Xemuth Messages: 387 Registered: August 2018 Location: France
Senior Member
Hello Mirek, Thanks for your help, I have try but with or without the result is the same, I have tried on my Raspberry (wich carry the server my certificate is for) and the result is slightly different :
Seems like it's working but not totally !
EDIT : Result is the same with cert and pkey provided by Https Example
It don't work, I will try to find other way of decoding it
EDIT : I have try to decode my certificate using this website : https://lapo.it/asn1js/ and it work :
This page contains a JavaScript generic ASN.1 parser that can decode any valid ASN.1 DER or BER structure whether Base64-encoded (raw base64, PEM armoring and begin-base64 are recognized) or Hex-encoded.
Do Upp ASN1 parser is able to reconize and decode multiple structure of pem ?