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Home » U++ TheIDE » U++ TheIDE: Compiling, Linking, Debugging of your packages » msdev 8.0 strange compiler error
msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #6244] Fri, 03 November 2006 18:13 Go to next message
yeus is currently offline  yeus
Messages: 19
Registered: October 2006
Promising Member
I tried compiling something with the msdev 8.0 express (I also installed the SDK etc...) package. All the examples compile without any problems... But if I use a directory for my sourcecode which is different from the upp/exmples/ drectory I get the following compiler errors:

l : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Files\Microsoft', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Files\Microsoft' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Visual', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Visual' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Studio', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Studio' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file '8\Vc\Include -ID:\MSplatformsdk\Include -ID:\upp\SDL-1.
	2.9\include -DflagGUI -DflagMAIN -DflagMSC8 -DflagDEBUG -DflagDEBUG_FULL -DflagBLITZ -DflagWIN32 -
	DflagMSC -DbmYEAR=2006 -DbmMONTH=11 -DbmDAY=3 -DbmHOUR=18 -DbmMINUTE=6 -DbmSECOND=54 -EHsc -Zi  -M
	Td -Od -Gy -FdD:/upp/out/ASCIIchar/MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main/ASCIIchar-1.pdb -Tp M:\MyApps\ASCIIcha
	r\main.cpp -FoD:/upp/out/ASCIIchar/MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main/main.obj' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9021 : no action performed
ASCIIchar: 1 file(s) built in (0:00.12), 125 msecs / file, duration = 187 msecs
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'D:\upp\out\ASCIIchar\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main\main.obj'

Any help on this? I think what happens is, that the compiler does not recognize the visual studio 2005 express anymore. The Reason for this seams to be, that it doesn`t know foldernames can have 'spaces'...

jesus i've never had something as strange as this...
Re: msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #6245 is a reply to message #6244] Fri, 03 November 2006 19:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mirek is currently offline  mirek
Messages: 14039
Registered: November 2005
Ultimate Member
Could be a bug in theide (it should quote with \" all paths with spaces).

Please activate Verbose mode (setup menu) to see actual commandlines (you might post them here too).

Re: msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #6326 is a reply to message #6245] Mon, 06 November 2006 17:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeus is currently offline  yeus
Messages: 19
Registered: October 2006
Promising Member
----- CtrlLib ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (1 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\CtrlLib
----- CtrlCore ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (2 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\CtrlCore
----- RichText ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (3 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\RichText
----- Draw ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (4 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\Draw
----- Core ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (5 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\Core
----- Image ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (6 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\Image
----- plugin\png ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (7 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\plugin\png
----- plugin\z ( GUI MSC8 DEBUG DEBUG_FULL BLITZ WIN32 MSC ) (8 / 9)
cd D:\upp\uppsrc\plugin\z
cd M:\MyApps\ASCIIchar
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Files\Microsoft', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Files\Microsoft' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Visual', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Visual' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Studio', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Studio' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file '8\Vc\Include -ID:\MSplatformsdk\Include -ID:\upp\SDL-1.
	2.9\include -DflagGUI -DflagMAIN -DflagMSC8 -DflagDEBUG -DflagDEBUG_FULL -DflagBLITZ -DflagWIN32 -
	DflagMSC -DbmYEAR=2006 -DbmMONTH=11 -DbmDAY=6 -DbmHOUR=17 -DbmMINUTE=31 -DbmSECOND=59 -EHsc -Zi  -
	MTd -Od -Gy -FdD:/upp/out/ASCIIchar/MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main/ASCIIchar-1.pdb -Tp M:\MyApps\ASCIIch
	ar\main.cpp -FoD:/upp/out/ASCIIchar/MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main/main.obj' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9021 : no action performed
compiled in (0:00.12)
ASCIIchar: 1 file(s) built in (0:00.11), 110 msecs / file, duration = 172 msecs
link -nologo -machine:I386 -pdb:"D:\upp\out\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\ASCIIchar.pdb" -out:"D:\upp\out\MSC8.D
	ebug_full.Gui\ASCIIchar.exe" -incremental:yes -debug -OPT:NOREF -subsystem:windows -LIBPATH:"C:\Pr
	ogram Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Vc\Lib" -LIBPATH:"D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib" -LIBPATH:"D:\upp\SDL
	-1.2.9\lib"            "D:\upp\out\ASCIIchar\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main\main.obj" "D:\upp\out\CtrlLi
	b\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\CtrlLib.obj" "D:\upp\out\CtrlLib\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\MSplatf
	ormsdk\Lib\advapi32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\comdlg32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\comctl32.lib" "
	D:\upp\out\CtrlCore\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\RichText\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blit
	z.obj" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\user32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\gdi32.lib" "D:\upp\out\Draw\MSC8.De
	bug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Vc\Lib\kernel32.lib" "D:\MSpl
	atformsdk\Lib\user32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\advapi32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\shell32.lib" "
	D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\winmm.lib" "D:\upp\out\Core\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\Core\
	MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\OL_Set.obj" "D:\upp\out\Image\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\plug
	in\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngupp.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\png.obj" "D:\upp
	\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngerror.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pnggc
	crd.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngget.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_
	full.Gui\pngmem.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngpread.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\p
	ng\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngread.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngrio.obj" "D:\upp
	\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngrtran.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngru
	til.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngset.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_
	full.Gui\pngtrans.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngvcrd.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\
	png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngwio.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngwrite.obj" "D:\u
	pp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngwtran.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\png
	wutil.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\zlibupp.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_f
	ull.Gui\adler32.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\compress.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\M
	SC8.Debug_full.Gui\crc32.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\deflate.obj" "D:\upp\out\pl
	ugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\gzio.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\infblock.obj" "D:\up
	p\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\infcodes.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\inffast.
	obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\inflate.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gu
	i\inftrees.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\infutil.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.De
	bug_full.Gui\trees.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\uncompr.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'D:\upp\out\ASCIIchar\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main\main.obj'
Error executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Vc\Bin/link.exe" -nologo -machine:I386 -pd
	b:"D:\upp\out\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\ASCIIchar.pdb" -out:"D:\upp\out\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\ASCIIchar.ex
	e" -incremental:yes -debug -OPT:NOREF -subsystem:windows -LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visu
	al Studio 8\Vc\Lib" -LIBPATH:"D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib" -LIBPATH:"D:\upp\SDL-1.2.9\lib"            "D:
	\upp\out\ASCIIchar\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui.Main\main.obj" "D:\upp\out\CtrlLib\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\Ctrl
	Lib.obj" "D:\upp\out\CtrlLib\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\advapi32.lib" "
	D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\comdlg32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\comctl32.lib" "D:\upp\out\CtrlCore\MSC8.D
	ebug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\RichText\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\MSplatformsdk\L
	ib\user32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\gdi32.lib" "D:\upp\out\Draw\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "
	C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Vc\Lib\kernel32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\user32.lib" 
	"D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\advapi32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\shell32.lib" "D:\MSplatformsdk\Lib\winmm
	.lib" "D:\upp\out\Core\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\Core\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\OL_Set
	.obj" "D:\upp\out\Image\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\$blitz.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui
	\pngupp.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\png.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug
	_full.Gui\pngerror.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pnggccrd.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugi
	n\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngget.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngmem.obj" "D:\u
	pp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngpread.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\png
	read.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngrio.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug
	_full.Gui\pngrtran.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngrutil.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugi
	n\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngset.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngtrans.obj" "D:
	\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngvcrd.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pn
	gwio.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngwrite.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Deb
	ug_full.Gui\pngwtran.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\png\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\pngwutil.obj" "D:\upp\out\plu
	gin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\zlibupp.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\adler32.obj" "D:\u
	pp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\compress.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\crc32.o
	bj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\deflate.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui
	\gzio.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\infblock.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_
	full.Gui\infcodes.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\inffast.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\
	MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\inflate.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\inftrees.obj" "D:\upp\ou
	t\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\infutil.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\trees.obj" "D
	:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\uncompr.obj" "D:\upp\out\plugin\z\MSC8.Debug_full.Gui\zutil
Exitcode: 1104

