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class FindFile

This class serves as platform independent encapsulation of directory enumeration.


Public Method List


bool Search(const char *path)

Starts a new listing. path can contain wildcards ('*', '?') to list more than single file. Returns true if first file is found. Wildcard pattern follows Windows conventions, *.* matches all files, even those without extension.



bool Next()

Attemts to iterate to the next file, returns true if successful.



dword GetAttributes() const


Returns win32 attributes of file.



String GetName() const

Returns the name of current directory entry.



String GetPath() const

Returns the full path of current directory entry.



int64 GetLength() const

Returns the length of current file. Undefined if current directory entry is not file.



FileTime GetCreationTime() const


Returns Win32 creation time. Does not work with all filesystems.



FileTime GetLastAccessTime() const

Returns the last time the entry was accessed. Does not work with all filesystems.



FileTime GetLastWriteTime() const

Returns the last time the entry was modified. Always works.



uid_t GetUid()


Returns user ID of file.



gid_t GetGid()


Returns group ID of file.



bool CanRead() const


Returns true if current user can read the file.



bool CanWrite() const


Returns true if current user can write the file.



bool CanExecute() const


Returns true if current user can execute the file.



FileTime GetLastChangeTime() const


Returns the last change time (st_ctime member of stat structure).



bool IsDirectory() const

Returns true if entry is a directory. Note that FindFile returns '..' and '.' pseudo-directories in the listing (on both platforms), these return true as well.



bool IsFolder() const

Returns true if entry is a directory, but not '..' nor '.'.



bool IsFile() const

Returns true if entry is a file.



bool IsArchive() const


Returns true if entry has archive flag set.



bool IsCompressed() const


Returns true if entry has compressed flag set.



bool IsHidden() const

Returns true if entry has hidden flag set in Win32 or starts with '.' in POSIX.



bool IsReadOnly() const

Returns true if entry is read only (in current user context).



bool IsSystem() const


Returns true if entry has system flag set.



bool IsTemporary() const


Returns true if entry has system flag set.



bool IsSymLink() const

POSIX: Returns true if entry is POSIX symlink. Win32: Returns true if entry is Shell link file (.lnk with proper content).



bool IsExecutable() const

Returns true if target file is executable binary.



dword GetMode() const


Returns UNIX access mode.



operator bool() const

Returns true if there is current entry in FindFile (if false, all entry information methods have undefined behaviour). Usually, this is used as condition to the loop that enumerates directory.



Constructor detail



Initializes to empty state.



FindFile(const char *name)

Initializes and performs Search(name).



Last edit by cxl on 10/11/2017. Do you want to contribute?. T++