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Generic framebuffer GUI rainbow





//$ class TopWindow {


    virtual void   State(int reason);



    TopWindowFrame *frame;


    void SyncRect();

    void SyncFrameRect(const Rect& r);

    void DestroyFrame();


    friend class Ctrl;



    void GripResize();

//$ };






#define GUI_FB




class SystemDraw : public Draw {


    virtual dword GetInfo() const;

    virtual Size  GetPageSize() const;


    virtual void BeginOp();

    virtual void EndOp();

    virtual void OffsetOp(Point p);

    virtual bool ClipOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool ClipoffOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool ExcludeClipOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool IntersectClipOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool IsPaintingOp(const Rect& r) const;

    virtual Rect GetPaintRect() const;


    virtual    void DrawRectOp(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, Color color);

    virtual void DrawImageOp(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, const Image& img, const Rect& src, Color color);

    virtual void DrawLineOp(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, Color color);


    virtual void DrawPolyPolylineOp(const Point *vertices, int vertex_count,

                                    const int *counts, int count_count,

                                    int width, Color color, Color doxor);

    virtual void DrawPolyPolyPolygonOp(const Point *vertices, int vertex_count,

                                       const int *subpolygon_counts, int scc,

                                       const int *disjunct_polygon_counts, int dpcc,

                                       Color color, int width, Color outline,

                                       uint64 pattern, Color doxor);

    virtual void DrawArcOp(const Rect& rc, Point start, Point end, int width, Color color);


    virtual void DrawEllipseOp(const Rect& r, Color color, int pen, Color pencolor);

    virtual void DrawTextOp(int x, int y, int angle, const wchar *text, Font font,

                            Color ink, int n, const int *dx);


    virtual Size GetNativeDpi() const;

    virtual void BeginNative();

    virtual void EndNative();


    virtual int  GetCloffLevel() const;



    Size  pageSize;

    Size  nativeSize;

    Size  nativeDpi;

    bool  palette:1;

    bool  color16:1;

    bool  is_mono:1;

    int   native;


    friend class  ImageDraw;

    friend class  FontInfo;

    friend class  Font;


    friend void StaticExitDraw_();


    Point     actual_offset_bak;


    struct Cloff : Moveable<Cloff> {

        Point org;

        HRGN  hrgn;

        Rect  drawingclip;



    Array<Cloff> cloff;

    Rect         drawingclip;


    COLORREF  lastTextColor;

    Color     lastColor;

    HBRUSH    orgBrush;

    HBRUSH    actBrush;

    HPEN      orgPen;

    HPEN      actPen;

    int       lastPen;

    Color     lastPenColor;


    void   Unselect0();

    void   Cinit();


    void   LoadCaps();

    void   SetPrinterMode();

    void   Reset();

    void   SetOrg();

    friend HPALETTE GetQlibPalette();

    void   DotsMode();


    static void      InitColors();


    friend class BackDraw;

    friend class ScreenDraw;

    friend class PrintDraw;



    dword style;

    HDC   handle;

    Point actual_offset;



    void   Init();

    void   InitClip(const Rect& clip);



    static Rect GetVirtualScreenArea();


    static void SetAutoPalette(bool ap);

    static bool AutoPalette();

    bool PaletteMode()                                  { return palette; }


    static void Flush()                                 { GdiFlush(); }


    COLORREF GetColor(Color color) const;


    Point    GetOffset() const                          { return actual_offset; }



    Point LPtoDP(Point p) const;

    Point DPtoLP(Point p) const;

    Rect  LPtoDP(const Rect& r) const;

    Rect  DPtoLP(const Rect& r) const;



    void SetColor(Color color);

    void SetDrawPen(int width, Color color);


    Size  GetSizeCaps(int i, int j) const;

    HDC   BeginGdi();

    void  EndGdi();

    HDC   GetHandle()                    { return handle; }

    operator HDC() const                 { return handle; }

    void  Unselect();

    void  Attach(HDC ahandle)            { handle = ahandle; Init(); }

    HDC   Detach()                       { Unselect(); HDC h = handle; handle = NULL; return h; }


    SystemDraw(HDC hdc);

    virtual ~SystemDraw();


    bool CanSetSurface()                 { return IsGui() && IsWinNT(); }




class WinMetaFile {

    Size size;



    void     Init();



    void         Attach(HENHMETAFILE emf);

    HENHMETAFILE Detach();


    void     Set(const void *data, dword len);

    void     Set(const String& data)        { Set(~data, data.GetCount()); }


    String   Get() const;


    operator bool() const                   { return hemf; }

    void     SetSize(const Size& sz)        { size = sz; }

    Size     GetSize() const                { return hemf ? size : Size(0, 0); }


    void     Clear();


    void     Paint(Draw& w, const Rect& r) const;

    void     Paint(Draw& w, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) const;


    void     Serialize(Stream& s);


    void     ReadClipboard();

    void     WriteClipboard() const;

    void     Load(const char *file)         { Set(LoadFile(file)); }


    WinMetaFile()                           { Init(); }

    WinMetaFile(HENHMETAFILE hemf);

    WinMetaFile(HENHMETAFILE hemf, Size sz);

    WinMetaFile(const char *file);

    WinMetaFile(void *data, int len);

    WinMetaFile(const String& data);


    ~WinMetaFile()                                { Clear(); }


    HENHMETAFILE GetHEMF() const                  { return hemf; }



class WinMetaFileDraw : public SystemDraw {

    Size size;



    bool        Create(HDC hdc, int cx, int cy, const char *app = NULL, const char *name = NULL, const char *file = NULL);

    bool        Create(int cx, int cy, const char *app = NULL, const char *name = NULL, const char *file = NULL);

    WinMetaFile Close();


    WinMetaFileDraw() {}

    WinMetaFileDraw(HDC hdc, int cx, int cy, const char *app = NULL, const char *name = NULL, const char *file = NULL);

    WinMetaFileDraw(int cx, int cy, const char *app = NULL, const char *name = NULL, const char *file = NULL);




void DrawWMF(Draw& w, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, const String& wmf);

void DrawWMF(Draw& w, int x, int y, const String& wmf);

Drawing LoadWMF(const char *path, int cx, int cy);

Drawing LoadWMF(const char *path);


String  AsWMF(const Drawing& iw);




class ScreenDraw : public SystemDraw {


    ScreenDraw(bool ic = false);





class PrintDraw : public SystemDraw {


    virtual void StartPage();

    virtual void EndPage();



    bool aborted;


    void  InitPrinter();


    PrintDraw(HDC hdc, const char *jobname);





inline bool     BitBlt(HDC ddc, Point d, HDC sdc, const Rect& s, dword rop = SRCCOPY)

{ return BitBlt(ddc, d.x, d.y, s.Width(), s.Height(), sdc, s.left, s.top, rop); }


inline bool     StretchBlt(HDC ddc, const Rect& r, HDC sdc, const Rect& s, dword rop = SRCCOPY)

{ return StretchBlt(ddc, r.left, r.top, r.Width(), r.Height(), sdc, s.left, s.top, s.Width(), s.Height(), rop); }


inline bool     PatBlt(HDC dc, const Rect& r, dword rop = PATCOPY)

{ return PatBlt(dc, r.left, r.top, r.Width(), r.Height(), rop); }


inline void     MoveTo(HDC hdc, Point pt)                         { MoveToEx(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, 0); }

inline void     LineTo(HDC hdc, Point pt)                         { LineTo(hdc, pt.x, pt.y); }


inline void     DrawLine(HDC hdc, Point p, Point q)               { MoveTo(hdc, p); LineTo(hdc, q); }

inline void     DrawLine(HDC hdc, int px, int py, int qx, int qy) { MoveToEx(hdc, px, py, 0); LineTo(hdc, qx, qy); }



inline void     DrawArc(HDC hdc, const Rect& rc, Point p, Point q){ Arc(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y); }


inline void     DrawCircle(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int radius)     { Ellipse(hdc, x - radius, y - radius, x + radius + 1, y + radius + 1); }

inline void     DrawCircle(HDC hdc, Point centre, int radius)     { DrawCircle(hdc, centre.x, centre.y, radius); }

inline void     DrawEllipse(HDC hdc, const Rect& rc)              { Ellipse(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); }


inline void     DrawRect(HDC hdc, const Rect& rc)                 { Rectangle(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); }


