
From 10/13/2015 to 11/11/2015


11:25 PM Task #1336 (Approved): Search on this site should be avaliable when forum is selected
On forum we should have two search options: "Search on this site" and "Search on forum". Zbigniew Rebacz
11:23 PM Task #1335 (Approved): Nightly builds can be organize in table on website
I think it would be much cleaner if we have got something like this on website:
| Win - MinGW builds | Win - No MinG...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:01 PM Bug #1334 (Approved): SliderCtrl and UHD Miroslav Fidler
01:24 PM Feature #1333 (New): cpp: Way to handle with special includes (e.g. like Rights.i)
Miroslav Fidler
01:01 PM Feature #1332 (New): cpp: Body resume
Mismatched parenthesis lead to error, maybe we should try to resume... Miroslav Fidler


12:12 PM Feature #1331 (Rejected): POSIX source distributions should allow build in multithread mode
The problem here is that the building time on one core is slow. I think standard makefile should allow "make -j $thre... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:23 AM Bug #1330 (Approved): ide: Getting slugish Miroslav Fidler
09:07 AM Feature #1329 (Rejected): ide: Number of columns could be per-file setting (just like tabs)
Miroslav Fidler


10:36 AM Bug #1328 (Approved): cpp: Some std::vector issues
Miroslav Fidler
10:35 AM Bug #1326 (Approved): cpp: Problem with <
Miroslav Fidler


06:14 PM Bug #1328 (Approved): cpp: Some std::vector issues
void Autocomplete()
vector<string> v;
for(const auto& i : v)
void Autocomplete()
map<int, str...
Miroslav Fidler
05:50 PM Bug #1327 (Approved): ide: Pdb debugger normal exit issue
Miroslav Fidler
05:46 PM Bug #1327 (Approved): ide: Pdb debugger normal exit issue
Miroslav Fidler
09:29 AM Bug #1326 (Approved): cpp: Problem with <
for(int i = 0; i < Font:: ; i++)
Miroslav Fidler


07:49 PM Bug #1291 (Approved): ide: Environment setting tabs should react immediatelly, "grouping" does no...
Miroslav Fidler
02:47 PM Bug #1294 (Approved): cpp: Assist++ now working (maybe, check)
Miroslav Fidler


01:15 PM Bug #1325 (New): LineEdit: Rectangular block delete in 250MB file does not work
deleting in all lines... Miroslav Fidler
08:34 AM Bug #1322 (Approved): cpp: Assist C++11 issue
Miroslav Fidler


10:35 AM Bug #1324 (Approved): inde: Win7 32-bit autosetup issue Miroslav Fidler
08:18 AM Feature #1323: ide: Number of columns could be per-file setting (just like tabs)
(and spell checking, for comments and text files) Miroslav Fidler
08:17 AM Feature #1323 (New): ide: Number of columns could be per-file setting (just like tabs)
Miroslav Fidler


05:47 PM Bug #1322 (Approved): cpp: Assist C++11 issue
Index<String> words;
for(const auto& : words)
Miroslav Fidler


12:22 AM Bug #1321: Scrollbar in upp template dosen't work
It seems that it appers in android template. Zbigniew Rebacz
12:22 AM Bug #1321: Scrollbar in upp template dosen't work
It seems that it appers in android template. Zbigniew Rebacz
12:15 AM Bug #1321 (Approved): Scrollbar in upp template dosen't work
It seems that i cannot scroll view. Moreover it seems that the font is a little too big (it is probably related to UHD). Zbigniew Rebacz
12:14 AM Feature #1046 (Approved): IDE: Set main package could have default shortcut
Miroslav Fidler
12:12 AM Feature #1220 (Approved): Add "New package.." entry in PackageMenu
Miroslav Fidler
09:02 PM Feature #1220 (Patch ready): Add "New package.." entry in PackageMenu
Zbigniew Rebacz
12:10 AM Bug #1152 (Approved): Format setup" is not precise window title for "Enviroment..
Miroslav Fidler
12:10 AM Bug #1080 (Approved): cpp: this dosen't show private variable
Miroslav Fidler
09:05 PM Bug #1080: cpp: this dosen't show private variable
I always use this-> with private variables. Zbigniew Rebacz
12:02 AM Bug #1320 (New): cpp: Resolve namespace issue
namespace Foo {

struct Bar {
void Fn();

using namespace Foo;
void Bar::Fn()
Miroslav Fidler
09:08 PM Feature #730 (Rejected): POSIX Builds should contain version number (IDE)
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:15 AM Feature #1319 (New): ide: Some C++ types like size_t could be highlighted...
Miroslav Fidler
03:56 AM Bug #1317 (Approved): Broken ubuntu builds
Jan Dolinár


11:23 PM Feature #1243 (Approved): Add VS2015 support
Miroslav Fidler
11:23 PM Feature #1244 (Approved): Add mingw-w64
Miroslav Fidler
11:23 PM Bug #1123 (Approved): Handlers with ** work incorrectly
Miroslav Fidler
02:29 PM Bug #1315 (Approved): ide: Add "common link options"
Miroslav Fidler


