Bug #761
EditorBar - MouseWheel should hide annotation in proper situation
Status: | Approved | Start date: | 04/24/2014 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | Miroslav Fidler | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | CodeEditor | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
I think we should also improve Editor Bar MouseWheel behavior. The current behavior is not good, because when you scroll, the annotation does not disappear. Moreover we should also reject the situations when scrolling is not possible.
For me the perfect solution is:
void EditorBar::MouseWheel(Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags) { if(editor) { int i = editor->GetScrollPos().y; editor->MouseWheel(p, zdelta, keyflags); if(i != editor->GetScrollPos().y) MouseLeave(); } }
#1 Updated by Zbigniew Rebacz over 10 years ago
- File deleted (
#2 Updated by Zbigniew Rebacz over 10 years ago
- File EditorBar.cpp added
We should use MouseMove instead of MouseLeave...
void EditorBar::MouseWheel(Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags) { if(editor) { int i = editor->GetScrollPos().y; editor->MouseWheel(p, zdelta, keyflags); if(i != editor->GetScrollPos().y) MouseMove(p, keyflags); } }