HDC      ScreenHDC();

HPALETTE GetQlibPalette();


Image Win32Icon(LPCSTR id, int iconsize = 0);

Image Win32Icon(int id, int iconsize = 0);

Image Win32Cursor(LPCSTR id);

Image Win32Cursor(int id);

HICON IconWin32(const Image& img, bool cursor = false);

Image Win32DllIcon(const char *dll, int ii, bool large);


class BackDraw : public SystemDraw {


    virtual bool  IsPaintingOp(const Rect& r) const;



    HBITMAP hbmpold;

    HBITMAP hbmp;


    Size    size;

    Draw   *painting;

    Point   painting_offset;



    void  Put(SystemDraw& w, int x, int y);

    void  Put(SystemDraw& w, Point p)                  { Put(w, p.x, p.y); }


    void Create(SystemDraw& w, int cx, int cy);

    void Create(SystemDraw& w, Size sz)                { Create(w, sz.cx, sz.cy); }

    void Destroy();


    void SetPaintingDraw(Draw& w, Point off)           { painting = &w; painting_offset = off; }






class ImageDraw : public SystemDraw {

    Size    size;


    struct  Section {

        HDC     dc;

        HBITMAP hbmp, hbmpOld;

        RGBA   *pixels;


        void Init(int cx, int cy);




    Section     rgb;

    Section     a;

    SystemDraw  alpha;



    bool    has_alpha;


    void Init();

    Image Get(bool pm) const;



    Draw& Alpha();


    operator Image() const;


    Image GetStraight() const;


    ImageDraw(Size sz);

    ImageDraw(int cx, int cy);










    HWND           hwnd; \

    UDropTarget   *dndtgt; \







    UDropTarget *dt; \






inline unsigned GetHashValue(const HWND& hwnd)


    return (unsigned)(intptr_t)hwnd;







#include <ShellAPI.h>











#define GUI_FB


#include <Painter/Painter.h>





#define IMAGEFILE <Framebuffer/FB.iml>

#include <Draw/iml_header.h>


class SystemDraw : public BufferPainter {


    virtual void BeginOp();

    virtual void EndOp();

    virtual void OffsetOp(Point p);

    virtual bool ClipOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool ClipoffOp(const Rect& r);

    virtual bool IsPaintingOp(const Rect& r) const;



    Vector<Point> offset;


    void Push();

    void Pop();



    Point   GetOffset() const;

    bool    CanSetSurface()                         { return false; }

    bool    Clip(const Rect& r)                     { return Draw::Clip(r); }

    bool    Clip(int x, int y, int cx, int cy)      { return Draw::Clip(x, y, cx, cy); }


    static void Flush()                                        {}






struct BackDraw__ : public SystemDraw {

    BackDraw__() : SystemDraw() {}



class BackDraw : public BackDraw__ { // Dummy only, as we are running in GlobalBackBuffer mode

    Size        size;

    Draw       *painting;

    Point       painting_offset;

    ImageBuffer ib;



    virtual bool  IsPaintingOp(const Rect& r) const;



    void  Put(SystemDraw& w, int x, int y)             {}

    void  Put(SystemDraw& w, Point p)                  { Put(w, p.x, p.y); }


    void Create(SystemDraw& w, int cx, int cy)         {}

    void Create(SystemDraw& w, Size sz)                { Create(w, sz.cx, sz.cy); }

    void Destroy()                                     {}


    void SetPaintingDraw(Draw& w, Point off)           { painting = &w; painting_offset = off; }






struct ImageDraw__ {

    ImageBuffer    image;

    ImageBuffer    alpha;


    ImageDraw__(int cx, int cy) : image(cx, cy), alpha(cx, cy) {}



class ImageDraw : private ImageDraw__, public BufferPainter {

    BufferPainter  alpha_painter;

    bool           has_alpha;


    Image Get(bool pm) const;



    Draw& Alpha();


    operator Image() const               { return Get(true); }


    Image GetStraight() const            { return Get(false); }


    ImageDraw(Size sz);

    ImageDraw(int cx, int cy);



void DrawDragRect(SystemDraw& w, const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2, const Rect& clip, int n,

                 Color color, uint64 pattern);


class TopWindowFrame;


#define GUIPLATFORM_CTRL_TOP_DECLS   Ctrl *owner_window;


#define GUIPLATFORM_CTRL_DECLS_INCLUDE <Framebuffer/Ctrl.h>



    bool dnd; \

    friend struct DnDLoop; \




// to be implemented by final FB {


bool FBIsWaitingEvent();

bool FBProcessEvent(bool *quit);

void FBSleep(int ms);

void FBInitUpdate();

void FBUpdate(const Rect& area);

void FBFlush();

void FBQuitSession();


// }


class PrinterJob { // Dummy only...

    NilDraw             nil;

    Vector<int>         pages;



    Draw&               GetDraw()                       { return nil; }

    operator            Draw&()                         { return GetDraw(); }

    const Vector<int>&  GetPages() const                { return pages; }

    int                 operator[](int i) const         { return 0; }

    int                 GetPageCount() const            { return 0; }


    bool                Execute()                       { return false; }


    PrinterJob& Landscape(bool b = true)                { return *this; }

    PrinterJob& MinMaxPage(int minpage, int maxpage)    { return *this; }

    PrinterJob& PageCount(int n)                        { return *this; }

    PrinterJob& CurrentPage(int currentpage)            { return *this; }

    PrinterJob& Name(const char *_name)                 { return *this; }


    PrinterJob(const char *name = NULL)                 {}

    ~PrinterJob()                                       {}





#define GUIPLATFORM_INCLUDE_AFTER <Framebuffer/After.h>






class ViewDraw : public SystemDraw {


    ViewDraw(Ctrl *ctrl);






class ViewDraw : public SystemDraw {

    Vector<Rect> dummy;


    ViewDraw(Ctrl *) : SystemDraw(Ctrl::framebuffer, dummy) { dummy.Add(Rect(10, 10, 100, 100)); }



class DHCtrl : Ctrl {};








#ifndef _Framebuffer_Fb_h_

#define _Framebuffer_Fb_h_


#include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>




class TopWindowFrame : public Ctrl {


    virtual void  Layout();

    virtual void  Paint(Draw& w);

    virtual Image CursorImage(Point p, dword keyflags);

    virtual void  LeftDown(Point p, dword keyflags);

    virtual void  LeftHold(Point p, dword keyflags);

    virtual void  LeftDouble(Point p, dword keyflags);

    virtual void  MouseMove(Point p, dword keyflags);

    virtual void  CancelMode();

    virtual void  LeftUp(Point p, dword keyflags);



    Point  dir;

    Point  startpos;

    Rect   startrect;


    bool   maximized;

    Rect   overlapped;


    bool   holding;

    TimeCallback hold;


    Point GetDragMode(Point p);

    Image GetDragImage(Point dragmode);

    void  StartDrag();

    Rect  Margins() const;

    Rect  ComputeClient(Rect r);

    void  Hold();


    typedef TopWindowFrame CLASSNAME;



    String title;

    Button close, maximize;

    Image  icon;

    Size   minsize;

    bool   sizeable;

