Task #74

create official GIT repository alongside upp-mirror

Added by Konstantin Hartwich about 13 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Status:ApprovedStart date:07/07/2011
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Zbigniew Rebacz% Done:


Category:GeneralSpent time:-
Target version:-


the current 'private' GIT repository at


should be translated to the main developers as owners.
since it is currently updated on an arbitrary basis, the GIT base should live on the main upp server which is available 24/7 and can update/push things to gitorious in the same manner like upp-mirror, hourly, but after the upp-mirror updates, since the repository has both master branches, the one relying on the upp server svn and the one on upp-mirror, they are actually and effectively the same, but the 'git svn clone' produces 2 different histories, because it salts the hashes of the commits with the svn base url. thats why a later change or relocate is not possible. i still have both histories living since andrej_natanael (or maybe some one else) once had a GIT repo, based on the upp-mirror..people who cloned it and still using it would need the upp-mirror branch, having same history, but best would be to switch over to only one git repository, based on developers upp svn.. so making it 'official' could then mean, to finally drop upp-mirror git clone.

the process is the following:

i have a bzip2's of the current history, from svn revision 281 on, when trunk/branches/tags was introduced, both based on


cloned with

mkdir uppgitsvn
cd mkdir uppgitsvn
git svn clone -s svn://

mkdir uppgit
cd uppgit
git svn clone -s http://upp-mirror.googlecode.com/svn .

this takes alsmost an hour on a really quick machine, or longer.

no need to do this again, i simply upload the packed current history (download also possible, but tricky, company server), mirek or anyone managing the repos on the upp server will extract it and run '. gitcmd' in the folders, which will bring them to current state. though pushing to gitorious needs some steps.. (each of the files has ~160 MB), the current total history including checkedout master branch has ~420 MB each (it's a LOT less space for history/branch than svn needs only for one single checkout).

the content of the gitcmd:

for uppgitsvn (based on upp machine):

git svn fetch
git svn rebase
git rebase master svn_master
git checkout master
git push gitorious svn_master master

for uppgit: (based on upp-mirror)

git svn fetch
git svn rebase
git rebase master upp-mirror_master
git checkout master
git push gitorious upp-mirror_master

these is all. this needs to run in same manner as upp-mirror update.

if we drop upp-mirror based git only half of that is needed.

gitorious stuff:

mirek (and the other 2 main devs) will 'own' the public gitorious
they need to register themselves each..
maybe it's best to have an additional user only for chron commit.

so it'be i.e.


each user who wants to push, must pass the public SSH key of its machine, where the pushing is done.
see http://gitorious.org/about/faq
generate it analogly..

ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

the content of that file needs to be posted at 'Manage SSH keys'..
to authenticate your gitorious pushes, since it's pushed encrypted.

i have prepared a 'uppdev' team in gitorious, in which all the 3 main devs will be (should register themselves in the manner above), with rights to push. i will redraw myself transfering the ownership to this team.

it's that easy :)

next step is to upload/download the archive or archives if both histories should live on..
please contact me to appoint some time, since the company server is cut from inet every 24 hours :)


#1 Updated by Zbigniew Rebacz over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Approved
  • Assignee changed from Miroslav Fidler to Zbigniew Rebacz

I am closing this, due to movement to GitHub.

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