
From 09/03/2014 to 10/02/2014


07:31 PM Bug #892 (Approved): Add AutoTest for Time(2013, 1, 1)
Miroslav Fidler
03:51 PM Bug #892 (Approved): Add AutoTest for Time(2013, 1, 1)
Miroslav Fidler
08:08 AM Bug #891 (New): Fix thread__ issues Miroslav Fidler


09:29 PM Bug #882 (Approved): ide: When writing #ifdef, #else, #endif should be refreshed
Miroslav Fidler
09:28 PM Feature #885 (Rejected): SQL: Generalized Insert/Update SqlCol/SqlVal lists
Miroslav Fidler
08:52 PM Bug #887 (Approved): PostgreSQL schema does not support arrays
Miroslav Fidler
12:03 PM Bug #887 (Patch ready): PostgreSQL schema does not support arrays
Sergey Nikitin
08:50 PM Bug #888 (Approved): PostgreSQL: serious mistake when call GetInsertedId()
Miroslav Fidler
12:02 PM Bug #888 (Patch ready): PostgreSQL: serious mistake when call GetInsertedId()
Sergey Nikitin
08:47 PM Bug #890 (Rejected): r7749 Assist++ possitioning issue
It seems tat there is some problems with Assist++ possition on GNU/Linux (Maybe on Windows too).
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:42 PM Bug #889 (Approved): SDL template stop working for some reson (U++ & no U++ version)
It seems that template for SDL stop working for some reson. Zbigniew Rebacz


01:19 AM Bug #888: PostgreSQL: serious mistake when call GetInsertedId()
Hello Sergey one more time :),
If you found appropriate solution please set status to "Patch ready" and assign it ...
Zbigniew Rebacz
12:55 AM Bug #888 (Approved): PostgreSQL: serious mistake when call GetInsertedId()
In a function body of GetInstertedId() it is supposed that the field name of primary key will always have the name id... Sergey Nikitin
01:16 AM Bug #887: PostgreSQL schema does not support arrays
Hello Sergey,
Please assigned this issue to Mirek and set status from "New" to "Patch ready". It will help us bett...
Zbigniew Rebacz
12:48 AM Bug #887 (Approved): PostgreSQL schema does not support arrays
File *uppsrc/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQLSchema.h* have error, therefore PostgreSQL schema does not support arrays.
File ...
Sergey Nikitin
02:33 PM Bug #886 (Approved): Alt+J jumps to constructor, not class
Miroslav Fidler
01:22 PM Feature #885 (Rejected): SQL: Generalized Insert/Update SqlCol/SqlVal lists
Miroslav Fidler
10:31 AM Bug #884 (Approved): ide: Navigator click should jump on .cpp first, not .h
Miroslav Fidler
09:43 AM Bug #883 (Approved): ide: Alt+J unable to resolve base class from template (e.g. : WithXXXLayout<...
Miroslav Fidler
09:14 AM Bug #434 (Approved): Add correct INT64 support to MySQL
Miroslav Fidler
09:12 AM Bug #873 (Approved): Issue with animate
Miroslav Fidler


10:46 AM Bug #882 (Approved): ide: When writing #ifdef, #else, #endif should be refreshed
(otherwise the // info is not updated...) Miroslav Fidler


11:29 AM Bug #693 (Rejected): ide: Console should have global encoding
Miroslav Fidler
11:12 AM Bug #664 (Approved): RichEdit: After Enter style (e.g. Bold), even if reset, returns
Miroslav Fidler


10:23 PM Bug #880 (Approved): [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is presse...
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:23 PM Bug #880: [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is pressed (Glitch)
Good catch!
Random ;)
Zbigniew Rebacz
05:47 PM Bug #880 (Ready for QA): [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is pr...
Miroslav Fidler
05:24 PM Bug #880 (Ready for CR): [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is pr...
Good catch! Miroslav Fidler
05:24 PM Bug #880 (Ready for CR): [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is pr...
Good catch! Miroslav Fidler
01:18 PM Bug #880 (Approved): [Splitter] Splitter focus remains if special mouse key combination is presse...
This glitch is a littlbe bit tricky. First of all you will need to press LPM on splitter to activate "splittering". T... Zbigniew Rebacz
06:22 PM Feature #878 (Approved): ide flags issue
Miroslav Fidler
05:47 PM Bug #800 (Approved): Layout designer: Duplicate when scrolled
Miroslav Fidler
05:03 PM Bug #881 (Approved): FileSel, FileSelector accepts files when system window close button is press...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:42 PM Bug #881 (Ready for QA): FileSel, FileSelector accepts files when system window close button is p...
Miroslav Fidler
03:11 PM Bug #881 (Approved): FileSel, FileSelector accepts files when system window close button is press...
It nasty bug, because only "Cancel" button for real cancel file selection operation.
For example this code is brok...
Zbigniew Rebacz