    TopWindow *window;


    void SetTitle(const String& s)           { title = s; Refresh(); }

    Rect GetClient() const;

    void SetClient(Rect r);

    void GripResize();


    void  Maximize();

    void  Overlap();

    void  ToggleMaximize();

    bool  IsMaximized() const                 { return maximized; }

    void  SyncRect();













//$ class Ctrl {


    static Ptr<Ctrl>      desktop;

    static Vector<Ctrl *> topctrl;

    static ImageBuffer    framebuffer;

    static Vector<Rect>   invalid, update;


    static Point fbCursorPos;

    static Image fbCursorImage;


    static Point fbCursorBakPos;

    static Image fbCursorBak;


    static Rect  fbCaretRect;

    static Image fbCaretBak;

    static int   fbCaretTm;


    static int   renderingMode;


    static bool  fbEndSession;

    static int64 fbEventLoop;

    static int64 fbEndSessionLoop;


    static Image GetBak(Rect& tr);

    static void RemoveCursor();

    static void RemoveCaret();

    static void CursorSync();


    int FindTopCtrl() const;

    static Rect GetClipBound(const Vector<Rect>& inv, const Rect& r);

    static void DoPaint();

    static void DoUpdate();

    static void SyncTopWindows();


    static void AddInvalid(const Rect& rect);


    void DestroyWnd();


    void NewTop()                       { top = new Top; top->owner_window = NULL; }

    void PutForeground();

    static void MouseEventFB(Ptr<Ctrl> t, int event, Point p, int zdelta);

    Vector<Rect> GetPaintRects();


    static void DrawLine(const Vector<Rect>& clip, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, bool horz,

                         const byte *pattern, int animation);

    static void DragRectDraw0(const Vector<Rect>& clip, const Rect& rect, int n,

                              const byte *pattern, int animation);


    friend struct PaintProxy__;

    friend class TopWindowFrame;

    friend class SystemDraw;

    friend struct DnDLoop;


    void  SetOpen(bool b)               { isopen = b; }



    static int PaintLock;



    static void DoMouseFB(int event, Point p, int zdelta = 0);

    static bool DoKeyFB(dword key, int cnt);


    static void InitFB();

    static void ExitFB();

    static void EndSession();


    static void  SetDesktop(Ctrl& q);

    static Ctrl *GetDesktop()                  { return desktop; }

    static void  SetFramebufferSize(Size sz);


    static const ImageBuffer& GetFrameBuffer() { return framebuffer; }


    static void SetRenderingMode(int mode);


    static void AddUpdate(const Rect& rect);


    void DragRectDraw(const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2, const Rect& clip, int n,

                      Color color, int type, int animation);


    static Ctrl *FindMouseTopCtrl();


    static bool FullWindowDrag;


    enum { DRAWDRAGRECT_SCREEN = 0x8000 };


//$ };






#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x) //DLOG(x)

#define LDUMP(x) //DDUMP(x)


static Point fbmousepos;


Point GetMousePos() {

    return fbmousepos;



void Ctrl::MouseEventFB(Ptr<Ctrl> t, int event, Point p, int zdelta)




    Rect rr = t->GetRect();

    if((event & Ctrl::ACTION) == DOWN) {

        Ptr<Ctrl> q = t;

        TopWindowFrame *wf = dynamic_cast<TopWindowFrame *>(~t);


            q = wf->window;            

        if(q) q->ClickActivateWnd();

        if(q) q->SetForeground();





        t->DispatchMouse(event, p - rr.TopLeft(), zdelta);





Ctrl *Ctrl::FindMouseTopCtrl()


    for(int i = topctrl.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        Ctrl *t = topctrl[i];


            return t->IsEnabled() ? t : NULL;


    return desktop->IsEnabled() ? desktop : NULL;



void Ctrl::DoMouseFB(int event, Point p, int zdelta)


    fbmousepos = p;

    int a = event & Ctrl::ACTION;

    if(a == Ctrl::UP && Ctrl::ignoreclick) {





    if(a == Ctrl::DOWN && ignoreclick)


    LLOG("### Mouse event: " << event << " position " << p << " zdelta " << zdelta << ", capture " << Upp::Name(captureCtrl));


        MouseEventFB(captureCtrl->GetTopCtrl(), event, p, zdelta);


        for(int i = topctrl.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

            Ptr<Ctrl> t = topctrl[i];

            Rect rr = t->GetRect();

            if(rr.Contains(p)) {

                MouseEventFB(t, event, p, zdelta);




    Ctrl *desktop = GetDesktop();

    if(desktop) {

        desktop->DispatchMouse(event, p, zdelta);





bool Ctrl::DoKeyFB(dword key, int cnt)


    bool b = DispatchKey(key, cnt);


    Ctrl *desktop = GetDesktop();



    return b;



Image Ctrl::GetBak(Rect& tr)


    Image bak;


    if(!tr.IsEmpty()) {

        Image h = framebuffer;

        bak = CreateImage(tr.GetSize(), Black);

        Copy(bak, Point(0, 0), h, tr);

        framebuffer = h;


    return bak;



void Ctrl::RemoveCursor()


    if(!IsNull(fbCursorBakPos)) {

        Copy(framebuffer, fbCursorBakPos, fbCursorBak, fbCursorBak.GetSize());

        AddUpdate(Rect(fbCursorBakPos, fbCursorBak.GetSize()));


    fbCursorPos = fbCursorBakPos = Null;

    fbCursorBak = Null;



void Ctrl::RemoveCaret()


    if(!IsNull(fbCaretRect)) {

        Copy(framebuffer, fbCaretRect.TopLeft(), fbCaretBak, fbCaretBak.GetSize());



    fbCaretRect = Null;

    fbCaretBak = Null;



void Ctrl::SetCaret(int x, int y, int cx, int cy)


    GuiLock __;

    caretx = x;

    carety = y;

    caretcx = cx;

    caretcy = cy;

    fbCaretTm = GetTickCount();




void Ctrl::SyncCaret()


    GuiLock __;



void Ctrl::CursorSync()


    LLOG("@ CursorSync");

    Point p = GetMousePos() - fbCursorImage.GetHotSpot();

    Rect cr = Null;

    if(focusCtrl && (((GetTickCount() - fbCaretTm) / 500) & 1) == 0)

        cr = (RectC(focusCtrl->caretx, focusCtrl->carety, focusCtrl->caretcx, focusCtrl->caretcy)

              + focusCtrl->GetScreenView().TopLeft()) & focusCtrl->GetScreenView();


    if(fbCursorPos != p || cr != fbCaretRect) {





        fbCursorPos = p;

        Size sz = fbCursorImage.GetSize();

        Rect tr(p, sz);

        fbCursorBak = GetBak(tr);

        fbCursorBakPos = tr.TopLeft();


        fbCaretRect = cr;

        if(!cr.IsEmpty()) {

            fbCaretBak = GetBak(cr);

            for(int y = cr.top; y < cr.bottom; y++) {

                RGBA *s = framebuffer[y] + cr.left;

                const RGBA *e = framebuffer[y] + cr.right;

                while(s < e) {

                    s->r = ~s->r;

                    s->g = ~s->g;

                    s->b = ~s->b;







        Over(framebuffer, p, fbCursorImage, sz);

        LLOG("Cursor: " << p << ", rect " << tr);





void  Ctrl::SetMouseCursor(const Image& image)


    GuiLock __;

    if(image.GetSerialId() != fbCursorImage.GetSerialId()) {

        fbCursorImage = image;

        fbCursorPos = Null;











#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x)  // LOG(x)


static VectorMap<String, ClipData> fbClipboard;


void ClearClipboard()


    GuiLock __;




void AppendClipboard(const char *format, const Value& data, String (*render)(const Value&))


    GuiLock __;

    ClipData& cd = fbClipboard.GetAdd(format);

    cd.data = data;

    cd.render = render;



static String sRawRender(const Value& v)


    return v;



void AppendClipboard(const char *format, const String& data)


