
From 06/17/2017 to 07/16/2017


05:19 PM Feature #1771 (Approved): Change Splitter to SplitterFrame for ide workspace (wesplit)
I posted the patch that shows how to do such improvement. The only problem with this patch is wrong serialization pro... Zbigniew Rebacz


10:11 PM Feature #1770 (Approved): CodeEditor should support c++11 raw string literal
... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:51 AM Feature #1769 (Approved): ide should be able to open individual .tpp file
Miroslav Fidler


09:33 PM Feature #1764 (Approved): Support MS Build Tools
Miroslav Fidler


03:35 PM Bug #1766 (Approved): ide: 40MB json line is slow
Miroslav Fidler


11:40 PM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
OK, Update, but it could be wrong as the previous Painter documentation... ;) Zbigniew Rebacz
09:56 AM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
Hm, but that file was produced by me. My guess is that you have posted the wrong file. Miroslav Fidler
09:54 AM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
This is already in trunk - I guess you have commited it too... Miroslav Fidler
09:51 PM Feature #1765 (Approved): ide: Duplicate package
Miroslav Fidler
08:45 PM Feature #1764 (Approved): Support MS Build Tools Miroslav Fidler
01:32 PM Bug #1763 (Approved): Deleting or adding (the second option should be checked) macro should refre...
The IDE interface must be refresh. The situation where macro is presented in TheIDE, but is not physically presented ... Zbigniew Rebacz


07:27 PM Documentation #1762 (Patch ready): ImagePainter documentation
The content is presented in the file. Zbigniew Rebacz


05:09 PM Documentation #1762 (Rejected): ImagePainter documentation
Mirek - please add this file to the Painter package - I don't have permissions to do this. The tutorial is attached i... Zbigniew Rebacz
04:25 PM Documentation #1761 (Rejected): ImageAnyDraw needs documenation
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:43 AM Documentation #1761 (Rejected): ImageAnyDraw needs documenation
I found that ImageAnyDraw is not documented. This should change in the future... Zbigniew Rebacz


11:37 PM Feature #1748 (Approved): ide: Navigator should show current scope (class)
Miroslav Fidler
01:25 PM Feature #1758 (New): decode / findarg
Try to make it work with non-const references... Miroslav Fidler


11:39 PM Refactoring #1746 (Approved): MacroManager should be independed from TheIDE and move to separate ...
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:44 PM Task #1757 (New): CodeEditor should not use global state for highlight
I strongly believe that this is not good idea to keep CodeEditor highlight settings as a global state (singleton like... Zbigniew Rebacz
03:41 PM Bug #1756 (New): Linux issues with FullScreen Miroslav Fidler
03:35 PM Bug #1755 (Approved): Opening MacroManager or Abbriviation leads to restart code schemes in CodeE...
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:34 PM Bug #1755: Opening MacroManager or Abbriviation leads to restart code schemes in CodeEditor
OK - It can be fixing more easily - but I think static method (singleton like) in CodeEditor is a bad idea. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:22 PM Bug #1755: Opening MacroManager or Abbriviation leads to restart code schemes in CodeEditor
HighlightSetup should not act as a singleton - please read my comment in the forum thread. Zbigniew Rebacz
01:07 PM Bug #1755 (Approved): Opening MacroManager or Abbriviation leads to restart code schemes in CodeE... Zbigniew Rebacz


10:38 PM Bug #1745 (Approved): Close right tabs can close all tabs
Thanks - works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:38 PM Bug #1745 (Approved): Close right tabs can close all tabs
Thanks - works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
08:49 AM Bug #1745 (Ready for QA): Close right tabs can close all tabs
Miroslav Fidler
12:13 PM Feature #1754 (Approved): CtrlLib: ColorPopUp should use DPI to dimension things for HDPI displays
Miroslav Fidler


11:03 PM Bug #1745: Close right tabs can close all tabs
Yes it is segmentation fault with TabBar. Just click close in the same place - priority should be definitely higher. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:06 PM Bug #1745: Close right tabs can close all tabs
I do not have rights to commit and accept patches for TabBar - this is what Mirek should do. Zbigniew Rebacz
05:13 PM Bug #1745 (Patch ready): Close right tabs can close all tabs
The bug touches the menu "Close" too,
Clicking the "Close" menu in this area causes the app to crash.
the cause i...
Abdelghani Omari
05:13 PM Bug #1745 (Patch ready): Close right tabs can close all tabs
The bug touches the menu "Close" too,
Clicking the "Close" menu in this area causes the app to crash.
the cause i...
Abdelghani Omari
05:13 PM Bug #1745 (Patch ready): Close right tabs can close all tabs
The bug touches the menu "Close" too,
Clicking the "Close" menu in this area causes the app to crash.
the cause i...
Abdelghani Omari
10:52 PM Task #1747 (Approved): MacroManager should allow import, export (global operations) and edit (loc...
OK - Thanks - approved. Zbigniew Rebacz
11:28 AM Feature #1578 (Approved): In .sch file, only S_ structs should be displayed in navigator (not Sql...
Miroslav Fidler
09:19 AM Feature #1740 (Approved): ide: Use text selection (or file) as error list
Miroslav Fidler