10:44 PM Feature #879 (Rejected): [Scrollbar] Scrollbar should have context menu
Task description:
I think that scrollbar default implementation should be able to invoke menu after right mouse bu...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:48 PM Feature #878 (Approved): ide flags issue Miroslav Fidler
08:57 AM Feature #721 (Approved): Alt+J could work on Images too (CtrlImg::copy() -> finds Ctrl.iml or Ctr...
Miroslav Fidler


11:59 PM Feature #876 (Rejected): [Editor Mode] Editor mode could support new file paradigma
I think it can wait for better occassion ... :) It is now rejected. Zbigniew Rebacz
08:32 AM Feature #876: [Editor Mode] Editor mode could support new file paradigma
OK, you might be right about editor mode.
However, the whole workflow around such "New" feature is not really that...
Miroslav Fidler
09:54 PM Feature #877 (Approved): Prompts might work from non-main thread and there might be console hack
Miroslav Fidler
09:53 PM Bug #871 (Approved): Failing Alt+J situatiions
Miroslav Fidler
09:53 PM Bug #875 (Approved): strerror warning considered and error
Miroslav Fidler
08:32 AM Bug #874 (Approved): void SetLanguage(const char *)
Miroslav Fidler


09:20 PM Feature #876: [Editor Mode] Editor mode could support new file paradigma
I thouth that if upp supports editor mode you wanted to create alternative to code wordprocessors.
* New file con...
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:39 PM Feature #876: [Editor Mode] Editor mode could support new file paradigma
Why? theide is not wordprocessor...
Besides, theide cannot store files in memory. Would be significant work to do so.
Miroslav Fidler
08:28 PM Feature #876 (Rejected): [Editor Mode] Editor mode could support new file paradigma
Moreover i think that opening in editor mode should create temporary new file and should allow to create them.
* N...
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:44 PM Feature #877 (Approved): Prompts might work from non-main thread and there might be console hack
Miroslav Fidler
10:00 AM Bug #875 (Approved): strerror warning considered and error Miroslav Fidler
09:10 AM Bug #874 (Approved): void SetLanguage(const char *)
Want to write SetLanguage("cs-cz utf-8")... Miroslav Fidler


10:18 PM Bug #873 (Approved): Issue with animate Miroslav Fidler
07:10 PM Bug #872 (Approved): C++ Parser issue Miroslav Fidler
02:52 PM Bug #871: Failing Alt+J situatiions
DropChoice::DropChoice() {
Jump to "AddButton".
Miroslav Fidler
02:50 PM Bug #871 (Approved): Failing Alt+J situatiions
String SendEmailDlg::MakeJson() const
jump to "to"
Miroslav Fidler
08:37 AM Bug #161 (Rejected): Clicking on redmine user produces an internal error
Miroslav Fidler
08:33 AM Feature #342 (Approved): hierarchical SQL queries
Miroslav Fidler


11:13 PM Bug #813 (Approved): Alt+J vs Ctrl::MOUSEWHEEL
Miroslav Fidler
11:13 PM Bug #853 (Approved): Assist Alt+J gives priority to external struct instead of method
Miroslav Fidler
04:52 PM Bug #870 (Approved): Paste in CodeEditor does not trigger code rescan.
Miroslav Fidler
11:28 AM Bug #870 (Approved): Paste in CodeEditor does not trigger code rescan.
Miroslav Fidler
04:07 PM Feature #838 (Approved): Consider adding multireplace to the Core
Miroslav Fidler
04:06 PM Bug #869 (Approved): Console encoding issues
Miroslav Fidler


07:54 PM Bug #868 (Approved): Line duplication issue
Zbigniew Rebacz
06:27 PM Bug #865 (Approved): ide: #undef is not highlighten (?)
Miroslav Fidler
06:16 PM Bug #866 (Approved): ide: Rename file in "aux" package selects more than filename
Miroslav Fidler
06:09 PM Bug #864 (Approved): Better comment handle by diff highlighter
Miroslav Fidler
04:37 PM Bug #859 (Rejected): ide: UTF8 issue in console app output
Miroslav Fidler
03:49 PM Feature #424 (Approved): SQLEXP: temporary table support
Miroslav Fidler
02:24 PM Bug #778 (Rejected): Turtle LeftRepeat dosen't work
Zbigniew Rebacz


