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Example using GoogleMaps static API to display the map of given location


The examples show how to obtain map content from GoogleMaps and display it within U++ application.







#ifndef _GoogleMaps_GoogleMaps_h

#define _GoogleMaps_GoogleMaps_h


#include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>


using namespace Upp;


#define LAYOUTFILE <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.lay>

#include <CtrlCore/lay.h>


#define IMAGECLASS GoogleMapsImg

#define IMAGEFILE <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.iml>

#include <Draw/iml_header.h>


void   SetGoogleMapsKey(const char *key);

String GetGoogleMap(double center_x, double center_y, int zoom, int cx, int cy,

                   const char *format = "png", String *error = NULL);

Image  GetGoogleMapImage(double center_x, double center_y, int zoom, int cx, int cy,

                        const char *format = "png", String *error = NULL);

double CvDeg(double deg, double minutes, double seconds);


Pointf GoogleMapsPixelToGps(Pointf center, int zoom, Point diff);

Pointf GoogleMapsPixelToGps(Pointf center, int zoom, Size sz, Point p);

Pointf GoogleMapsGpsToPixelDiff(Pointf center, int zoom, Pointf gps);

Pointf GoogleMapsGpsToPixel(Pointf center, int zoom, Size sz, Pointf gps);


Pointf ScanGPS(const char *s);


String FormatGPSX(double x);

String FormatGPSY(double y);

String FormatGPS(Pointf p);


bool MapDlg(Pointf& p);








#include "GoogleMaps.h"



    Pointf p(0, 51.477222);


        Exclamation("Marker position " + FormatGPS(p));







#include "GoogleMaps.h"


#define IMAGECLASS GoogleMapsImg

#define IMAGEFILE <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.iml>

#include <Draw/iml_source.h>


struct MapImage : public Ctrl {

    Image  map;

    String error;

    Point  home;


    Callback1<Point> WhenLeftClick;


    virtual void LeftDown(Point p, dword)





    virtual void Paint(Draw& w) {

        Size sz = GetSize();

        w.DrawRect(sz, SColorPaper());


            w.DrawText(0, 0, error);

        else {

            w.DrawImage(0, 0, map);

            Point p = GoogleMapsImg::Pin().GetHotSpot();

            w.DrawImage(home.x - p.x, home.y - p.y, GoogleMapsImg::Pin());




    MapImage() { SetFrame(ViewFrame()); BackPaint(); }



struct MapDlgDlg : public WithMapDlgLayout<TopWindow> {

    typedef MapDlgDlg CLASSNAME;


    Pointf   home;

    Pointf   center;

    MapImage map;


    void LoadMap();

    void SetHome();

    void MapClick(Point p);


    void ZoomIn();

    void ZoomOut();

    void Move(int x, int y);


    void   Set(Pointf p);

    Pointf Get() { return home; }





void MapDlgDlg::SetHome()


    map.home = GoogleMapsGpsToPixel(center, ~zoom, Size(640, 640), home);

    gpsy.SetLabel("  " + FormatGPSY(home.y));

    gpsx.SetLabel("  " + FormatGPSX(home.x));




void MapDlgDlg::LoadMap()


    map.map = GetGoogleMapImage(center.x, center.y, ~zoom, 640, 640, "png", &map.error);




void MapDlgDlg::Move(int x, int y)


    center = GoogleMapsPixelToGps(center, ~zoom, Point(250 * x, 250 * y));




void MapDlgDlg::MapClick(Point p)


    home = GoogleMapsPixelToGps(center, ~zoom, Size(640, 640), p);




void MapDlgDlg::Set(Pointf p)


    home = center = p;




void MapDlgDlg::ZoomIn()


    zoom <<= min((int)~zoom + 1, 21);




void MapDlgDlg::ZoomOut()


    zoom <<= max((int)~zoom - 1, 0);






    CtrlLayoutOKCancel(*this, "");


    Size sz = GetSize();

    Size msz = map.GetSize();

    sz += Size(640 - msz.cx, 640 - msz.cy);



    for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)


    zoom <<= 17;

    zoom <<= THISBACK(LoadMap);

    zoomin <<= THISBACK(ZoomIn);

    zoomout <<= THISBACK(ZoomOut);


    left <<= THISBACK2(Move, -1, 0);


    right <<= THISBACK2(Move, 1, 0);


    up <<= THISBACK2(Move, 0, -1);


    down <<= THISBACK2(Move, 0, 1);



    map.WhenLeftClick = THISBACK(MapClick);



bool MapDlg(Pointf& p)


    MapDlgDlg dlg;


    if(dlg.Run() == IDOK) {

        p = dlg.Get();

        return true;


    return false;







#include "GoogleMaps.h"


using namespace Upp;


#define LLOG(x) // LOG(x)


String apikey = "";


void SetGoogleMapsKey(const char *key)


    apikey = key;



String GetGoogleMap(double center_x, double center_y, int zoom, int cx, int cy,

                   const char *format, String *error)


    String request;

    request << "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" <<

               AsString(center_y) << ',' << AsString(center_x) <<

               "&zoom=" << zoom <<

               "&size=" << cx << 'x' << cy <<

               "&format=" << format <<

               "&sensor=false&key=" << apikey;

    HttpRequest r(request);

    String h = r.Execute();


        *error = r.GetErrorDesc();

    return h;