11:40 PM Feature #1752 (Approved): Option to put navigator to the right
Miroslav Fidler
06:49 PM Feature #1752 (Approved): Option to put navigator to the right
Miroslav Fidler
07:04 PM Bug #1750 (Approved): Higlight in search pane in linux looks strange
Miroslav Fidler


08:49 PM Bug #1750 (Approved): Higlight in search pane in linux looks strange
// m_Roads
if in error pane, m_Roads higlighted, individual letters are clipped (because of way how it is printed)
Miroslav Fidler
02:24 PM Feature #1743 (Approved): ide: Single letter selection should highlight only single-letter variables
Miroslav Fidler
11:58 AM Feature #1748 (Approved): ide: Navigator should show current scope (class)
Miroslav Fidler


09:23 PM Bug #1370 (Approved): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:12 PM Bug #1370 (Ready for QA): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Test OK. it works fine.
Abdelghani Omari
07:12 PM Bug #1370 (Ready for QA): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Test OK. it works fine.
Abdelghani Omari
11:25 AM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
I tested with Windows 7 - nightly builds and works fine. Zbigniew Rebacz
02:29 AM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
i will test with the next nightly build. Abdelghani Omari
02:27 AM Refactoring #1746 (Ready for CR): MacroManager should be independed from TheIDE and move to separ...
Abdelghani Omari
02:26 AM Task #1747 (Ready for CR): MacroManager should allow import, export (global operations) and edit ...
patch in #1746 Abdelghani Omari
02:26 AM Task #1747 (Ready for CR): MacroManager should allow import, export (global operations) and edit ...
patch in #1746 Abdelghani Omari


07:20 PM Refactoring #1746: MacroManager should be independed from TheIDE and move to separate package
this patch also covers #1747. Abdelghani Omari
03:56 PM Bug #1370 (Ready for CR): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
On the trunk under following commit: Zbigniew Rebacz
03:56 PM Bug #1370 (Ready for CR): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
On the trunk under following commit: Zbigniew Rebacz
03:45 PM Bug #1370 (In Progress): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Zbigniew Rebacz
02:51 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Ok - thanks for confiramtion - i will look into it. Zbigniew Rebacz
07:20 AM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Test case:
* Env: Win7 pro, Upp 11171
* reference/BasicAlgo
* set a breakpoint at line 10
* start debug (F5)
Abdelghani Omari
03:29 PM Feature #1731 (Rejected): GDB - MingGW : Display output of target application in a separate console
Rejected due to duplication with #1370. Zbigniew Rebacz
03:29 PM Feature #1731 (Rejected): GDB - MingGW : Display output of target application in a separate console
Rejected due to duplication with #1370. Zbigniew Rebacz


10:34 PM Bug #1370 (Ready for QA): cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:33 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
Priority change to high due to impact on the end user of TheIDE. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:32 PM Bug #1370: cmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debuger
I tested this problem 3 weeks ago and it seems to disappear. Even "system("pause")" works with debugger. It should be... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:30 PM Bug #1729 (Rejected): Size by default should be empty
OK - I will reject this issue. For the next time I will need to remember that by defaults it initialized with random ... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:14 PM Task #1747 (Approved): MacroManager should allow import, export (global operations) and edit (loc...
This is minor MacroManager interface improvement.
The menu bar should look like this:
- New macro file..
- Delet...
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:05 PM Refactoring #1746 (Approved): MacroManager should be independed from TheIDE and move to separate ...
Currently MacroManager depends on ide object which is not very good design. It is cyclic dependency - ide instance cr... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:03 PM Refactoring #1725 (Rejected): usc extension is used for Macro file and for designerModule file
I think it will not happen, because of backward compatibility - please read my first commend. Mirek if you want to ad... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:56 PM Bug #1744 (Approved): MacroManager allows to import invalid macro file
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:31 PM Bug #1744: MacroManager allows to import invalid macro file
We want to display that wrong formated files, but the entry will not displayed the macro list. The main reason of tha... Zbigniew Rebacz
05:13 PM Bug #1744: MacroManager allows to import invalid macro file
i have changed a bit, please check. Abdelghani Omari
04:24 PM Bug #1744: MacroManager allows to import invalid macro file
Zbigniew Rebacz wrote:
> We need to fix two issues
> - Importing .usc file should be valid - we cannot import file ...
Abdelghani Omari
09:28 PM Feature #1703 (Approved): Macro manager for TheIDE
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:09 PM Bug #1745 (Approved): Close right tabs can close all tabs
There is one place that allows to close all tabs using "Close right tabs" feature. All you need to do is just click o... Zbigniew Rebacz

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