    GuiLock __;

    AppendClipboard(format, data, sRawRender);



void AppendClipboard(const char *format, const byte *data, int length)


    GuiLock __;

    AppendClipboard(format, String(data, length));



String ReadClipboard(const char *format)


    GuiLock __;

    int q = fbClipboard.Find(format);

    return q >= 0 ? (*fbClipboard[q].render)(fbClipboard[q].data) : String();



void AppendClipboardText(const String& s)


    AppendClipboard("text", ToSystemCharset(s));



void AppendClipboardUnicodeText(const WString& s)


    AppendClipboard("wtext", (byte *)~s, 2 * s.GetLength());



const char *ClipFmtsText()


    return "wtext;text";



String GetString(PasteClip& clip)


    GuiLock __;

    if(clip.Accept("wtext")) {

        String s = ~clip;

        return WString((const wchar *)~s, wstrlen((const wchar *)~s)).ToString();



        return ~clip;

    return Null;



WString GetWString(PasteClip& clip)


    GuiLock __;

    if(clip.Accept("wtext")) {

        String s = ~clip;

        return WString((const wchar *)~s, wstrlen((const wchar *)~s));



        return (~clip).ToWString();

    return Null;




bool AcceptText(PasteClip& clip)


    return clip.Accept(ClipFmtsText());



static String sText(const Value& data)


    return data;



static String sWText(const Value& data)


    return Unicode__(WString(data));



void Append(VectorMap<String, ClipData>& data, const String& text)


    data.GetAdd("text", ClipData(text, sText));

    data.GetAdd("wtext", ClipData(text, sWText));



void Append(VectorMap<String, ClipData>& data, const WString& text)


    data.GetAdd("text", ClipData(text, sText));

    data.GetAdd("wtext", ClipData(text, sWText));



String GetTextClip(const WString& text, const String& fmt)


    if(fmt == "text")

        return text.ToString();

    if(fmt == "wtext")

        return Unicode__(text);

    return Null;



String GetTextClip(const String& text, const String& fmt)


    if(fmt == "text")

        return text;

    if(fmt == "wtext")

        return Unicode__(text.ToWString());

    return Null;



String ReadClipboardText()


    String w = ReadClipboard("text");

    return w.GetCount() ? w : ReadClipboardUnicodeText().ToString();



WString ReadClipboardUnicodeText()


    String w = ReadClipboard("wtext");


        return WString((const wchar *)~w, w.GetLength() / 2);

    return ReadClipboard("text").ToWString();



bool IsClipboardAvailable(const char *id)


    return fbClipboard.Find(id) >= 0;



bool IsClipboardAvailableText()


    return IsClipboardAvailable("text") || IsClipboardAvailable("wtext");



const char *ClipFmtsImage()


    static const char *q;


        static String s = "dib;" + ClipFmt<Image>();

        q = s;


    return q;



bool AcceptImage(PasteClip& clip)


    GuiLock __;

    return clip.Accept(ClipFmtsImage());



Image GetImage(PasteClip& clip)


    GuiLock __;

    Image m;

    if(Accept<Image>(clip)) {

        LoadFromString(m, ~clip);


            return m;


    return Null;



Image ReadClipboardImage()


    GuiLock __;

    PasteClip d = Ctrl::Clipboard();

    return GetImage(d);



String sImage(const Value& image)


    Image img = image;

    return StoreAsString(const_cast<Image&>(img));



String GetImageClip(const Image& img, const String& fmt)


    GuiLock __;

    if(img.IsEmpty()) return Null;

    if(fmt == ClipFmt<Image>())

        return sImage(img);

    return Null;



void AppendClipboardImage(const Image& img)


    GuiLock __;

    if(img.IsEmpty()) return;

    AppendClipboard(ClipFmt<Image>(), img, sImage);



bool AcceptFiles(PasteClip& clip)


    if(clip.Accept("files")) {


        return true;


    return false;



bool IsAvailableFiles(PasteClip& clip)


    return clip.IsAvailable("files");



Vector<String> GetFiles(PasteClip& clip)


    GuiLock __;

    Vector<String> f;

    return f;











#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x)  // LOG(x)


void TopWindow::SyncFrameRect(const Rect& r)





void TopWindow::DestroyFrame()






void TopWindow::GripResize()





void TopWindow::SyncSizeHints()





void TopWindow::SyncTitle0()





void TopWindow::SyncCaption0()


    GuiLock __;

    frame->title = title.ToString();

    frame->minsize = minsize;



    frame->sizeable = sizeable;



    frame->close <<= Proxy(WhenClose);

    frame->icon = icon;




void TopWindow::State(int reason)





void TopWindow::SyncRect()



    Rect r = frame->GetClient();

    if(r != GetRect()) {





void TopWindow::Open(Ctrl *owner)


    GuiLock __;

    LLOG("Open " << Upp::Name(owner));

    Rect r = GetRect();




    if(r.left == 0 && r.top == 0)

        if(owner && center == 1)






    frame->window = this;

    frame->PopUp(owner, false, true);

    PopUp(frame, false, true);

    popup = false;



    if(state == MAXIMIZED)




void TopWindow::Open()





void TopWindow::OpenMain()





void TopWindow::Minimize(bool effect)


//    state = MINIMIZED;



TopWindow& TopWindow::FullScreen(bool b)


    return *this;



void TopWindow::Maximize(bool effect)


    state = MAXIMIZED;




void TopWindow::Overlap(bool effect)


    GuiLock __;

    state = OVERLAPPED;




TopWindow& TopWindow::TopMost(bool b, bool stay_top)


    GuiLock __;

    return *this;



bool TopWindow::IsTopMost() const


    return true;



void TopWindow::GuiPlatformConstruct()


    frame = new TopWindowFrame;



void TopWindow::GuiPlatformDestruct()


    delete frame;



void TopWindow::SerializePlacement(Stream& s, bool reminimize)


    GuiLock __;











#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x)   //DLOG(x)

#define LDUMP(x)  //DDUMP(x)

#define LDUMPC(x) //DDUMPC(x)


ImageBuffer    Ctrl::framebuffer;

Vector<Rect>   Ctrl::invalid;

Vector<Rect>   Ctrl::update;


Ptr<Ctrl>      Ctrl::desktop;

Vector<Ctrl *> Ctrl::topctrl;


Point          Ctrl::fbCursorPos = Null;

Image          Ctrl::fbCursorImage;

Point          Ctrl::fbCursorBakPos = Null;

Image          Ctrl::fbCursorBak;

Rect           Ctrl::fbCaretRect;

Image          Ctrl::fbCaretBak;

int            Ctrl::fbCaretTm;

int            Ctrl::renderingMode = MODE_ANTIALIASED;

bool           Ctrl::fbEndSession;

bool           Ctrl::FullWindowDrag;

int            Ctrl::PaintLock;


void Ctrl::SetDesktop(Ctrl& q)


    desktop = &q;







void Ctrl::SetRenderingMode(int mode)


    renderingMode = mode;




void Ctrl::InitFB()




    framebuffer.Create(1, 1);



    SetStdFont(ScreenSans(12)); //FIXME general handling




    static StaticRect x;





void Ctrl::EndSession()


    GuiLock __;


    fbEndSession = true;

    EndSessionLoopNo = EventLoopNo;



void Ctrl::ExitFB()








void Ctrl::SetFramebufferSize(Size sz)









int Ctrl::FindTopCtrl() const


    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)

        if(this == topctrl[i])

            return i;

    return -1;



bool Ctrl::IsAlphaSupported()


    return false;



bool Ctrl::IsCompositedGui()


    return false;



Vector<Ctrl *> Ctrl::GetTopCtrls()


    Vector<Ctrl *> ctrl;



    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)

        if(!dynamic_cast<TopWindowFrame *>(topctrl[i]))


    return ctrl;