09:15 PM Feature #1307 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger - Detail tree
Miroslav Fidler
08:55 PM Feature #1318 (New): ide: Clicking on tree pointer could move memory pane
Miroslav Fidler


08:51 PM Bug #1153 (Approved): Linking error on Windows due to "LNK1104: cannot open file"
Miroslav Fidler
01:54 PM Bug #1317 (Ready for QA): Broken ubuntu builds
Should be already fixed, one of those rare cases when it compiles in C++11, but not in C++98... Miroslav Fidler
01:54 PM Bug #1317 (Ready for QA): Broken ubuntu builds
Should be already fixed, one of those rare cases when it compiles in C++11, but not in C++98... Miroslav Fidler
01:53 PM Bug #1317 (Approved): Broken ubuntu builds
Recent changes break nightly build on ubuntu (precise, vivid & trusty):... Jan Dolinár
09:31 AM Bug #1300 (Approved): cpp: Missing function in assist
Miroslav Fidler


07:06 PM Bug #1311 (Approved): ide/bin win32: Reduce size
Miroslav Fidler
07:05 PM Bug #1316 (New): OpenGL 3 support in win Miroslav Fidler


07:48 PM Bug #1309 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger - same menu commands as pdb
Miroslav Fidler
04:03 PM Bug #1310 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger panes should close automatically after succesful...
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:52 AM Bug #1310 (Ready for QA): ide: Standard GDB debugger panes should close automatically after succe...
Miroslav Fidler
09:15 AM Bug #1313 (Approved): ide: Alt+C issue with typedef
Miroslav Fidler


08:11 PM Bug #1315 (Approved): ide: Add "common link options"
Miroslav Fidler
06:17 PM Feature #1314 (New): Assist++ could support local variable
CTRL+SPACE should show local variable depends on context. Zbigniew Rebacz
05:41 PM Bug #1313 (Approved): ide: Alt+C issue with typedef
class PrDlg : public WithPrLayout<TopWindow> {
typedef PrDlg CLASSNAME;

void Sync(); // Alt+C here
Miroslav Fidler
07:06 AM Bug #1306 (Approved): ide: PDB debugger improvement
Miroslav Fidler


02:23 PM Bug #1312 (New): CodeEditor: Block replace should be optimized - takes to long with 1MB line and ...
Miroslav Fidler
02:21 PM Bug #1305 (Approved): ide: mingw debugger does not work
Miroslav Fidler
02:21 PM Feature #1211 (Approved): tar makefile should build umk first, then use it to build theide
Tempting, but in the end I have decided to just add another Makefile to the tarball... Miroslav Fidler
02:19 PM Bug #1311 (Approved): ide/bin win32: Reduce size
Miroslav Fidler
02:19 PM Bug #1295 (Approved): ide/install: mingw32-openssl, consider mingw64
Miroslav Fidler
12:09 PM Bug #1310 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger panes should close automatically after succesful...
In other debugger interfaces this feature works very well. Zbigniew Rebacz


06:18 PM Bug #1309 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger - same menu commands as pdb
Miroslav Fidler
06:17 PM Bug #1308 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger - Memory pane
Miroslav Fidler
06:15 PM Feature #1307 (Approved): ide: Standard GDB debugger - Detail tree
Miroslav Fidler
04:41 PM Bug #1306: ide: PDB debugger improvement
- even/odd colors Miroslav Fidler
04:32 PM Bug #1306 (Approved): ide: PDB debugger improvement
- Insert watch could also serve as Quick watch
- "{ }" issue
Miroslav Fidler


08:22 PM Bug #1301 (Approved): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:43 PM Bug #1301 (Ready for QA): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Pls recheck, just to be sure... Miroslav Fidler
06:09 PM Bug #1301 (Approved): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
05:09 PM Bug #1301 (Ready for QA): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Miroslav Fidler
08:22 PM Bug #1027 (Approved): DropList pop up dosen't work
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:43 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
I knew something does not fit. Hopefully, now both tasks fixed. Miroslav Fidler
07:43 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
I knew something does not fit. Hopefully, now both tasks fixed. Miroslav Fidler
06:09 PM Bug #1027 (In Progress): DropList pop up dosen't work
Starts flickering like in previous situation. Zbigniew Rebacz
06:09 PM Bug #1027 (In Progress): DropList pop up dosen't work
Starts flickering like in previous situation. Zbigniew Rebacz
05:09 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
Please recheck as this is related to #1301. Miroslav Fidler
08:07 PM Bug #1305 (Approved): ide: mingw debugger does not work
Miroslav Fidler
12:39 PM Bug #1175 (Approved): umk: Fix for android builder
Miroslav Fidler
12:38 PM Bug #1290 (Approved): ide: Parameter highlight broken with ',' constant
Miroslav Fidler


08:57 PM Feature #1304 (Approved): AndroidBuilder should be able to compile Core
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:53 PM Bug #1303 (New): Improve Android Builder output
Current layout doesn’t look good. Here is example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:47 PM Bug #1175: umk: Fix for android builder
Output for terminal:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:46 PM Bug #1175 (Ready for QA): umk: Fix for android builder
I can compile example:... Zbigniew Rebacz


