Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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1758FeatureNewNormaldecode / findargMiroslav Fidler06/30/2017 01:25 PMCore
1518FeatureNewNormalBetter main package separationMiroslav Fidler05/01/2017 03:33 PMIDE
1698FeatureNewLowColor pusher should have it's representation in .usc file04/28/2017 09:55 PMCtrlLib
1471FeatureNewNormalImplement 404 site for uppweb04/24/2017 10:38 PMWebsite
1669FeatureNewNormalTabBar should have buttons instead of close button possition detectionDaniel Kos04/02/2017 09:47 PMTabBar
1622FeatureNewNormalLayout designer should have crlf / lf / autodetection logicMiroslav Fidler01/27/2017 08:24 PMIDE
1319FeatureNewNormalide: Some C++ types like size_t could be highlighted...01/25/2017 11:51 PMIDE
318FeatureNewNormalAdd lockless support to Core and allocator01/23/2017 10:34 PMCore
1473FeatureNewNormalDbus support for linuxZbigniew Rebacz01/23/2017 10:12 PMCtrlCore
1596FeatureNewNormalPrinterJob batch mode01/02/2017 10:14 AM
1559FeatureNewNormalSvn history could detect last revision and use local pristine copyMiroslav Fidler10/20/2016 08:48 PMIDE
1489FeatureNewNormalEncodeHTML could support embedded images for simpler operations.07/01/2016 09:49 AM
1470FeatureNewLowHighlight deprecated parameters in [[annotation]]06/11/2016 06:12 PMCodeEditor
1462FeatureNewLowFile Categories should be crated from config file05/29/2016 07:52 PMIDE
1433FeatureNewNormalSyntax highlight for Objective-CZbigniew Rebacz04/26/2016 10:49 PMCodeEditor
1428FeatureNewNormalSVN Synchronize: option to disable nest04/24/2016 11:48 AM
1420FeatureNewNormalide: Find pane should resize search fields04/20/2016 10:30 AM
1400FeatureNewNormalCombine Navigator and HelpMiroslav Fidler03/31/2016 05:10 PMIDE
1390FeatureNewNormalChange Win32 OpenSSL library03/01/2016 09:13 AM
1333FeatureNewNormalcpp: Way to handle with special includes (e.g. like Rights.i)11/11/2015 01:24 PM
1332FeatureNewNormalcpp: Body resume11/11/2015 01:01 PM
1323FeatureNewNormalide: Number of columns could be per-file setting (just like tabs)Miroslav Fidler11/04/2015 08:18 AMIDE
1318FeatureNewNormalide: Clicking on tree pointer could move memory pane10/31/2015 08:55 PM
1314FeatureNewNormalAssist++ could support local variable10/27/2015 06:17 PMAssist++
1285FeatureNewNormalCtrlLib: FileSel could perform reload on Activate10/09/2015 01:18 PMCtrlLib

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