Ctrl *Ctrl::GetOwner()


    GuiLock __;

    int q = FindTopCtrl();

    if(q > 0 && topctrl[q]->top) {

        Ctrl *x = topctrl[q]->top->owner_window;


        return dynamic_cast<TopWindowFrame *>(x) ? x->GetOwner() : x;


    return NULL;



Ctrl *Ctrl::GetActiveCtrl()


    GuiLock __;

    return focusCtrl ? focusCtrl->GetTopCtrl() : NULL;



// Vector<Callback> Ctrl::hotkey;


int Ctrl::RegisterSystemHotKey(dword key, Callback cb)


/*    ASSERT(key >= K_DELTA);

    int q = hotkey.GetCount();

    for(int i = 0; i < hotkey.GetCount(); i++)

        if(!hotkey[i]) {

            q = i;



    hotkey.At(q) = cb;

    dword mod = 0;

    if(key & K_ALT)

        mod |= MOD_ALT;

    if(key & K_SHIFT)

        mod |= MOD_SHIFT;

    if(key & K_CTRL)

        mod |= MOD_CONTROL;


    return RegisterHotKey(NULL, q, mod, key & 0xffff) ? q : -1;*/

    return -1;



void Ctrl::UnregisterSystemHotKey(int id)


/*    if(id >= 0 && id < hotkey.GetCount()) {

        UnregisterHotKey(NULL, id);





bool Ctrl::IsWaitingEvent()


    return FBIsWaitingEvent();



void Ctrl::AddUpdate(const Rect& rect)


    LLOG("@AddUpdate " << rect);

    AddRefreshRect(update, rect);



void Ctrl::AddInvalid(const Rect& rect)


    LLOG("@AddInvalid " << rect);

    AddRefreshRect(invalid, rect);



void Ctrl::SyncTopWindows()


    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++) {

        TopWindow *w = dynamic_cast<TopWindow *>(topctrl[i]);






bool Ctrl::ProcessEvent(bool *quit)


    LLOG("@ ProcessEvent");


    if(!GetMouseLeft() && !GetMouseRight() && !GetMouseMiddle())


    if(FBProcessEvent(quit)) {

        LLOG("FBProcesEvent returned true");




        return true;


    return false;



Rect Ctrl::GetClipBound(const Vector<Rect>& inv, const Rect& r)


    Rect ri = Null;

    for(int j = 0; j < inv.GetCount(); j++) {

        Rect rr = inv[j] & r;


            ri = IsNull(ri) ? rr : rr | ri;


    return ri;




ViewDraw::ViewDraw(Ctrl *ctrl)







    Rect r = ctrl->GetScreenView();



    for(int i = max(ctrl->GetTopCtrl()->FindTopCtrl() + 1, 0); i < Ctrl::topctrl.GetCount(); i++) {

        Rect rr = Ctrl::topctrl[i]->GetScreenRect();


        Subtract(Ctrl::invalid, rr);










//    Ctrl::invalid.Clear();



void Ctrl::DoUpdate()






#if 0



    for(int i = 0; i < update.GetCount(); i++) {






//    Sleep(1000);



Vector<Rect> Ctrl::GetPaintRects()


    Vector<Rect> r;

    int q = FindTopCtrl();


    for(int i = max(FindTopCtrl() + 1, 0); i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)

        Subtract(r, topctrl[i]->GetScreenRect());

    return r;




void DDRect(RGBA *t, int dir, const byte *pattern, int pos, int count)


    while(count-- > 0) {

        byte p = pattern[7 & pos++];

        t->r ^= p;

        t->g ^= p;

        t->b ^= p;

        t += dir;




void Ctrl::DrawLine(const Vector<Rect>& clip, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, bool horz, const byte *pattern, int animation)


    if(cx <= 0 || cy <= 0)


    Vector<Rect> rr = Intersection(clip, RectC(x, y, cx, cy));

    for(int i = 0; i < rr.GetCount(); i++) {

        Rect r = rr[i];



            for(int y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++)

                DDRect(framebuffer[y] + r.left, 1, pattern, r.left + animation, r.GetWidth());


            for(int x = r.left; x < r.right; x++)

                DDRect(framebuffer[r.top] + x, framebuffer.GetWidth(), pattern, r.top + animation, r.GetHeight());




void Ctrl::DragRectDraw0(const Vector<Rect>& clip, const Rect& rect, int n, const byte *pattern, int animation)


    int hn = min(rect.GetHeight(), n);

    int vn = min(rect.GetWidth(), n);

    DrawLine(clip, rect.left, rect.top, rect.GetWidth(), hn, true, pattern, animation);

    DrawLine(clip, rect.left, rect.top + hn, vn, rect.GetHeight() - hn, false, pattern, animation);

    DrawLine(clip, rect.right - vn, rect.top + hn, vn, rect.GetHeight() - hn, false, pattern, animation);

    DrawLine(clip, rect.left + vn, rect.bottom - hn, rect.GetWidth() - 2 * vn, hn, true, pattern, animation);



void Ctrl::DragRectDraw(const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2, const Rect& clip, int n,

                       Color color, int type, int animation)


    static byte solid[] =  { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };

    static byte normal[] = { 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 };

    static byte dashed[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

    Point p = GetScreenView().TopLeft();

    Vector<Rect> pr;

    if(type & DRAWDRAGRECT_SCREEN) {


        type &= ~DRAWDRAGRECT_SCREEN;

        p = Point(0, 0);



        pr = Intersection(GetPaintRects(), clip.Offseted(p));

    const byte *pattern = type == DRAWDRAGRECT_DASHED ? dashed :

                          type == DRAWDRAGRECT_NORMAL ? normal : solid;



    DragRectDraw0(pr, rect1.Offseted(p), n, pattern, animation);

    DragRectDraw0(pr, rect2.Offseted(p), n, pattern, animation);



void Ctrl::DoPaint()


    LLOG("@ DoPaint");

    if(!PaintLock) {

        bool scroll = false;



        for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)


        if((invalid.GetCount() || scroll) && desktop) {



            for(int phase = 0; phase < 2; phase++) {

                LLOG("DoPaint invalid phase " << phase);


                SystemDraw painter;


                for(int i = 0; i < invalid.GetCount(); i++) {





                for(int i = topctrl.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

                    Rect r = topctrl[i]->GetRect();

                    Rect ri = GetClipBound(invalid, r);

                    if(!IsNull(ri)) {


                        topctrl[i]->UpdateArea(painter, ri - r.TopLeft());


                        Subtract(invalid, r);




                Rect ri = GetClipBound(invalid, framebuffer.GetSize());


                    desktop->UpdateArea(painter, ri);







void Ctrl::WndUpdate0r(const Rect& r)


    GuiLock __;

    Rect rr = r + GetRect().TopLeft();

    bool dummy;

    Vector<Rect> h;

    h <<= invalid;

    invalid = Intersect(invalid, rr, dummy);



    invalid <<= h;

    Subtract(invalid, rr);




bool Ctrl::ProcessEvents(bool *quit)


    //LOGBLOCK("@ ProcessEvents");

//    MemoryCheckDebug();


        return false;

    while(ProcessEvent(quit) && (!LoopCtrl || LoopCtrl->InLoop()));

    TimeStop tm;


    LLOG("TimerProc elapsed: " << tm);





    return true;



void Ctrl::EventLoop0(Ctrl *ctrl)


    GuiLock __;


    ASSERT(LoopLevel == 0 || ctrl);


    LLOG("Entering event loop at level " << LoopLevel << LOG_BEGIN);

    Ptr<Ctrl> ploop;

    if(ctrl) {

        ploop = LoopCtrl;

        LoopCtrl = ctrl;

        ctrl->inloop = true;



    bool quit = false;

    int64 loopno = ++EventLoopNo;


    while(loopno > EndSessionLoopNo && !quit && (ctrl ? ctrl->IsOpen() && ctrl->InLoop() : GetTopCtrls().GetCount()))