There were errors. (0:01.20)

ok... thats it... Didn`t firgure it out yet... As I said: it does only happen if I use a different directory (or assembly) than the default ones provided by upp like 'examples', 'uppsrc' etcetc...).

One mor ething to note is:

if I install the mingw-compiler version of upp including the mingw libraries I can use the msvc compiler from anywhere. The error From above does only occur, if I only use msdev 8.0 compiler...

Greetings, Tom
Re: msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #6368 is a reply to message #6326] Thu, 09 November 2006 20:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mirek is currently offline  mirek
Messages: 14039
Registered: November 2005
Ultimate Member
BTW, what is the U++ version? The listing looks like 605 (because there were stupid bug - verbose mode not working for compiler commands).

Can you check with latest dev?

Re: msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #12832 is a reply to message #6368] Tue, 20 November 2007 06:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kfeng is currently offline  kfeng
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luzr wrote on Thu, 09 November 2006 20:40

BTW, what is the U++ version? The listing looks like 605 (because there were stupid bug - verbose mode not working for compiler commands).

Can you check with latest dev?


I had this exact error in 2007.1 (2007-04-10 21:53).

I tried downloading 711-dev2 on top of the 2007.1 source, cleaned UPPOUT, cleaned package, rebuilt for OPTIM and still had the same problems.

The IDE builds and links all packages okay except the ones in MyApp. For some reason, when compiling in MyApp, we are missing the double-quotes around the path/file names. This happens in MSC8.

It's unclear what it is in the setup that is causing problems.
When I tried 2007.1 a few months ago with MSC8, it worked great at home and at work. Since then, the machine at work has been rebuilt so I've had VS reinstalled. Now, I'm having these problems on the compile line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: msdev 8.0 strange compiler error [message #12843 is a reply to message #6326] Wed, 21 November 2007 01:58 Go to previous message
kfeng is currently offline  kfeng
Messages: 18
Registered: July 2007
Location: Tokyo, Japan
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One mor ething to note is:

if I install the mingw-compiler version of upp including the mingw libraries I can use the msvc compiler from anywhere. The error From above does only occur, if I only use msdev 8.0 compiler...

Greetings, Tom

Following what Tom mentioned, I, too, uninstalled the upp-win-2007.1.exe and installed upp-mingw-2007.1.exe instead. Using the msc8 configuration, I'm able to compile and link projects under MyApp.

- Ken
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