Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
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1717DocumentationNewNormalCreate "Build method" settings detailed documentationZbigniew Rebacz05/12/2017 09:54 PMDocumentation
1009BugIn ProgressNormalTurtle - FileSelector undefinedMiroslav Fidler03/08/2015 06:08 PMTurtle
247FeatureIn ProgressNormalUse shared bz2, jpeg, tiff in linuxJan Dolinár02/23/2015 03:53 PMGeneral
1604FeatureIn ProgressNormalStreamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positionscbpporter cbpporter01/18/2017 03:40 PMCodeEditor
2152BugReady for QANormalNo MyApps assembly after fresh installation on LinuxZbigniew Rebacz03/19/2021 03:06 PM
956BugPatch readyNormalRemove hand icon from calendarDaniel Kos02/25/2015 06:55 PMCtrlLib
995BugPatch readyNormalSynchronize controls after SetValuesDaniel Kos11/21/2015 04:14 PMGridCtrl
2007BugPatch readyNormalMinimal set for pkg-config dependencies in uppsrc/CtrlCore and uppsrc/Draw packagesMiroslav Fidler08/08/2020 05:03 AM
2012BugPatch readyNormalRemove more than one inclusion of header file(s)Miroslav Fidler02/16/2020 11:10 PM
523FeaturePatch readyNormalPeriodic background jobs in skylarkJan Dolinár10/07/2013 09:24 AMSkylark
1353FeaturePatch readyNormalTag syntax could support indentationsMiroslav Fidler01/23/2017 10:12 PMCodeEditor
1993FeaturePatch readyNormalIde/Builders: U++ builder for clang-tidyMiroslav Fidler02/24/2020 09:18 PMIDE

1 2 3 4 (301-312/312) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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