Task #1652
TheIDE Run dialog should be made sizeable
Status: | Approved | Start date: | 03/01/2017 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | cbpporter cbpporter | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | IDE | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | Release 2017.2 - NTH |
As the title says, the Run dialog is tiny and not sizeable. It is hard to introduce any real command line options.
Fix, in ide/Debug.cpp:
void Ide::RunArgs() { WithRunLayout<TopWindow> dlg; CtrlLayoutOKCancel(dlg, "Run options"); dlg.Sizeable();
Fix in ide/ide.lay:
LAYOUT(RunLayout, 600, 172) ITEM(Label, dv___0, SetLabel(t_("&Program arguments:")).LeftPosZ(4, 112).TopPosZ(4, 19)) ITEM(WithDropChoice<EditString>, arg, HSizePosZ(120, 8).TopPosZ(4, 19)) ITEM(Label, dv___2, SetLabel(t_("&Working directory:")).LeftPosZ(4, 112).TopPosZ(28, 19)) ITEM(EditString, dir, HSizePosZ(120, 8).TopPosZ(28, 19)) ITEM(Label, stdout_file_lbl, SetLabel(t_("STDOUT file:")).LeftPosZ(4, 112).TopPosZ(52, 19)) ITEM(WithDropChoice<EditString>, stdout_file, LeftPosZ(120, 472).TopPosZ(52, 19)) ITEM(Label, dv___6, SetLabel(t_("Standard output:")).LeftPosZ(4, 112).TopPosZ(76, 19)) ITEM(Switch, runmode, SetLabel(t_("&Standalone\n&Console\n&File")).HSizePosZ(120, 272).TopPosZ(76, 19)) ITEM(Option, external, SetLabel(t_("&External application")).HSizePosZ(120, 272).TopPosZ(96, 15)) ITEM(Switch, consolemode, SetLabel(t_("Auto\nAlways\nNever")).HSizePosZ(120, 184).TopPosZ(116, 20)) ITEM(Button, ok, SetLabel(t_("OK")).RightPosZ(76, 64).BottomPosZ(8, 24)) ITEM(Button, cancel, SetLabel(t_("Cancel")).RightPosZ(8, 64).BottomPosZ(8, 24)) ITEM(Label, console_lable, SetLabel(t_("Open console:")).LeftPosZ(4, 112).TopPosZ(116, 20)) ITEM(Option, utf8, SetLabel(t_("Output is UTF-8")).LeftPosZ(328, 104).TopPosZ(76, 20)) END_LAYOUT
TODO: make the dialog remember its size and position from one open to another.
#1 Updated by Zbigniew Rebacz over 7 years ago
- Category set to IDE
- Status changed from New to Ready for QA
- Assignee set to cbpporter cbpporter
- Target version set to Release 2017.2 - NTH
Applied for the main upp mainline. Please check that everything is OK. If yes the approve this issue.
For the serialization issue please create new ticket.
#2 Updated by cbpporter cbpporter over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Ready for QA to Approved