09:35 AM Feature #858 (Approved): Sql: Adopt With
Miroslav Fidler
09:34 AM Feature #862 (Approved): SqlBool::AsValue, SqlBool::As
Miroslav Fidler
09:34 AM Bug #869 (Approved): Console encoding issues Miroslav Fidler


10:23 PM Bug #868 (Approved): Line duplication issue Zbigniew Rebacz
10:05 AM Feature #867 (Approved): ide: Optimize 'grep' replacement, optimize rectangular selection
slow in MB files... Miroslav Fidler
09:55 AM Bug #866 (Approved): ide: Rename file in "aux" package selects more than filename
Miroslav Fidler


10:05 PM Bug #863 (Approved): r7695 GCC compilation issue
Zbigniew Rebacz
02:36 PM Bug #865 (Approved): ide: #undef is not highlighten (?)
Miroslav Fidler
09:29 AM Feature #858: Sql: Adopt With
SQL example (that has to be supported):... Miroslav Fidler


10:18 PM Bug #863 (Ready for QA): r7695 GCC compilation issue
Miroslav Fidler
08:09 PM Bug #863: r7695 GCC compilation issue
It seems that following commit broke the trunk: Zbigniew Rebacz
08:05 PM Bug #863 (Approved): r7695 GCC compilation issue
. Zbigniew Rebacz
08:21 PM Bug #864 (Approved): Better comment handle by diff highlighter
Just small diff highlighter optimalization... Zbigniew Rebacz
03:36 PM Feature #858: Sql: Adopt With
... Miroslav Fidler
03:31 PM Feature #862 (Approved): SqlBool::AsValue, SqlBool::As
Miroslav Fidler
02:14 PM Feature #861 (New): PDB enums Miroslav Fidler
11:20 AM Feature #860: ide: Fix blitz with initial compile after install or branch...
e.g. find minimal time of all files in package, then BLITZ those that are withing 2 minutes (in addition to 1 hour ch... Miroslav Fidler
11:19 AM Feature #860 (Approved): ide: Fix blitz with initial compile after install or branch...
Miroslav Fidler
08:12 AM Bug #851 (Approved): TheIDE fails to compile on Ubuntu 10.04
Jan Dolinár


05:35 PM Bug #859 (Rejected): ide: UTF8 issue in console app output Miroslav Fidler
03:49 PM Bug #702 (Approved): QTF: height problem
Miroslav Fidler
03:48 PM Feature #818 (Approved): ide: Block filter
Miroslav Fidler
01:54 PM Bug #823 (Approved): ide: Calculator should work with int64
Miroslav Fidler
01:52 PM Bug #851 (Ready for QA): TheIDE fails to compile on Ubuntu 10.04
Miroslav Fidler
01:37 PM Feature #841 (Approved): Ide: Navigator: Automated rescan of local file
Miroslav Fidler


11:19 AM Feature #248 (Approved): Consider adding SqlBoolFunc
Miroslav Fidler
10:37 AM Feature #307 (Approved): Support .gzip files
Miroslav Fidler
10:31 AM Bug #372 (Rejected): ide replace dialog issue
Miroslav Fidler


10:50 PM Bug #855 (Approved): PDB: Should show Null (for double and perhaps int)
Miroslav Fidler
07:39 PM Bug #856 (Approved): Paste in column: weird move of cursor
Miroslav Fidler
07:31 PM Bug #854 (Approved): RichText: Problems with ......... tabelation
Miroslav Fidler
04:58 PM Feature #858 (Approved): Sql: Adopt With
Miroslav Fidler
02:31 PM Feature #857: ide: Directory compare should support double-click (move to line)
Also, it should use ide icons... and <- -> overwrites would be handy. Miroslav Fidler
01:24 PM Feature #857 (Approved): ide: Directory compare should support double-click (move to line)
Miroslav Fidler


01:03 PM Bug #856 (Approved): Paste in column: weird move of cursor
bool CheckAddressNull(const ReservantoAddress& adr, String lbl)
Miroslav Fidler


09:28 AM Bug #855 (Approved): PDB: Should show Null (for double and perhaps int)
Miroslav Fidler
08:17 AM Bug #854 (Approved): RichText: Problems with ......... tabelation
In Callbacks.tpp Miroslav Fidler


