
From 07/01/2017 to 07/30/2017


10:28 PM Feature #1771 (Patch ready): Change Splitter to SplitterFrame for ide workspace (wesplit)
Zbigniew Rebacz
07:26 PM Bug #1776 (Approved): ide: After convert to 16bit unicode, binary mode
Miroslav Fidler


01:26 PM Feature #1765 (Approved): ide: Duplicate package
Miroslav Fidler
10:54 AM Feature #1772 (Approved): Add default true parameter for Enable operation for ToolButton
Miroslav Fidler


11:39 PM Feature #1772 (Approved): Add default true parameter for Enable operation for ToolButton
Please add default parameter for following method of ToolButton:... Zbigniew Rebacz


09:57 PM Bug #1436 (Approved): Navigator is show in designer when user ends editing settings
It is fixed indirectly by latest changes in navigator position and replacing splitter with splitter frame. Zbigniew Rebacz
09:57 PM Bug #1436 (Approved): Navigator is show in designer when user ends editing settings
It is fixed indirectly by latest changes in navigator position and replacing splitter with splitter frame. Zbigniew Rebacz
09:54 PM Feature #1616 (Approved): RichText should support content feature
Finally, we manage to bring the feature to the website. I am glad it works fine. For me we can close this ticket. Zbigniew Rebacz
09:54 PM Feature #1616 (Approved): RichText should support content feature
Finally, we manage to bring the feature to the website. I am glad it works fine. For me we can close this ticket. Zbigniew Rebacz


05:19 PM Feature #1771 (Approved): Change Splitter to SplitterFrame for ide workspace (wesplit)
I posted the patch that shows how to do such improvement. The only problem with this patch is wrong serialization pro... Zbigniew Rebacz


10:11 PM Feature #1770 (Approved): CodeEditor should support c++11 raw string literal
... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:51 AM Feature #1769 (Approved): ide should be able to open individual .tpp file
Miroslav Fidler


09:33 PM Feature #1764 (Approved): Support MS Build Tools
Miroslav Fidler


03:35 PM Bug #1766 (Approved): ide: 40MB json line is slow
Miroslav Fidler


11:40 PM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
OK, Update, but it could be wrong as the previous Painter documentation... ;) Zbigniew Rebacz
09:56 AM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
Hm, but that file was produced by me. My guess is that you have posted the wrong file. Miroslav Fidler
09:54 AM Documentation #1762: ImagePainter documentation
This is already in trunk - I guess you have commited it too... Miroslav Fidler
09:51 PM Feature #1765 (Approved): ide: Duplicate package
Miroslav Fidler
08:45 PM Feature #1764 (Approved): Support MS Build Tools Miroslav Fidler
01:32 PM Bug #1763 (Approved): Deleting or adding (the second option should be checked) macro should refre...
The IDE interface must be refresh. The situation where macro is presented in TheIDE, but is not physically presented ... Zbigniew Rebacz


07:27 PM Documentation #1762 (Patch ready): ImagePainter documentation
The content is presented in the file. Zbigniew Rebacz


05:09 PM Documentation #1762 (Rejected): ImagePainter documentation
Mirek - please add this file to the Painter package - I don't have permissions to do this. The tutorial is attached i... Zbigniew Rebacz
04:25 PM Documentation #1761 (Rejected): ImageAnyDraw needs documenation
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:43 AM Documentation #1761 (Rejected): ImageAnyDraw needs documenation
I found that ImageAnyDraw is not documented. This should change in the future... Zbigniew Rebacz

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