//        LLOG(GetSysTime() << " % " << (unsigned)msecs() % 10000 << ": EventLoop / GuiSleep");



//        LLOG(GetSysTime() << " % " << (unsigned)msecs() % 10000 << ": EventLoop / ProcessEvents");


//        LLOG(GetSysTime() << " % " << (unsigned)msecs() % 10000 << ": EventLoop / after ProcessEvents");






        LoopCtrl = ploop;


    LLOG(LOG_END << "Leaving event loop ");



void Ctrl::GuiSleep0(int ms)


    GuiLock __;



    int level = LeaveGuiMutexAll();





Rect Ctrl::GetWndScreenRect() const


    GuiLock __;

    return GetRect();



void Ctrl::WndShow0(bool b)


    GuiLock __;



void Ctrl::WndUpdate0()


    GuiLock __;



bool Ctrl::IsWndOpen() const {

    GuiLock __;

    return FindTopCtrl() >= 0 || this == desktop;



void Ctrl::SetAlpha(byte alpha)


    GuiLock __;



Rect Ctrl::GetWorkArea() const


    GuiLock __;

    return framebuffer.GetSize();



void Ctrl::GetWorkArea(Array<Rect>& rc)


    GuiLock __;

    Array<Rect> r;




Rect Ctrl::GetVirtualWorkArea()


    return framebuffer.GetSize();



Rect Ctrl::GetWorkArea(Point pt)


    return framebuffer.GetSize();



Rect Ctrl::GetVirtualScreenArea()


    GuiLock __;

    return framebuffer.GetSize();



Rect Ctrl::GetPrimaryWorkArea()


    Rect r;

    return framebuffer.GetSize();



Rect Ctrl::GetPrimaryScreenArea()


    return framebuffer.GetSize();



int Ctrl::GetKbdDelay()


    GuiLock __;

    return 500;



int Ctrl::GetKbdSpeed()


    GuiLock __;

    return 1000 / 32;



void Ctrl::DestroyWnd()


    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)

        if(topctrl[i]->top && topctrl[i]->top->owner_window == this)


    int q = FindTopCtrl();

    if(q >= 0) {




    if(top) {

        delete top;

        top = NULL;


    isopen = false;

    TopWindow *win = dynamic_cast<TopWindow *>(this);





void Ctrl::WndDestroy0()







void Ctrl::PutForeground()


    int q = FindTopCtrl();

    if(q >= 0) {





    Vector< Ptr<Ctrl> > fw;

    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++)

        if(topctrl[i] && topctrl[i]->top && topctrl[i]->top->owner_window == this && topctrl[i] != this)


    for(int i = 0; i < fw.GetCount(); i++)





void Ctrl::SetWndForeground0()


    GuiLock __;




    Ctrl *to = this;

    while(to->top && to->top->owner_window)

        to = to->top->owner_window;


    if(this != focusCtrl)




bool Ctrl::IsWndForeground() const


    GuiLock __;

    bool b = false;

    for(int i = 0; i < topctrl.GetCount(); i++) {

        const TopWindow *tw = dynamic_cast<const TopWindow *>(topctrl[i]);


            b = tw == this;


    return b;



void Ctrl::WndEnable0(bool *b)


    GuiLock __;

    *b = true;



void Ctrl::SetWndFocus0(bool *b)


    GuiLock __;

    *b = true;



bool Ctrl::HasWndFocus() const


    GuiLock __;

    return focusCtrl && focusCtrl->GetTopCtrl() == this;



bool Ctrl::SetWndCapture()


    GuiLock __;


    return true;



bool Ctrl::ReleaseWndCapture()


    GuiLock __;


    return true;



bool Ctrl::HasWndCapture() const


    GuiLock __;

    return captureCtrl && captureCtrl->GetTopCtrl() == this;



void Ctrl::WndInvalidateRect(const Rect& r)


    GuiLock __;

    int q = FindTopCtrl();

    if(q >= 0)

        AddInvalid(r + topctrl[q]->GetRect().TopLeft());





void Ctrl::WndSetPos0(const Rect& rect)


    GuiLock __;

    TopWindow *w = dynamic_cast<TopWindow *>(this);








void  Ctrl::WndScrollView0(const Rect& r, int dx, int dy)


    GuiLock __;

    if(dx == 0 && dy == 0)


    if(dx && dy) {






    Rect sr = r.Offseted(GetScreenRect().TopLeft());

    Vector<Rect> pr = Intersection(GetPaintRects(), sr);

    for(int i = 0; i < pr.GetCount(); i++) {

        Rect r = pr[i];

        if(dx) {

            int n = r.GetWidth() - abs(dx);

            if(n > 0) {

                int to = r.left + dx * (dx > 0);

                int from = r.left - dx * (dx < 0);

                for(int y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++)

                    memmove(framebuffer[y] + to, framebuffer[y] + from, n * sizeof(RGBA));


            n = min(abs(dx), r.GetWidth());    

            Refresh(dx < 0 ? r.left : r.right - n, r.top, n, r.GetHeight());


        else {

            int n = r.GetHeight() - abs(dy);

            for(int y = 0; y < n; y++)

                memmove(framebuffer[dy < 0 ? r.top + y : r.bottom - 1 - y] + r.left,

                        framebuffer[dy < 0 ? r.top + y - dy : r.bottom - 1 - y - dy] + r.left,

                        r.GetWidth() * sizeof(RGBA));

            n = min(abs(dy), r.GetHeight());    

            Refresh(r.left, dy < 0 ? r.bottom - n : r.top, r.GetWidth(), n);




    Vector<Rect> ur;

    for(int i = 0; i < invalid.GetCount(); i++)



    for(int i = 0; i < ur.GetCount(); i++)

        AddInvalid(ur[i].Offseted(dx, dy));



void Ctrl::PopUp(Ctrl *owner, bool savebits, bool activate, bool dropshadow, bool topmost)


    ASSERT(!IsChild() && !IsOpen() && FindTopCtrl() < 0);


    if(owner) {

        Ctrl *owner_window = owner->GetTopWindow();


            owner_window = owner->GetTopCtrl();


        if(owner_window != desktop) {


            top->owner_window = owner_window;




    popup = isopen = true;


    if(activate) SetFocusWnd();




Rect Ctrl::GetDefaultWindowRect() {

    GuiLock __;

    static int ii = 0;

    Size sz = framebuffer.GetSize();

    Rect rect = framebuffer.GetSize();

    rect.Deflate(sz / 10);

    rect.Offset(Size(GetStdFontCy(), 2 * GetStdFontCy()) * (++ii % 8));

    return rect;



Vector<WString> SplitCmdLine__(const char *cmd)


    Vector<WString> out;


        if((byte)*cmd <= ' ')


        else if(*cmd == '\"') {

            WString quoted;

            while(*++cmd && (*cmd != '\"' || *++cmd == '\"'))

                quoted.Cat(FromSystemCharset(String(cmd, 1)).ToWString());



        else {

            const char *begin = cmd;

            while((byte)*cmd > ' ')


            out.Add(String(begin, cmd).ToWString());


    return out;











#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x)  // LOG(x)

#define LDUMP(x) //DDUMP(x)










    maximize <<= THISBACK(ToggleMaximize);

    maximized = false;

    sizeable = false;

    holding = false;



void TopWindowFrame::SyncRect()


    if(maximized) {

        Size sz = framebuffer.GetSize();

        if(GetRect().GetSize() != sz)





void TopWindowFrame::Maximize()


    if(!maximized && maximize.IsShown()) {

        maximized = true;

        overlapped = GetRect();






void TopWindowFrame::Overlap()


    if(maximized && maximize.IsShown()) {

        maximized = false;






void TopWindowFrame::ToggleMaximize()








