
From 09/28/2018 to 10/27/2018


03:30 PM Bug #1906 (Approved): Fix JPEG orientation EXIF
Miroslav Fidler
03:29 PM Bug #1909 (Approved): plugin/tess2 - should not have mainconfig
Miroslav Fidler


10:38 PM Bug #1910 (Approved): Regression Switch control is rendered horizontally in TheIDE Highlight sett...
I attached the screenshot that shows the problem. In brief, content of switch is rendered outside window.
To solve...
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:27 PM Bug #1909 (Approved): plugin/tess2 - should not have mainconfig
Generally speaking, plugins packages should not have mainconfig. I believe it is added by accident. Here is the diff ... Zbigniew Rebacz


10:54 AM Bug #1908 (Rejected): RichEdit: ImageOp documentation is pretty slow
Miroslav Fidler


10:42 AM Bug #1907 (Approved): Ide: renaming package with subfolder fails ("plugin/tess")
Miroslav Fidler


10:38 AM Bug #1906 (Approved): Fix JPEG orientation EXIF Miroslav Fidler


11:07 AM Bug #1739 (Approved): ArrayCtrl: in Multiselect mode, WhenSel is called 5 time each cursor change
Abdelghani Omari


12:06 PM Feature #1905 (Approved): TheIde/Editor : Add a submenu, diff, between Selected text and Clipbo...
Miroslav Fidler
11:13 AM Feature #1904 (Approved): LocalProcess : add the capability of setting process working directory
thanks, makes sense Miroslav Fidler
10:45 AM Bug #1858 (Approved): TextCtrl::RemoveSelection shall return false when there is no selection
thanks Miroslav Fidler

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