10:52 AM Bug #853 (Approved): Assist Alt+J gives priority to external struct instead of method
Ins(spid, day, w, s.imps, s.clicks, s.price);
Jump on Ins goes to st...
Miroslav Fidler
09:29 AM Bug #852 (Approved): Ide: PDB problems
Second problem fixed, first not reproduced (perhaps wrong target?). Miroslav Fidler


03:10 PM Bug #852 (Approved): Ide: PDB problems
No variables shown in C:\u\nos\trunk\NosCustomer\ReservantoReport.cpp breakpoint at return of
Clicking '...
Miroslav Fidler
10:41 AM Bug #851 (Approved): TheIDE fails to compile on Ubuntu 10.04
Nightly builds on Lucid fail with this error:... Jan Dolinár
08:40 AM Feature #850 (Approved): ide: Package option to suppress warnings
(for building 3rd party packages) Miroslav Fidler


02:46 PM Feature #849 (New): ide: "Apply diff" (like directory comparison tool)
Miroslav Fidler
02:45 PM Feature #835 (Approved): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, thanks.
Miroslav Fidler
02:45 PM Feature #835 (Approved): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, thanks.
Miroslav Fidler
11:20 AM Bug #847 (Approved): Add ide (or uppsrc) build to autotest
Miroslav Fidler
11:20 AM Bug #848 (Approved): Link detection in RichTextView detects empty area as link
Miroslav Fidler


03:56 PM Feature #835: .diff & .patch ide highlight
Better code readability and code standardization.
BTW, This patch support multiple diff formats.
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:18 PM Feature #835 (Patch ready): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, done. PLease review and give me feedback. Zbigniew Rebacz
03:18 PM Feature #835 (Patch ready): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, done. PLease review and give me feedback. Zbigniew Rebacz
03:18 PM Feature #835 (Patch ready): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, done. PLease review and give me feedback. Zbigniew Rebacz
03:18 PM Feature #835 (Patch ready): .diff & .patch ide highlight
OK, done. PLease review and give me feedback. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:37 PM Bug #848 (In Progress): Link detection in RichTextView detects empty area as link
It works perfect, but I have got ide compilation issue:... Zbigniew Rebacz
01:37 PM Bug #848 (In Progress): Link detection in RichTextView detects empty area as link
It works perfect, but I have got ide compilation issue:... Zbigniew Rebacz


07:11 PM Bug #848 (Ready for QA): Link detection in RichTextView detects empty area as link
Miroslav Fidler
06:32 PM Bug #831 (Approved): QTF: Unfinished table should copy para format to undefined cells
Miroslav Fidler
05:43 PM Feature #846 (Approved): LineEdit: Alt should make mouse block selection rectangular
Miroslav Fidler
05:38 PM Bug #820 (Approved): IDE CTRL+J shortcut dosen't work on revision 7555
Miroslav Fidler


03:31 PM Bug #848 (Approved): Link detection in RichTextView detects empty area as link
I think link detection in RichTextView has got one minor issue. It detects empty area (left margin) as regular link. ... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:34 AM Bug #844 (Approved): r7638 GCC compilation issue
Miroslav Fidler
09:28 AM Feature #842 (Approved): Ide/Navigator: Show long filenames right-aligned
Miroslav Fidler
09:27 AM Bug #847 (Approved): Add ide (or uppsrc) build to autotest
Miroslav Fidler
09:06 AM Feature #846 (Approved): LineEdit: Alt should make mouse block selection rectangular
Miroslav Fidler
09:04 AM Task #845: Get right of "Wparentheses" warnings
We are not gonna 'fix' the the code. This was discussed in the past.
But I think we should make sure that default ...
Miroslav Fidler


09:46 PM Task #845 (Rejected): Get right of "Wparentheses" warnings
I think we should get right of this kind of warnings for clarity of code and compilation output (It is default warnin... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:30 PM Bug #844: r7638 GCC compilation issue
Topic on forum: Zbigniew Rebacz
09:30 PM Bug #844 (Approved): r7638 GCC compilation issue
Log:... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:09 AM Feature #843 (New): RegExp: Change rules for ReplaceGlobal for empty strings
Also investigate naming of parenthesis Miroslav Fidler
09:35 AM Feature #835 (New): .diff & .patch ide highlight
Ah, that is OK, you can continue here :) Miroslav Fidler
09:35 AM Feature #835 (New): .diff & .patch ide highlight
Ah, that is OK, you can continue here :) Miroslav Fidler
09:34 AM Feature #842 (Approved): Ide/Navigator: Show long filenames right-aligned
Miroslav Fidler

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