Xemuth Messages: 387 Registered: August 2018 Location: France
Senior Member
I have 2 class :
#include "ComponentManager.h"
class Object{
Object() : componentManager(*this){}
Many public things
ComponentManager componentManager;
class Object;
class ComponentManager{
ComponentManager(Object& _object) : object(_object){}
template<class T> T& function1(...)
Many templated function that force me to write declaration in this .h file
Object& object;
My both class are made to work together, ComponentManager make no sens without an object etc...
All is fine and work well. Untill, in one of my templated function in ComponentManager, I need to use my Object reference to call a function of object :
template <class T> T& CreateComponent(bool active, int position){
Working code
Object& obj = object.GetScene().GetObjectManager().GetObjects()[i]; //This line is problematic
Working code
since I need to use some function of Object, compiler need Object declaration. But no way I can give to ComponentManager the implementation of object because Object need Compoment implementation. I can't split my CompomentManager into .h and .cpp so I'm kind of blocked.
Someone have an idea of how I could trick the compiler ? do I will need to change the way my architecture work (only for a function ).
I have thinked about externalise in a .cpp a function (not templated) which do the job and then I could have include in the .cpp the Object defintion but since I need to call some Function with my templated class argument, I dont think I can work at all.