
From 02/08/2019 to 03/09/2019


06:41 PM Bug #1938 (Approved): Topic++ move multiplies entries in topic list (reload problem)
Miroslav Fidler
10:28 AM Task #1936 (In Progress): Compiling upp with GCC version 8.2.1 causing many warnings
Mirek, can you compile TheIDE with the new build method it seems that we have warnings too and there are still some w... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:28 AM Task #1936 (In Progress): Compiling upp with GCC version 8.2.1 causing many warnings
Mirek, can you compile TheIDE with the new build method it seems that we have warnings too and there are still some w... Zbigniew Rebacz


12:45 AM Task #1936 (Ready for QA): Compiling upp with GCC version 8.2.1 causing many warnings
Miroslav Fidler


07:20 PM Bug #1937 (New): TheIDE help doesn't disply related package Zbigniew Rebacz
04:12 PM Task #1936 (Approved): Compiling upp with GCC version 8.2.1 causing many warnings
You can find that GCC version on Manjaro linux ;)
Here is the warning generated by regular clean build on that dis...
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:59 PM Bug #1933: Fonts are not verticaly centered on Manjaro Linux (KDE)
I belive the issue is reproducible on other distros when you didn't allow to install ms fonts during installation and... Zbigniew Rebacz


06:07 PM Bug #1935 (Approved): macOS: Global menu item is selected after selecting option that open new wi...
- Zbigniew Rebacz
11:54 AM Task #1934 (New): Flatpack support
We should move towards flatpack support on GNU/Linux operating system like instead of investing our time to create pa... Zbigniew Rebacz


09:10 PM Bug #1933 (Rejected): Fonts are not verticaly centered on Manjaro Linux (KDE)
I just installed new distribution and found that text is not vertically centered like on other distributions. I attac... Zbigniew Rebacz
10:50 AM Bug #1928 (Approved): The sub-menu can be trimmed on macOS
Zbigniew Rebacz


12:04 AM Bug #1928 (Ready for QA): The sub-menu can be trimmed on macOS
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:10 PM Bug #1928 (Approved): The sub-menu can be trimmed on macOS
Zbigniew Rebacz
12:05 PM Bug #1928 (Ready for QA): The sub-menu can be trimmed on macOS
Context menu position hopefully improved. Miroslav Fidler
12:05 PM Bug #1928 (Ready for QA): The sub-menu can be trimmed on macOS
Context menu position hopefully improved. Miroslav Fidler
11:07 PM Bug #1930 (Approved): MacOS: TheIDE insert color automatically selects color when mouse over window
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:32 AM Bug #1930 (Ready for QA): MacOS: TheIDE insert color automatically selects color when mouse over ...
Hopefully fixed. Miroslav Fidler
10:32 AM Bug #1930 (Ready for QA): MacOS: TheIDE insert color automatically selects color when mouse over ...
Hopefully fixed. Miroslav Fidler


09:13 PM Bug #1931 (Approved): MenuBar immediatly close after upping right mouse button (Mint Cinamon)
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:55 AM Bug #1931 (Ready for QA): MenuBar immediatly close after upping right mouse button (Mint Cinamon)
Miroslav Fidler


09:11 PM Bug #1932 (Approved): Deal with Linux upp installation problems (.desktop file require for Mint t... Zbigniew Rebacz
09:09 PM Bug #1931 (Approved): MenuBar immediatly close after upping right mouse button (Mint Cinamon)
After clicking right button the menu show for very short period of time and the close. It happens for controls such a... Zbigniew Rebacz


02:22 PM Bug #1930 (Approved): MacOS: TheIDE insert color automatically selects color when mouse over window
It seems that it is backend issue. The color is selected when mouse move over the window. This behavior is strange.
Zbigniew Rebacz


04:48 PM Bug #1929 (Approved): GDB seems to stop working on windows
Zbigniew Rebacz
03:25 PM Bug #1929: GDB seems to stop working on windows
Verify on Linux and it doesn't work. Zbigniew Rebacz
02:43 PM Bug #1929 (Approved): GDB seems to stop working on windows
Steps to reproduce:
1. Compile any application wtih MinGW
2. Start application under debug mode (GDB)
3. Break exe...
Zbigniew Rebacz
01:42 PM Bug #1916 (Approved): Fix button chameleon issue
Miroslav Fidler

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