
From 03/05/2018 to 04/03/2018


09:54 PM Bug #1861: ide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlighting
Should it be back ported to 2018.1? Zbigniew Rebacz
09:54 PM Bug #1861: ide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlighting
Should it be back ported to 2018.1? Zbigniew Rebacz
09:54 PM Bug #1861: ide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlighting
Should it be back ported to 2018.1? Zbigniew Rebacz
01:21 PM Bug #1861 (New): ide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlighting
Miroslav Fidler


07:50 PM Bug #1860 (New): Copy backtrace of all threads seems to damage thread list
Miroslav Fidler


07:52 PM Bug #1739 (Patch ready): ArrayCtrl: in Multiselect mode, WhenSel is called 5 time each cursor change
Abdelghani Omari
06:51 PM Bug #1858 (Approved): TextCtrl::RemoveSelection shall return false when there is no selection
Test Case:
in a CodeEditor instance, filled with text, do that :
repeat :
- set the cursor with a mouse left clic...
Abdelghani Omari


09:19 PM Feature #1770 (Approved): CodeEditor should support c++11 raw string literal
Zbigniew Rebacz


12:30 PM Feature #1856 (Approved): Abbreviation for FindFile

in order to avoid the wrong use of FindFile, i propose adding abbriviations "ff" and "ffb".
the patch is for the...
Abdelghani Omari
11:49 AM Bug #1855: FormatIntAlpha does not always give the right results.
after more reflections, I propose this new patch : Abdelghani Omari


06:36 PM Bug #1855 (Approved): FormatIntAlpha does not always give the right results.
Test Case:... Abdelghani Omari
06:28 PM Bug #1854 (Approved): CParser::NoSkipComments()
a probleme occure when CParser::NoSkipComments() is called before term initialisation.
here a test case:...
Abdelghani Omari

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