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Demonstrates the basic capabilities of SSH package.





#ifndef _SshBasic_SshBasic_h

#define _SshBasic_SshBasic_h


#include <Core/Core.h>

#include <Core/SSH/SSH.h>


using namespace Upp;


void SFtpGet(SshSession& session);

void SFtpStreamGet(SshSession& session);

void SFtpTransparency(SshSession& session);

void SFtpAsyncGet(SshSession& session);

void SFtpAsyncGet2(SshSession& session);

void ExecListDir(SshSession& session);

void ExecAsyncListDir(SshSession& session);

void ShellConsole(SshSession& session);

void ScpGet(SshSession& session);

void ForwardTcpIp(SshSession& session);

void X11Forwarding(SshSession& session);

void SshPick(SshSession& session);

void TraceVerbose();








#include "SshBasics.h"


// ShellConsole:

// Demonstrates an interactive shell in console mode.


void ShellConsole(SshSession& session)


    SshShell shell(session);









#include "SshBasics.h"


//#define SSH_KBAUTH        // Enables ssh keyboard authentication method.


#define SSH_SFTP


// Important note: The scp, X11 forwarding and tcp-ip/port forwarding (tunnel) examples will not

// work with the public ssh test server used in this reference example (test.rebex.net). In order

// to run these examples you can set up an easy-to-use ssh server (e.g. OpenSSH) on a local

// machine for testing purposes.





#ifdef flagLIBSSH2TRACE



//    Ssh::Trace();



    SshSession session;

#if defined(SSH_KBAUTH)


    session.WhenKeyboard = [](String title, String instructions, String prompt)


        // Title and insctructions are optional and might be empty.






        Cout() << prompt;

        return ReadSecret(); // "password"



    if(session.Timeout(30000).Connect("demo:password@test.rebex.net:22")) {

#if   defined(SSH_SFTP)


#elif defined(SSH_SFTP_STREAM)




#elif defined(SSH_SFTP_MT)


#elif defined(SSH_SFTP_MT_LOOP)


#elif defined(SSH_EXEC)


#elif defined(SSH_EXEC_MT)


#elif defined(SSH_SCP)


#elif defined(SSH_SHELL)


#elif defined(SSH_SHELL_X11)


#elif defined(SSH_TUNNEL)


#elif defined(SSH_PICK_SEMANTICS)












#include "SshBasics.h"


// SFtpGet:

// Demonstrates a file download, using sftp.


void SFtpGet(SshSession& session)


    const char *path = "/readme.txt";


    SFtp sftp(session);

    String file = sftp.LoadFile(path);

    LOG((!sftp.IsError() ? file : sftp.GetErrorDesc()));






#include "SshBasics.h"


// SFtpStreamGet:

// Demonstrates a basic stream operation on an sftp remote file object.


void SFtpStreamGet(SshSession& session)


    const char *path = "/readme.txt";


    SFtp sftp(session);

    SFtpFileIn fi(sftp, path);

    while(!fi.IsEof()) {

        int64  pos  = fi.GetPos();

        String line = fi.GetLine();


            LOG(Format("Offset: %3d, Line: [%s]", pos, line));










#include "SshBasics.h"


// ExecListDir:

// Demonstrates a remote command execution.


void ExecListDir(SshSession& session)


    const char *cmdline = "ls -l /pub/example";


    SshExec exec(session);

    String cout, cerr;

    int exit_code = exec(cmdline, cout, cerr);

    if(!exec.IsError()) {


        LOG("Stdout:\n" << cout);

        LOG("Stderr:\n" << cerr);





    // Or you can use one of the helper functions instead:

    // LOG("Stdout:\n" << SshExecute(session, cmdline));






#include "SshBasics.h"


// ScpGet:

// Demonstrates a file download using scp.


void ScpGet(SshSession& session)


    const char *path = "the/full/path/of/the/file/to/downlad";


    Scp scp(session);

    String file = scp.LoadFile(path);

    LOG((!scp.IsError() ? file : scp.GetErrorDesc()));






#include "SshBasics.h"


// TraceVerbose:

// To activate verbose logging, you need to set the LIBSSH2TRACE flag via

// TheIDE->Main Configuration settings.


void TraceVerbose()




//      LIBSSH2_TRACE_KEX       |

       LIBSSH2_TRACE_AUTH      |

       LIBSSH2_TRACE_CONN      |

//      LIBSSH2_TRACE_SCP       |

//      LIBSSH2_TRACE_SFTP      |









#include "SshBasics.h"


// SFtpAsyncGet2: Demonstrates multiple file downloads, using a parallelization loop.



void SFtpAsyncGet2(SshSession& session)


    const int MAXDOWNLOADS = 4;

    const char *path = "/pub/example/";


    SFtp::DirList ls;


        // Get a remote dir listing.

        SFtp browser(session);

        if(!browser.ListDir(path, ls)) {






    // Filter the dir list.

    auto files =  FilterRange(ls, [](const SFtp::DirEntry& e) { return e.IsFile() && e.GetSize() <= 65536; });


    // Loop over.

