Feature #2046

TabBar: Added features and fixes

Added by Iñaki Zabala over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:ApprovedStart date:06/19/2020
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Miroslav Fidler% Done:


Category:TabBarSpent time:2.00 hours
Target version:-


- To allow user code to change style
SetStyle(const TabBar::Style& s)

- To allow close tabs without crosses, and show the ContextMenu() properly
bool IsCancelClose(int id)
bool IsCancelCloseAll(int exception, int last_closed = 0)

- To allow user code to allow drag and drup in certain tabs
Gate<int, int> CancelDragAndDrop; // Return true to cancel drag and drop from tab to tab

- Set CancelClose() in all necessary places
- If crosses is on, but tab cannot be closed, tab size does include cross icon size
int GetExtraWidth(int n)

TabBar.h Magnifier (17 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 06/19/2020 04:34 PM

TabBar.cpp Magnifier (52.2 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 06/19/2020 04:34 PM

FileTabs.cpp Magnifier (4.6 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 06/27/2020 01:27 AM

FileTabs.h Magnifier (1.73 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 06/27/2020 01:27 AM

TabBar.cpp Magnifier (52.4 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 06/27/2020 01:27 AM

TabBar.cpp Magnifier (52.5 KB) Iñaki Zabala, 08/08/2020 12:54 PM


#1 Updated by Iñaki Zabala over 4 years ago

#2 Updated by Miroslav Fidler about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Approved

#3 Updated by Iñaki Zabala about 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#4 Updated by Iñaki Zabala about 4 years ago

  • File TabBar.cppMagnifier added
  • % Done changed from 100 to 80

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