
From 09/25/2016 to 10/24/2016


05:56 PM Bug #1562: Create package - Create in droplist should be wider (in linux, does not fit)
Probably we should use here SplitterFrame to make it more customizable. Moreover, size of window should be serialized... Zbigniew Rebacz


08:50 AM Feature #1563 (Approved): ScanHexString should be renamed as DecodeHex
Miroslav Fidler
08:46 AM Bug #1562 (Approved): Create package - Create in droplist should be wider (in linux, does not fit)
Miroslav Fidler


10:58 AM Bug #1561 (Approved): String ReverseFindAfter
Miroslav Fidler
10:44 AM Bug #1560 (Approved): ide: Search on web could be active even if no selection and cursor is on ID...
Miroslav Fidler


08:48 PM Feature #1559 (New): Svn history could detect last revision and use local pristine copy
Only load log on drop Miroslav Fidler


03:12 PM Bug #1558 (New): Svn sync should be able to deal with A+ files (added e.g. by merge)
A + OpenWind\SerializeLayer.cpp
Miroslav Fidler


07:15 PM Bug #1555 (Approved): ide: Impossible to insert separator in -aux
Miroslav Fidler
01:50 PM Bug #1555 (Approved): ide: Impossible to insert separator in -aux
Miroslav Fidler
07:15 PM Feature #1554 (Approved): Add online search option to code editor
Miroslav Fidler
01:43 PM Bug #1429: GTK Backend wrong placment of system "X" button when window is not resizable (KDE 5)
I think this is KDE problem not ours. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:43 PM Bug #1429: GTK Backend wrong placment of system "X" button when window is not resizable (KDE 5)
I think this is KDE problem not ours. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:33 PM Task #1552 (Approved): Add DeQtf documentation
Zbigniew Rebacz


10:19 PM Feature #1554 (Approved): Add online search option to code editor
If anything is selected in code editor user should have option to search for that item.
- User selects ...
Zbigniew Rebacz
02:21 PM Task #1552: Add DeQtf documentation
Read :) I will change Informative Dialogs article to use 1.0 instead of 1.5 in desc. Zbigniew Rebacz
09:13 AM Task #1552 (In Progress): Add DeQtf documentation
Applied after fixing. Please keep the established format in docs:
- desc does not have 1.5 line spacing
- very fi...
Miroslav Fidler
09:13 AM Task #1552 (In Progress): Add DeQtf documentation
Applied after fixing. Please keep the established format in docs:
- desc does not have 1.5 line spacing
- very fi...
Miroslav Fidler
09:14 AM Feature #1547 (Approved): Stream::Skip
Miroslav Fidler
09:00 AM Bug #1553 (New): Investigate resizing issue Miroslav Fidler


10:33 PM Task #1552 (Approved): Add DeQtf documentation
I cannot commit due to limitation in privileges - i cannot add any file to RichText package. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:31 PM Bug #1551 (New): Insert package directory file dosen't work for .tpp file (directory)
This situation should be escaped in someway - because we shouldn't treat this file as directory. Zbigniew Rebacz


08:09 PM Feature #1540 (Approved): Two new Esc ide macros - GetLineLength() & Target()
Zbigniew Rebacz


10:18 AM Feature #1547 (Approved): Stream::Skip
SeekCur only works with seekable Streams. Skip would be nice... Miroslav Fidler


11:21 AM Feature #1545 (Approved): Date (and maybe Time) should have operator++
Miroslav Fidler


01:08 PM Bug #1544 (Approved): C++ options with msc15 does not work
Miroslav Fidler
10:40 AM Bug #1542 (New): Check boost compatibility Miroslav Fidler


08:00 PM Feature #1540: Two new Esc ide macros - GetLineLength() & Target()
Of course, documentation will be updated. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:54 PM Feature #1540 (Approved): Two new Esc ide macros - GetLineLength() & Target()
I think it would be nice to add more macros on TheIDE side:
- GetLineLength(line) - returns the line length on given...
Zbigniew Rebacz

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