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OLE Automation [message #51280] Fri, 01 March 2019 06:36 Go to next message
Pradip is currently offline  Pradip
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Hi All,

Thanks to the contributors, the Office Automation provides immense help for automating with word processors and spreadsheets.
However, being new to UPP and overall C++ coding, need help with automation of other applications, in general.

For example, the following piece of VBA code interacts with a running instance of structural engineering analysis application named STAAD and fetches information to Excel cells:

Dim staad As Object
Dim stdfile As String
Set staad = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")
staad.GetSTAADFile stdfile, "TRUE"
Length = staad.geometry.getbeamlength(...)
Cells(2, 17).Value = Length
Next i

I am struggling to re-create similar functionality in UPP, hope to get some help on this.

Thanks and regards,

Re: OLE Automation [message #51282 is a reply to message #51280] Fri, 01 March 2019 11:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Xemuth is currently offline  Xemuth
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Hello Pradip,

To cast your vba code into C++ you first need to connect C++ to your OLE Application.

To do this, first, you need to innitialize COM/OLE (Upp Core is required):


Then you must know the CLSID of your app (here StaadPro.OpenSTAAD).
To find the CLSID : https://superuser.com/questions/657511/where-to-get-software -name-of-clsid

When you got it, you can create an Instance of your object (stored in VAR type named VARIANT) by doing this :

  CLSID clsApp; //The CLSID of Your app
  VARIANT App = {0}; //Variant who's contain the app
  IUnknown* punk; 
	if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(clsApp, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER,  IID_IUnknown, (void FAR* FAR*)&punk)))
		MessageBox(NULL, "this App's not registered properly", "Error", 0x10010);
		throw OleException(14,"CoCreateInstance() => this App's ("+ appName.ToString()  +")not registered properly",1);
  punk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)&App.pdispVal); 

Now you got in VARIANT "App" a pointer to your object.

To call function like getbeamlength
You will need to reach the object who got the definition of getbeamlength. Here it's geometry.
you can do that by doing :

VARIANT buffer={0};
AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &buffer, App.pdispVal, L"geometry", 0); //here we ask ole to retrieve geometry property of the object stored in APP and we put this "geometry property into VARIANT //buffer 
AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &buffer, buffer.pdispVal, L"getbeamlength", 0); // here we ask ole to retrieve getbeamlength property of the object, the result is stored into buffer.
 // according to your code lenght seems to be integer so the result you asked with getbeamlength must be stored into buffer.intVal
int lenght = buffer.intVal

this code should work, be sure 'geometry' is a property of your StaadPro.OpenSTAAD if it isn't (maybe it's a method/function then change DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET by DISPATCH_METHOD)
idem for getbeamlength.

to write on excel sheet it is the same way but with Excel clsid.

I also share me and my friend github project about Ole https://github.com/KerPerr/OfficeAutomation
you can download it and use it into upp.

Hope this help. Have a good day

Edit : here is the AutoWrap Function used in my example :
HRESULT AutoWrap(int autoType, VARIANT *pvResult, IDispatch *pDisp, LPOLESTR ptName, int cArgs...) {
// Begin variable-argument list...
va_list marker;
va_start(marker, cArgs);

if(!pDisp) {
    MessageBox(NULL, "NULL IDispatch passed to AutoWrap()", "Error", 0x10010);

// Variables used...
DISPPARAMS dp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 };
char buf[200];
char szName[200];

// Convert down to ANSI
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ptName, -1, szName, 256, NULL, NULL);

// Get DISPID for name passed...
hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &ptName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispID);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
    sprintf(buf, "IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames(\"%s\") failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, hr);
    MessageBox(NULL, buf, "AutoWrap()", 0x10010);
    return hr;

// Allocate memory for arguments...
VARIANT *pArgs = new VARIANT[cArgs+1];
// Extract arguments...
for(int i=0; i<cArgs; i++) {
    pArgs[i] = va_arg(marker, VARIANT);

dp.cArgs = cArgs;
dp.rgvarg = pArgs;

// Handle special-case for property-puts!
    dp.cNamedArgs = 1;
    dp.rgdispidNamedArgs = &dispidNamed;

// Make the call!
hr = pDisp->Invoke(dispID, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, autoType, &dp, pvResult, NULL, NULL);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
    sprintf(buf, "IDispatch::Invoke(\"%s\"=%08lx) failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, dispID, hr);
    MessageBox(NULL, buf, "AutoWrap()", 0x10010);
    return hr;
// End variable-argument section...

delete [] pArgs;

return hr;

[Updated on: Fri, 01 March 2019 11:30]

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Re: OLE Automation [message #51286 is a reply to message #51280] Sat, 02 March 2019 13:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Pradip is currently offline  Pradip
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Dear Xemuth,

It is indeed amazing, the way you have advised, step-by-step, with code. I'm at loss of words to thank you. I'm very novice in this kind of coding, hence I have tried to use your code as it is, with some previous trials I have made. Here are some further questions I have in this regard:

1. In function AutoWrap (it's very high level code for me), for the line
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ptName, -1, szName, 256, NULL, NULL);

MS compilers gives the following 2 errors:

    E:\UPP_Projects\Testing\main.cpp (33): error C2065: 'CP_ACP': undeclared identifier
    E:\UPP_Projects\Testing\main.cpp (33): error C3861: 'WideCharToMultiByte': identifier not found
while MINGW doesn't complain.