Rect TopWindowFrame::Margins() const


    return maximized ? Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) : ChMargins(FBImg::border());



void TopWindowFrame::Paint(Draw& w)


    Size sz = GetSize();

    Rect m = Margins();

    int c = GetStdFontCy() + 4;

    ChPaintEdge(w, sz, FBImg::border());

    ChPaint(w, m.left, m.top, sz.cx - m.left - m.right, GetStdFontCy() + 4,

            window->IsForeground() ? FBImg::title() : FBImg::bgtitle());

    int tx = m.left + 2;

    int tcx = sz.cx - m.left - m.right - 4 - c * (close.IsShown() + maximize.IsShown());

    if(!IsNull(icon)) {

        Image h = icon;

        if(h.GetWidth() > c || h.GetHeight() > c)

            h = Rescale(h, GetFitSize(h.GetSize(), Size(c)));

        w.DrawImage(tx, m.top + 2, h);

        tx += c;

        tcx -= c;


    DrawTextEllipsis(w, tx, m.top + 2, tcx, title, "..", StdFont(), SColorHighlightText());



void TopWindowFrame::Layout()


    Size sz = GetSize();

    Rect m = Margins();

    int c = GetStdFontCy() + 4;

    int x = sz.cx - m.right;


        close.SetRect(x -= c, m.top, c, c);


        maximize.SetRect(x -= c, m.top, c, c);



Rect TopWindowFrame::GetClient() const


    Rect r = GetRect();

    Rect m = Margins();

    r.left += m.left;

    r.right -= m.right;

    r.top += m.top;

    r.bottom -= m.bottom;

    r.top += GetStdFontCy() + 4;

    return r;



Rect TopWindowFrame::ComputeClient(Rect r)


    Rect m = Margins();

    r.left -= m.left;

    r.right += m.right;

    r.top -= m.top;

    r.bottom += m.bottom;

    r.top -= GetStdFontCy() + 4;

    return r;



void TopWindowFrame::SetClient(Rect r)





Point TopWindowFrame::GetDragMode(Point p)


    Size sz = GetSize();

    Rect m = ChMargins(FBImg::border());

    Point dir;

    dir.y = p.y < m.top ? -1 : p.y > sz.cy - m.top ? 1 : 0;

    dir.x = p.x < m.left ? -1 : p.x > sz.cx - m.right ? 1 : 0;

    return dir;



void TopWindowFrame::StartDrag()




    if(!sizeable && (dir.x || dir.y))


    if(FullWindowDrag) {


        startrect = GetRect();

        startpos = GetMousePos();


    else {

        Rect r = GetScreenRect();

        RectTracker tr(*this);








        r = tr.Track(r, dir.x < 0 ? ALIGN_LEFT : dir.x > 0 ? ALIGN_RIGHT : ALIGN_CENTER,

                        dir.y < 0 ? ALIGN_TOP : dir.y > 0 ? ALIGN_BOTTOM : ALIGN_CENTER);




    LLOG("START DRAG ---------------");



void TopWindowFrame::GripResize()


    dir = Point(1, 1);




void TopWindowFrame::LeftDown(Point p, dword keyflags)


    dir = GetDragMode(p);

    if(dir.x || dir.y || FullWindowDrag)


    else {


        holding = true;

        hold.Set(GetKbdDelay() / 3, THISBACK(Hold));




void TopWindowFrame::CancelMode()


    holding = false;



void TopWindowFrame::LeftUp(Point p, dword keyflags)


    holding = false;



void TopWindowFrame::Hold()


    if(HasCapture()) {

        if(HasMouse() && GetMouseLeft() && holding)



        holding = false;




void TopWindowFrame::LeftHold(Point p, dword keyflags)


    if(HasCapture() || FullWindowDrag)


    dir = GetDragMode(p);

    if(!dir.x && !dir.y)




void TopWindowFrame::LeftDouble(Point p, dword keyflags)






void TopWindowFrame::MouseMove(Point, dword)




    if(!HasCapture() || holding)


    Size msz = ComputeClient(minsize).GetSize();

    Point p = GetMousePos() - startpos;

    Rect r = startrect;

    if(dir.x == -1)

        r.left = min(r.left + p.x, startrect.right - msz.cx);

    if(dir.x == 1)

        r.right = max(r.right + p.x, startrect.left + msz.cx);

    if(dir.y == -1)

        r.top = min(r.top + p.y, startrect.bottom - msz.cy);

    if(dir.y == 1)

        r.bottom = max(r.bottom + p.y, startrect.top + msz.cy);

    if(dir.y == 0 && dir.x == 0)





Image TopWindowFrame::GetDragImage(Point dir)


    static Image (*im[9])() = {

        Image::SizeTopLeft, Image::SizeLeft, Image::SizeBottomLeft,

        Image::SizeTop, Image::Arrow, Image::SizeBottom,

        Image::SizeTopRight, Image::SizeRight, Image::SizeBottomRight,


    return (*im[(dir.x + 1) * 3 + (dir.y + 1)])();



Image TopWindowFrame::CursorImage(Point p, dword)



        return Image::Arrow();

    return GetDragImage(HasCapture() ? dir : GetDragMode(p));











#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB


#define LLOG(x) // DLOG(x)




void Ctrl::GuiPlatformConstruct()




void Ctrl::GuiPlatformRemove()




void Ctrl::GuiPlatformGetTopRect(Rect& r) const




bool Ctrl::GuiPlatformRefreshFrameSpecial(const Rect& r)


    return false;



bool Ctrl::GuiPlatformSetFullRefreshSpecial()


    return false;



void Ctrl::PaintCaret(SystemDraw& w)




String GuiPlatformGetKeyDesc(dword key)


    return Null;



void Ctrl::GuiPlatformSelection(PasteClip&)




void GuiPlatformAdjustDragImage(ImageBuffer&)




bool GuiPlatformHasSizeGrip()


    return true;



void GuiPlatformGripResize(TopWindow *q)





Color GuiPlatformGetScreenPixel(int x, int y)


    return Ctrl::GetFrameBuffer()[y][x];



void GuiPlatformAfterMenuPopUp()




String Ctrl::Name() const {

    GuiLock __;

#ifdef CPU_64

    String s = String(typeid(*this).name()) + " : 0x" + FormatIntHex(this);


    String s = String(typeid(*this).name()) + " : " + Format("0x%x", (int) this);



        s << "(parent " << String(typeid(*parent).name()) << ")";

    return s;



void Ctrl::InstallPanicBox()












#include <CtrlCore/CtrlCore.h>


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x) // LOG(x)

#define LTIMING(x) // RTIMING(x)



:    BufferPainter(Ctrl::framebuffer, Ctrl::renderingMode)









void SystemDraw::Push()


    Point p = GetOffset();





void SystemDraw::Pop()







Point SystemDraw::GetOffset() const


    return offset.GetCount() ? offset.Top() : Point(0, 0);



void SystemDraw::BeginOp()





void SystemDraw::EndOp()





void SystemDraw::OffsetOp(Point p)



    offset.Top() += p;

    Translate(p.x, p.y);



bool SystemDraw::ClipOp(const Rect& r)





    return true;



bool SystemDraw::ClipoffOp(const Rect& r)



    offset.Top() += r.TopLeft();



    Translate(r.left, r.top);

    return true;



bool SystemDraw::IsPaintingOp(const Rect& r) const


    Rect rr = r + GetOffset();

    for(int i = 0; i < Ctrl::invalid.GetCount(); i++)


            return true;

    return true;



/*Rect SystemDraw::GetVirtualScreenArea()


    GuiLock __;




void BackDraw::Destroy()


    GuiLock __;



void BackDraw::Create(SystemDraw& w, int cx, int cy) {

    GuiLock __;



void BackDraw::Put(SystemDraw& w, int x, int y) {

    GuiLock __;