Image GetGoogleMapImage(double center_x, double center_y, int zoom, int cx, int cy,

                       const char *format, String *error)


    return StreamRaster::LoadStringAny(GetGoogleMap(center_x, center_y, zoom, cx, cy, format, error));



double CvDeg(double deg, double minutes, double seconds)


    return deg + (double)minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600;



static void sFetch(double& a, double *x, int& ii)


    a = CvDeg(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

    ii = 0;



int CharFilterH(int c)


    return c == 'e' || c == 'E' ? 'r' : c == '\'' || c == '\"' ? '@' : c;



Pointf ScanGPS(const char *s)


    String h = Filter(s, CharFilterH);

    Pointf r = Null;

    double x[3];

    CParser p(h);

    x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = 0;

    int ii = 0;

    while(!p.IsEof()) {

        if(p.IsDouble()) {

            if(ii < 3)

                x[ii++] = p.ReadDouble();

            else {


                    sFetch(r.y, x, ii);

                else {

                    sFetch(r.x, x, ii);



                x[ii++] = p.ReadDouble();




        if(p.Char('W') || p.Char('w')) {

            if(x[0] > 0)

                x[0] = -x[0];

            sFetch(r.x, x, ii);




            sFetch(r.x, x, ii);


        if(p.Char('S') || p.Char('s')) {

            if(x[0] > 0)

                x[0] = -x[0];

            sFetch(r.y, x, ii);



        if(p.Char('N') || p.Char('n'))

            sFetch(r.y, x, ii);




    if(!IsNull(r.y) && IsNull(r.x))

        sFetch(r.x, x, ii);

    return r;



String FormatDegree(double d, int decimals)



        return Null;

    d = modulo(d + 180, 360) - 180;

    char sign = (d < 0 ? '-' : '+');

    if(d < 0) d = -d;

    int deg = ffloor(d);

    String cd = ToCharset(CHARSET_DEFAULT, "%c%d°", CHARSET_UTF8);

    if(decimals <= -2)

        return NFormat(cd, sign, deg);

    d = (d - deg) * 60;

    int min = ffloor(d);

    if(decimals <= -1)

        return NFormat(cd + " %02d\'", sign, deg, min);

    d = (d - min) * 60;

    String sec = FormatDoubleFix(d, decimals);


        sec.Insert(0, '0');

    return NFormat(cd + " %02d\' %s\"", sign, deg, min, sec);



String FormatGPSX(double x)


    return IsNull(x) ? String() : FormatDegree(x, 2) + (x < 0 ? "W" : "E");



String FormatGPSY(double y)


    return IsNull(y) ? String() : FormatDegree(y, 2) + (y < 0 ? "S" : "N");



String FormatGPS(Pointf p)


    return FormatGPSY(p.y) + ' ' + FormatGPSX(p.x);



static const double sOffset = 268435456;

static const double sRadius = sOffset / M_PI;


static int LToX_(double x)


    return int(sOffset + sRadius * x * M_PI / 180);



static int LToY_(double y)


    return int(sOffset - sRadius * log((1 + sin(y * M_PI / 180))/(1 - sin( y * M_PI / 180))) / 2);



static double XToL_(int x)


    return ((x - sOffset) / sRadius) * 180 / M_PI;



static double YToL_(int y)


    return (M_PI / 2 - 2 * atan(exp((y - sOffset) / sRadius))) * 180 / M_PI;



Pointf GoogleMapsPixelToGps(Pointf center, int zoom, Point diff)


    return Pointf(XToL_(LToX_(center.x) + (diff.x << (21 - zoom))),

                  YToL_(LToY_(center.y) + (diff.y << (21 - zoom))));



Pointf GoogleMapsPixelToGps(Pointf center, int zoom, Size sz, Point p)


    return GoogleMapsPixelToGps(center, zoom, p - sz / 2);



Pointf GoogleMapsGpsToPixelDiff(Pointf center, int zoom, Pointf gps)


    return Pointf((LToX_(center.x) - LToX_(gps.x)) >> (21 - zoom),

                  (LToY_(center.y) - LToY_(gps.y)) >> (21 - zoom));



Pointf GoogleMapsGpsToPixel(Pointf center, int zoom, Size sz, Pointf gps)


    return (Sizef)sz / 2.0 - GoogleMapsGpsToPixelDiff(center, zoom, gps);







LAYOUT(MapDlgLayout, 428, 340)

    UNTYPED(map, HSizePosZ(8, 136).VSizePosZ(8, 8))

    ITEM(Button, zoomout, SetLabel(t_("-")).RightPosZ(104, 24).TopPosZ(8, 20))

    ITEM(DropList, zoom, RightPosZ(40, 60).TopPosZ(8, 19))

    ITEM(Button, zoomin, SetLabel(t_("+")).RightPosZ(8, 24).TopPosZ(8, 20))

    ITEM(Button, up, RightPosZ(56, 24).TopPosZ(40, 40))

    ITEM(Button, left, RightPosZ(88, 40).TopPosZ(80, 24))

    ITEM(Button, right, RightPosZ(8, 40).TopPosZ(80, 24))

    ITEM(Button, down, RightPosZ(56, 24).TopPosZ(104, 40))

    ITEM(Button, cancel, SetLabel(t_("Cancel")).RightPosZ(72, 56).BottomPosZ(8, 24))

    ITEM(Button, ok, SetLabel(t_("OK")).RightPosZ(8, 56).BottomPosZ(8, 24))

    ITEM(Label, gpsy, SetFrame(BlackFrame()).RightPosZ(8, 120).TopPosZ(164, 24))

    ITEM(Label, gpsx, SetFrame(BlackFrame()).RightPosZ(8, 120).TopPosZ(192, 24))







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