2. Is it OK to get the CLSID like this? It seems to be working:
CLSIDFromProgID(L"StaadPro.OpenSTAAD", &clsid);

3. The requirement of the current assignment is to read some data from a running instance of STAAD, hence rather than CoCreateInstance, is it OK to use GetActiveObject, as follows? It also seems to be working:
HRESULT hr = GetActiveObject(clsid, NULL, (IUnknown**)&pUnk);

4. Thanks to your advice, I have figured out how to access properties and methods of the App. I can now read properties returning integer or double from the App. How about string properties? And how about using properties which perhaps return arrays of int or double (the getbeamlength in fact returns an array of double).

I'll study more in the examples of github as you suggested. Your advices are indeed of great help, truly appreciate it.

Have a nice weekend.

Thanks and regards,

Re: OLE Automation [message #51287 is a reply to message #51286] Sat, 02 March 2019 17:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
koldo is currently offline  koldo
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Hello Pradip

Bazaar/OleAutomation contains the classes Ole and VariantOle that try to encapsulate some of Ole details. Maybe you can use them or get ideas.

Best regards
Re: OLE Automation [message #51294 is a reply to message #51287] Mon, 04 March 2019 05:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Pradip is currently offline  Pradip
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Thanks Koldo, I'll study these and try to get ideas.

Re: OLE Automation [message #51300 is a reply to message #51294] Mon, 04 March 2019 10:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Xemuth is currently offline  Xemuth
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Hello Pradip,

Response 1 :
Error : E:\UPP_Projects\Testing\main.cpp (33): error C2065: 'CP_ACP': undeclared identifier
E:\UPP_Projects\Testing\main.cpp (33): error C3861: 'WideCharToMultiByte': identifier not found

Maybe you need one of this both header : #include <windows.h> #include <ole2.h>

Response 2 :
Using CLSIDFromProgID is Ok. I forgot to speak about it in my first post.

Response 3 :
If you need to catch an STAAD Instance instead of create one you can use GetActiveObject
But you will MAYBE need to cast your IUnknown** to something like an IID_IDispatch
using QueryInterface function of IUnknown.

Here is one example :

CLSID clsApp;
VARIANT App = {0};
IUnknown* punk;
HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(appName, &clsApp); 
	HRESULT hr2 =GetActiveObject( clsApp, NULL, &punk );
	if (!FAILED(hr2)) {
	      hr2=punk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)&App.pdispVal);

After this code my IUnknown representing the application we catched (here is STAAD) will be 'cast' into a VARIANT using QueryInterface.
But be carefull not every OLE Object need to be cast to VARIANT, it depend on the application which you want to interact.

Response 4 :
Indeed, it's a bit more complicated to read String from VARIANT. First, you must know String is stored into yourVariant.bstrVal
but this one is a not a char* or std/Upp string type. This one is a BSTR (it's the same thing as a wchar*). so here is a function to cast it into Upp::String :
//conversion BSTR to CHAR
//Don't forget #include <stdio.h>
Upp::String BSTRtoString (BSTR bstr)
    std::wstring ws(bstr);
    std::string str(ws.begin(), ws.end());
    return Upp::String(str);

and here is how to use it :
Upp::String valueOfVariant =  BSTRtoString(myVariant.bstrVal);		

"And how about using properties which perhaps return arrays of int or double (the getbeamlength in fact returns an array of double)." To this one I have no idea... it never happen to me.
but here seems to be a good exemple of how to do it : https://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/arrays/article.php/ c767/Functions-for-Setting-and-Retrieving-Values-from-Varian t-Safe-Arrays.htm

Hope it helped you.

have a good day.
Re: OLE Automation [message #51304 is a reply to message #51280] Mon, 04 March 2019 15:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
omari is currently offline  omari
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plaise test the package OleAut , it is intended to simplify Ole Automation.
the code for the example above is :
	StringBuffer stdfile;
	OleObject staad = OleAut::CreateObject("StaadPro.OpenSTAAD");
	staad.Method("GetSTAADFile", stdfile, true);

	int length = staad("geometry")("getbeamlength", x);  

i do not have any case when a methode use an output parameter, then it is not tested.

Re: OLE Automation [message #51313 is a reply to message #51304] Tue, 05 March 2019 12:10 Go to previous message
Pradip is currently offline  Pradip
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Xemuth and Omari,

Thanks a lot for very useful information. With these I can manage the current assignment. Also information provided by both opens up avenues of new learning, great!

Still one doubt remaining: CoCreateInstance and GetActiveObject seems to be from 2 different sources: combaseapi.h and oleauto.h. Is it wise to use them interchangeably?

The following link also provides good information, in line with knowledge supplied by xemuth:
https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/34998/MS-Office-OLE-Aut omation-Using-C

Thanks again and regards,

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