12:14 AM Bug #1298 (Rejected): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
It seems it happends the way that i don't remember. I reject this. Zbigniew Rebacz
11:37 PM Bug #1298 (In Progress): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
feature is disabled for .diff for quite a long time now, see idefile.cpp 36:... Miroslav Fidler
11:37 PM Bug #1298 (In Progress): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
feature is disabled for .diff for quite a long time now, see idefile.cpp 36:... Miroslav Fidler
11:49 PM Bug #1301 (In Progress): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Unable to reproduce. Video? Miroslav Fidler
11:49 PM Bug #1301 (In Progress): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
Unable to reproduce. Video? Miroslav Fidler
10:33 PM Bug #1301: Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
You can test it with "B (Bold)" button in TopicEditor. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:32 PM Bug #1301 (Approved): Clicking on button in place cause troubles (GTK backend)
1. Start clicking on button that has got "Check" option in toolbar. After several clicks (two or more) it starts caus... Zbigniew Rebacz
11:34 PM Feature #1302 (Patch ready): RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
Zbigniew Rebacz
11:33 PM Feature #1302: RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
In the future TheIDE topic editor needs also this improvement. Zbigniew Rebacz
11:33 PM Feature #1302 (Patch ready): RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
Now nonprintable characters are shown by default. You can turn it off by using "wrench" button on the right side of r... Zbigniew Rebacz
04:01 PM Bug #1300 (Approved): cpp: Missing function in assist
void GetProductSaleSinceTill(int product_sale_id, Date& since, Date& till)
Miroslav Fidler
07:57 AM Bug #1299 (Rejected): ide: MINGW - need to add includes to std::
Miroslav Fidler


05:10 PM Bug #1297 (Approved): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:17 PM Bug #1297 (Ready for QA): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
better now? Miroslav Fidler
04:17 PM Bug #1297 (Ready for QA): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
better now? Miroslav Fidler
08:07 AM Bug #1299 (Rejected): ide: MINGW - need to add includes to std::
Miroslav Fidler


10:34 PM Bug #1298 (Rejected): Misplaced spaces/tabs should be disable for .diff files
This feature cause problems in this kind of files.
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:09 PM Bug #1297: Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Screenshot added. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:33 AM Bug #1297: Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
Host? (Linux/KDE?)
Miroslav Fidler
09:04 PM Bug #1296 (Approved): Deleting current build method cause crash
Miroslav Fidler


11:33 PM Bug #1297 (Approved): Default CodeEditor font size is too high (Standard displays - Full HD)
I think the default CodeEditor size is too big in compare to what was previous. On the other hand, it is significant ... Zbigniew Rebacz
08:02 PM Bug #1296: Deleting current build method cause crash
Switching to affected package - cause permanent crash! Zbigniew Rebacz
07:59 PM Bug #1296 (Approved): Deleting current build method cause crash
1. Create build method for example "GCC2".
2. Switch to GCC2 inside project.
3. Open build methods dialog.
4. Dele...
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:10 PM Bug #1295 (Approved): ide/install: mingw32-openssl, consider mingw64
Miroslav Fidler


11:27 AM Bug #1287 (Approved): Ide crash during debugging in help window
Miroslav Fidler


06:42 PM Bug #1027 (Approved): DropList pop up dosen't work
On X11 works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:53 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
Well, it was just explicitly disabled. I hope enabling it will not cause any problems... (esp. in X11) Miroslav Fidler
01:53 PM Bug #1027 (Ready for QA): DropList pop up dosen't work
Well, it was just explicitly disabled. I hope enabling it will not cause any problems... (esp. in X11) Miroslav Fidler
02:59 PM Bug #1294 (Approved): cpp: Assist++ now working (maybe, check)
void DisplayPopup::Cancel()
Vector<Ctrl *> h = GetTopCtrls();
for(int i = 0; i < h.GetCo...
Miroslav Fidler


08:42 PM Bug #1293 (New): GLCtrl dosen't recive key events
Tested on X11. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:35 PM Feature #1026: Move SVN mirror to
Brows svn just jump to googlecode. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:35 PM Feature #1026: Move SVN mirror to
Where can I find it? Can you change urls on site? Zbigniew Rebacz


11:55 PM Bug #1292 (Approved): ide: High memory consumption
Miroslav Fidler
01:43 PM Bug #1292 (Approved): ide: High memory consumption
Miroslav Fidler


09:16 AM Bug #1042 (Approved): Increase /STACKSIZE for MSC builder
Miroslav Fidler
09:16 AM Bug #1291 (Approved): ide: Environment setting tabs should react immediatelly, "grouping" does no...
Miroslav Fidler


04:35 PM Bug #1290 (Approved): ide: Parameter highlight broken with ',' constant
Vector<String> s = GetCsvLine(in, ',', CHARSET_UTF8)
(interprets ',' as argument separating comma)
Miroslav Fidler
02:19 PM Feature #1288 (Approved): .tpp and help should have active designer icon only in ide toolbar
Miroslav Fidler
08:49 AM Bug #1289 (Approved): ide: Fix about dialog (for ubuntu)
Miroslav Fidler

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