Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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1371BugNewNormalassist++ not working01/23/2017 10:15 PMAssist++
1373BugNewNormalProblem with string and parenthesis01/25/2016 03:12 PM
1375BugNewNormalWrong postgresql include in many linux distrosMiroslav Fidler01/30/2016 01:01 PMSql
1450BugNewNormalFix uppbox05/09/2016 03:18 PM
1464BugNewNormalCtrlLib: Resolve visual glitch with pushed Button released (stays HOT)05/29/2016 10:29 PM
1469BugNewNormalToUpper, ToLower, ToAscii should work with UTF806/09/2016 02:24 PM
1475BugNewNormalFind in current file should work when file is uppdateMiroslav Fidler06/20/2016 10:59 PMIDE
1494BugNewNormalAssist++ Problem with autoMiroslav Fidler07/12/2016 10:05 AMAssist++
1516BugNewNormalCheck utf-8 issue08/21/2016 09:04 PM
1524BugNewNormalParser: Auto type detection problemMiroslav Fidler09/14/2016 10:15 PMIDE
1542BugNewNormalCheck boost compatibility09/27/2016 10:40 AM
1551BugNewNormalInsert package directory file dosen't work for .tpp file (directory)Miroslav Fidler10/11/2016 10:31 PMIDE
1553BugNewNormalInvestigate resizing issueMiroslav Fidler10/13/2016 09:00 AMU++/gtk
1558BugNewNormalSvn sync should be able to deal with A+ files (added e.g. by merge)10/18/2016 05:24 PM
1564BugNewNormalCEF chromium in bin10/28/2016 08:55 AM
1585BugNewNormalCheck Prompt / TopWindow Image issue11/29/2016 09:21 AM
1607BugNewNormalArrayCtrl sorting needs refactoring01/06/2017 11:02 AM
1626BugNewNormalAdd unittest of PainterMiroslav Fidler01/29/2017 09:35 PMPainter
1630BugNewNormalFix problem with ArrayCtrl::Sorting01/30/2017 07:35 PM
1649BugNewNormalCtrlCore: 'CurrentTime' macro redefined in GtkX11Util.cpp fileMiroslav Fidler02/24/2017 09:03 PMCtrlCore
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLib
1655BugNewNormalPrinterDlg::SyncPrinterOptions03/07/2017 01:18 AM
1665BugNewLowRemove dependency of using shorts file name in GccBuilderZbigniew Rebacz03/26/2017 09:34 PMIDE
1722BugNewNormalCheck IDE with 1366x768, 125% text05/18/2017 09:36 PMIDE
1756BugNewNormalLinux issues with FullScreen06/24/2017 03:41 PM

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