    CoFor(min(files.GetCount(), MAXDOWNLOADS), [&files, &path, &session](int i){

        const SFtp::DirEntry& e = files[i];

        String fpath = AppendFileName(path, e.GetName());

        RLOG("Downloading " << fpath);

        SFtp sftp(session);

        String file = sftp.LoadFile(fpath);


            RLOG(Format("Worker #%d: %s", sftp.GetId(), sftp.GetErrorDesc()));


            RLOG("File " << e.GetName() << " is successfully downloaded.");








#include "SshBasics.h"


// SshPick:

// Demonstrates the pick (move) semantics for ssh objects.


void SshPick(SshSession& session)


    SshSession psession = pick(session);    // All Ssh-based objects are pickable.


        LOG("SshSession object is picked.");







#include "SshBasics.h"


// SFtpAsyncGet: DEmonstrates multiple file downloads, using worker threads.


AsyncWork<void> AsyncGet(SshSession& session, const String& path)


    auto worker = Upp::Async([=, &session] {

        LOG("Downloading " << path);

        SFtp sftp(session);

        String file = sftp.LoadFile(path);


            throw Ssh::Error(Format("Worker #%d: %s", sftp.GetId(), sftp.GetErrorDesc()));

        LOG("File " << GetFileName(path) << " is successfully downloaded.");


    return pick(worker);



void CheckError(AsyncWork<void>& w)


    try {



    catch(const Ssh::Error& e) {





void SFtpAsyncGet(SshSession& session)


    const int MAXDOWNLOADS = 4;

    const char *path = "/pub/example/";


    SFtp browser(session);

    SFtp::DirList ls;


    if(!browser.ListDir(path, ls)) { // Get a dir listing to extract file names on-the-fly.





    Array<AsyncWork<void>> workers;


    for(const auto& e : ls) {

        if(!e.IsFile() || (e.GetSize() > 65535))


        if(workers.GetCount() == MAXDOWNLOADS)


        workers.Add(AsyncGet(session, AppendFileName(path, e.GetName())));



    while(!workers.IsEmpty()) {

        for(int i = 0; i < workers.GetCount(); i++) {

            auto& worker = workers[i];

            if(worker.IsFinished()) {














#include "SshBasics.h"


// ExecAsyncListDir: Demonstrates remote command execution in worker threads.


AsyncWork<void> AsyncListDir(SshSession& session, const String& path)


    auto worker = Upp::Async([=, &session] {

        SshExec exec(session);

        String cout, cerr;

        int exit_code = exec("ls -l " + path, cout, cerr);


            throw Ssh::Error(Format("Worker #%d: %s", exec.GetId(), exec.GetErrorDesc()));

        LOG("Directory: " << path);

        LOG("Exit code: " << exit_code);

        LOG("Stdout:\n" << cout);

        LOG("Stderr:\n" << cerr);


    return pick(worker);



void GetResult(AsyncWork<void>& w)


    try {



    catch(const Ssh::Error& e) {





void ExecAsyncListDir(SshSession& session)


    const char *path1 = "/";

    const char *path2 = "/pub/example/";


    auto worker1 = AsyncListDir(session, path1);

    auto worker2 = AsyncListDir(session, path2);









#include "SshBasics.h"


// SFtpTransparency:

// Demonstrates  access to sftp directory hierarcy in a file-system-agnostic (transparent) way.


void ReadDirEntries(FileSystemInfo& fsi, const String& path)


    int maxentry = 5;

    for(FileSystemInfo::FileInfo entry : fsi.Find(path, maxentry)) {









void SFtpTransparency(SshSession& session)


    LOG("Local file system objects----------------------------------------------------------");

    ReadDirEntries(StdFileSystemInfo(), GetCurrentDirectory());


    SFtp sftp(session);

    SFtpFileSystemInfo sfsi(sftp);


    LOG("Remote file system objects---------------------------------------------------------");

    ReadDirEntries((FileSystemInfo&) sfsi, "/pub/example/*.png");










#include "SshBasics.h"


// OpenTcpTunnel:

// Demonstrates tcp-ip and port forwarding feature of the ssh protocol.


// This example requires upp/reference/SocketServer and upp/reference/SocketClient examples.

// SocketClient: Set the port number to 3215.


bool ServerSendRecv(SshSession& session, String& data)


    // SshTunnel <-> SocketServer

    SshTunnel tunnel(session);

    if(!tunnel.Connect("", 3214)) {

        LOG("ServerSendRecv(): " << tunnel.GetErrorDesc());

        return false;


    tunnel.Put(data + '\n');

    data = tunnel.GetLine();

    return !data.IsEmpty();



void ForwardTcpIp(SshSession& session)


    SshTunnel listener(session);

    if(!listener.Listen(3215, 5)) {

        LOG("ForwardTcpIp(): " << listener.GetErrorDesc());



    LOG("SSH tunnel (server mode): Waiting for the requests to be tunneled...");

    for(;;) {

        SshTunnel tunnel(session);

        if(!tunnel.Accept(listener)) {

            LOG("ForwardTcpIp(): " << tunnel.GetErrorDesc());



        // SocketClient <-> SshTunnel

        String data = tunnel.GetLine();

        LOG("Tunneled Request: " << data);

        if(!data.IsEmpty() && ServerSendRecv(session, data)) {

            LOG("Tunneled Response: " << data);

            tunnel.Put(data + '\n');








#include "SshBasics.h"


// X11Forwarding:

// Demonstrates an interactive shell with X11 forwarding, in console mode.


// This example requires a running X server.


void X11Forwarding(SshSession& session)


    SshShell x11shell(session);


    session.WhenX11 = [&x11shell](SshX11Handle xhandle)











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