. Zbigniew Rebacz
09:03 AM Bug #1701: Thread::GetCurrentThreadId() is not detected by the assist
There is no such method as
There exists
which seems t...
Miroslav Fidler
10:19 AM Feature #1813 (New): Report a bug - improve
Improve logs, send last log
Make full info a part of log (compiler, host platform etc...)
Maybe even send email
Miroslav Fidler
10:13 AM Bug #1812 (Approved): Check makefile issues Miroslav Fidler
09:04 AM Bug #1811 (Ready for QA): Font scaling breaks auto-complete popup placemen
Miroslav Fidler


09:19 AM Bug #1795 (Rejected): TCtrlLib folder is not in .7z nightly builds package
Miroslav Fidler


12:47 AM Bug #1811 (Approved): Font scaling breaks auto-complete popup placemen - it seems that this is CtrLib or CtrlCore pr... Zbigniew Rebacz
11:07 PM Bug #1810 (Approved): Check websocket issues
Miroslav Fidler
11:33 AM Feature #1782 (Rejected): Custom literal for upp string
This is nonsense. Do not believe Sutter, he is wrong.
String foo = "Something";
auto foo = "Something"S;
Miroslav Fidler
11:30 AM Bug #1807 (Ready for QA): Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
Hopefully fixed Miroslav Fidler
11:30 AM Bug #1807 (Ready for QA): Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
Hopefully fixed Miroslav Fidler


06:42 PM Feature #1809 (Approved): Ide should be able to display it's own log file from the user interface...
For better and easiest diagnostic IDE should provide easy way to display it's own log file.
Sometimes the issue ha...
Zbigniew Rebacz
06:38 PM Task #1628: Update libraries
Can we close this issue? I see you updated several libraries? Zbigniew Rebacz
06:38 PM Task #1628: Update libraries
Can we close this issue? I see you updated several libraries? Zbigniew Rebacz
06:38 PM Task #1628: Update libraries
Can we close this issue? I see you updated several libraries? Zbigniew Rebacz
08:01 AM Bug #1805 (Rejected): Core: The Clang 3.4 compiler supports std::decay_t template with using -std...
This issue rejected, because Async was rewritten in C++11 (in "11446": Sender Ghost
08:01 AM Bug #1805 (Rejected): Core: The Clang 3.4 compiler supports std::decay_t template with using -std...
This issue rejected, because Async was rewritten in C++11 (in "11446": Sender Ghost


11:44 PM Bug #1807: Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
The second GDB interface crash ide completely :( Zbigniew Rebacz
11:02 PM Bug #1807: Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
GDB output:... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:26 AM Bug #1807: Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
Please check with verbose mode active. That should display GDB communication protocol.
Alternatively, check with '...
Miroslav Fidler


10:53 AM Bug #1806 (Approved): Navigator is not synchronized on startupr (Editor Mode)
Zbigniew Rebacz


12:52 AM Bug #1805: Core: The Clang 3.4 compiler supports std::decay_t template with using -std=c++1y and ...
This was tested on FreeBSD 10.3 amd64 and Clang 3.4.1 in base (with using -std=c++1y instead of -std=c++14) for examp... Sender Ghost
12:12 AM Bug #1805 (Rejected): Core: The Clang 3.4 compiler supports std::decay_t template with using -std...
The "11438": revision added restr... Sender Ghost
12:48 AM Bug #1807 (Approved): Debugging close the debuggable process (Standard - GDB interface)
The debugger quality is bad and it should be improved. We can not tolerate that it close the application when breakpo... Zbigniew Rebacz
12:22 AM Bug #1806 (Approved): Navigator is not synchronized on startupr (Editor Mode)
1. Turn on navigator in ide mode
2. Open file in editor mode
Result: The file is open with navigator.
Expected r...
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:28 PM Bug #1640: Assist++ doesen't recongize static methods in class
Should be fixed in 2017.2. Zbigniew Rebacz

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