#include <CtrlCore/CtrlCore.h>


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LTIMING(x) // RTIMING(x)


void SetSurface(SystemDraw& w, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, const RGBA *pixels)


    GuiLock __;



void SetSurface(SystemDraw& w, const Rect& dest, const RGBA *pixels, Size psz, Point poff)


    GuiLock __;



Image ImageDraw::Get(bool pm) const


    ImageBuffer result(image.GetSize());

    const RGBA *e = image.End();

    const RGBA *p = ~image;

    RGBA *t = ~result;

    if(has_alpha) {

        const RGBA *a = ~alpha;

        while(p < e) {

            *t = *p++;

            (t++)->a = (a++)->r;






    else {

        while(p < e) {

            *t = *p++;

            (t++)->a = 255;



    return result;



Draw& ImageDraw::Alpha()


    has_alpha = true;

    return alpha_painter;




ImageDraw::ImageDraw(Size sz)

:    ImageDraw__(sz.cx, sz.cy),




    has_alpha = false;



ImageDraw::ImageDraw(int cx, int cy)

:    ImageDraw__(cx, cy),




    has_alpha = false;




#define IMAGEFILE <Framebuffer/FB.iml>

#include <Draw/iml_source.h>


Image Image::Arrow() { return FBImg::arrow(); }

Image Image::Wait() { return FBImg::wait(); }

Image Image::IBeam() { return FBImg::ibeam(); }

Image Image::No() { return FBImg::no(); }

Image Image::SizeAll() { return FBImg::sizeall(); }

Image Image::SizeHorz() { return FBImg::sizehorz(); }

Image Image::SizeVert() { return FBImg::sizevert(); }

Image Image::SizeTopLeft() { return FBImg::sizetopleft(); }

Image Image::SizeTop() { return FBImg::sizetop(); }

Image Image::SizeTopRight() { return FBImg::sizetopright(); }

Image Image::SizeLeft() { return FBImg::sizeleft(); }

Image Image::SizeRight() { return FBImg::sizeright(); }

Image Image::SizeBottomLeft() { return FBImg::sizebottomleft(); }

Image Image::SizeBottom() { return FBImg::sizebottom(); }

Image Image::SizeBottomRight() { return FBImg::sizebottomright(); }

Image Image::Hand() { return FBImg::hand(); }










#include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>


#ifdef GUI_FB




void ChSysInit()







void ChHostSkin()













#include "Fb.h"


#ifdef GUI_FB




#define LLOG(x)  // DLOG(x)


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ptr<Ctrl> sDnDSource;


Ctrl * Ctrl::GetDragAndDropSource()


    return sDnDSource;



struct DnDLoop : LocalLoop {

    const VectorMap<String, ClipData> *data;

    Vector<String> fmts;


    Image move, copy, reject;

    Ptr<Ctrl> target;

    int    action;

    byte   actions;


    void   Sync();

    String GetData(const String& f);

    void   DnD(bool paste);


    virtual void  LeftUp(Point, dword);

    virtual bool  Key(dword, int);

    virtual void  MouseMove(Point p, dword);

    virtual Image CursorImage(Point, dword);



Ptr<DnDLoop> dndloop;


bool PasteClip::IsAvailable(const char *fmt) const


    GuiLock __;

    return dnd ? dndloop && FindIndex(dndloop->fmts, fmt) >= 0

               : IsClipboardAvailable(fmt);



String DnDLoop::GetData(const String& f)


    GuiLock __;

    int i = data->Find(f);

    String d;

    if(i >= 0)

        d = (*data)[i].Render();



            d = sDnDSource->GetDropData(f);

    return d;



String PasteClip::Get(const char *fmt) const


    return dnd ? dndloop ? dndloop->GetData(fmt) : String() : ReadClipboard(fmt);



void PasteClip::GuiPlatformConstruct()


    dnd = false;



void DnDLoop::DnD(bool paste)


    PasteClip d;

    d.paste = paste;

    d.accepted = false;

    d.allowed = (byte)actions;

    d.action = GetCtrl() ? DND_COPY : DND_MOVE;

    d.dnd = true;


        target->DnD(GetMousePos(), d);

    action = d.IsAccepted() ? d.GetAction() : DND_NONE;



void DnDLoop::Sync()


    GuiLock __;

    Ptr<Ctrl> t = FindMouseTopCtrl();

    if(t != target)



    target = t;




void DnDLoop::LeftUp(Point, dword)


    GuiLock __;






void DnDLoop::MouseMove(Point p, dword)


    GuiLock __;





bool DnDLoop::Key(dword, int)


    GuiLock __;



    return false;



Image DnDLoop::CursorImage(Point, dword)


    GuiLock __;

    return action == DND_MOVE ? move : action == DND_COPY ? copy : reject;



int Ctrl::DoDragAndDrop(const char *fmts, const Image& sample, dword actions,

                       const VectorMap<String, ClipData>& data)


    GuiLock __;

    DnDLoop d;

    d.actions = (byte)actions;

    d.reject = actions & DND_EXACTIMAGE ? CtrlCoreImg::DndNone() : MakeDragImage(CtrlCoreImg::DndNone(), sample);

    if(actions & DND_COPY)

        d.copy = actions & DND_EXACTIMAGE ? sample : MakeDragImage(CtrlCoreImg::DndCopy(), sample);

    if(actions & DND_MOVE)

        d.move = actions & DND_EXACTIMAGE ? sample : MakeDragImage(CtrlCoreImg::DndMoveX11(), sample);


    d.data = &data;

    d.action = DND_NONE;

    d.fmts = Split(fmts, ';');

    dndloop = &d;

    sDnDSource = this;


    sDnDSource = NULL;


    LLOG("DoDragAndDrop finished");

    return d.action;



void Ctrl::SetSelectionSource(const char *fmts) {}










#include <CtrlCore/CtrlCore.h>


#ifdef GUI_FB





static void sRenderLine(SystemDraw& w, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int cx, int cy, int len, byte pattern)



    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)

        if((128 >> (i & 7)) & pattern)

            w.DrawRect(x + dx * i, y + dy * i, cx, cy, Black);




static void sRenderRect(SystemDraw& w, const Rect& r, int n, byte pattern)


    sRenderLine(w, r.left, r.top, 1, 0, 1, n, r.GetWidth(), pattern);

    sRenderLine(w, r.left, r.bottom - 1, 1, 0, 1, n, r.GetWidth(), pattern);

    sRenderLine(w, r.left, r.top, 0, 1, n, 1, r.GetHeight(), pattern);

    sRenderLine(w, r.right - 1, r.top, 0, 1, n, 1, r.GetHeight(), pattern);



void DrawDragRect(SystemDraw& w, const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2,

                 const Rect& clip, int n, Color color, uint64 pattern)


    DLOG("@ DrawDragRect " << rect1 << " " << rect2 << ", clip: " << clip << ", pattern: " << pattern);




    sRenderRect(w, rect1, n, (byte)pattern);

    sRenderRect(w, rect2, n, (byte)pattern);

    Ctrl::AddUpdate((rect1 | rect2).Offseted(w.GetOffset()));

//    MemoryProfile mem;

//    DDUMP(mem);







static uint64 sGetAniPat(uint64 src, int pos)


    uint64 out = 0;

    pos &= 7;

    for(int i = 8; --i >= 0;) {

        byte sr = (byte)(src >> (8 * ((7 - i - pos) & 7)));

        out = (out << 8) | (byte)((sr | (sr << 8)) >> pos);


    return out;






Size GetScreenSize()


    return ScreenInfo().GetPageSize();




void DrawDragRect(Ctrl& q, const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2, const Rect& clip, int n,

                 Color color, int type, int animation)


    q.DragRectDraw(rect1, rect2, clip, n, color, type, animation);










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