
From 05/19/2015 to 06/17/2015


03:03 PM Bug #1124 (Approved): Jump on DoUpdateCustomer does not end in ,cpp
Miroslav Fidler
02:59 PM Bug #1124 (Approved): Jump on DoUpdateCustomer does not end in ,cpp
Miroslav Fidler


10:02 PM Bug #1123 (Approved): Handlers with ** work incorrectly
When the handler path contains "**", the "handler function" in witz treats it as if it was only "*", i.e. uses only o... Jan Dolinár
10:47 AM Bug #908 (Approved): Assist: (nos) FormatAddress only shows one variant
Miroslav Fidler
10:40 AM Bug #1018 (Approved): Assist++ bug
Miroslav Fidler
09:55 AM Bug #1094 (Approved): When starting theide, some short lived Progress is shown, probably 'empty' ...
Miroslav Fidler
09:09 AM Bug #902 (Approved): Alt+J on SALE_ATTR in SaleAttr.icpp does not work
Miroslav Fidler


08:44 PM Bug #884 (Approved): ide: Navigator click should jump on .cpp first, not .h
Miroslav Fidler
05:44 PM Bug #886 (Approved): Alt+J jumps to constructor, not class
Miroslav Fidler
05:43 PM Bug #1120 (Approved): cpp: isspc in navigator - why are there 2 namespace entries Upp?
Miroslav Fidler
05:43 PM Bug #1122 (Approved): cpp: CodeBase(). does not work
Miroslav Fidler
03:28 PM Bug #1122 (Approved): cpp: CodeBase(). does not work
Miroslav Fidler


10:59 PM Bug #1078 (Approved): cpp: duplicate entries in ctrl+space naviagor
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:58 PM Feature #730: POSIX Builds should contain version number (IDE)
This can be implemented easily with svn after-commit hook or something simmular. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:55 PM Feature #1029 (Approved): Add IDE common java support
Developed in android_builder branch. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:55 PM Feature #1029 (Approved): Add IDE common java support
Developed in android_builder branch. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:55 PM Bug #1121 (New): Sometimes stop debuggin by button crash ide (GDB_MI2)
High priority due to ide permanent crash (ide needs to be rebooted).
How to reprocude:
- Start debuggin app
- Wa...
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:52 PM Feature #966 (Rejected): Context menu should be created by "LeftUp" event
Zbigniew Rebacz
10:51 PM Feature #1038 (Approved): Build methods dialog should change language name
OK, it is partialy implemented in my android_builder branch. I mean builder can have its exclusive settings. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:51 PM Feature #1038 (Approved): Build methods dialog should change language name
OK, it is partialy implemented in my android_builder branch. I mean builder can have its exclusive settings. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:50 PM Bug #1077 (Approved): cpp: scanning hell
OK. Zbigniew Rebacz
10:48 PM Bug #759 (Approved): Bazar packages are not available after fresh install on Win32
I think it was done some time ago... Zbigniew Rebacz
07:12 PM Bug #1113 (Approved): cpp: Skylark Http::ParseRequest(const char *p) does not jump to 'var'
Miroslav Fidler
07:09 PM Bug #1115 (Approved): cpp: .h void ApproveCustomer(int customer_id, String reason = Null); Alt+I ...
Miroslav Fidler
03:08 PM Bug #1101 (Rejected): windef.h reports some errors with very high numbers
Miroslav Fidler
03:07 PM Bug #1056 (Approved): ide: Deleting "NAMESPACE_UPP" should trigger rescan
Miroslav Fidler
03:07 PM Bug #1057 (Rejected): ide: 'using' has no effect on autocomplete
Miroslav Fidler
03:07 PM Bug #1063 (Rejected): ide: cpp: Layouts are in Upp::
Miroslav Fidler
03:07 PM Bug #1062 (Approved): ide: cpp: NAMESPACE_UPP does not seem to work
Miroslav Fidler
03:06 PM Bug #1120: cpp: isspc in navigator - why are there 2 namespace entries Upp?
Also, for namespace entry, display file Miroslav Fidler
10:05 AM Bug #1120 (Approved): cpp: isspc in navigator - why are there 2 namespace entries Upp?
Miroslav Fidler
03:06 PM Bug #1091 (Approved): cpp: Changing namespace layout in ChWin32.cpp does not trigger checking files
Miroslav Fidler
03:05 PM Bug #1076 (Approved): cpp: CustomerTabDlg doe not see base class variables
Miroslav Fidler
03:01 PM Bug #1082 (Approved): Improve precission of GetIncludedMacroValues
Miroslav Fidler
03:00 PM Bug #1106 (Approved): GalleryDlg::GalleryDlg key. no assist
Miroslav Fidler
03:00 PM Bug #1119 (Rejected): cpp: n[i]. in ContextGoto.cpp - no autocomplete
Miroslav Fidler
09:14 AM Bug #1119 (Rejected): cpp: n[i]. in ContextGoto.cpp - no autocomplete
Miroslav Fidler
12:44 PM Bug #1100 (Approved): cpp: Jump to PreProcess in Parser::Do does not work
Miroslav Fidler
11:13 AM Bug #1118 (Approved): cpp: Cpp::Do jump to RemoveComments does not work
Miroslav Fidler


08:18 PM Bug #1114 (Rejected): cpp: sql.Fetch displays macro variants (//$- does not work?)
Miroslav Fidler
07:50 PM Bug #1118 (Approved): cpp: Cpp::Do jump to RemoveComments does not work
Miroslav Fidler
07:09 PM Bug #1110 (Approved): cpp: some file items in navigator are not displayed correctly
Miroslav Fidler
07:09 PM Bug #1111 (Approved): cpp: Changing output .exe forces full reparse
Miroslav Fidler
07:08 PM Feature #1117 (New): Improve PDB debugger Miroslav Fidler


09:01 PM Bug #1080 (In Progress): cpp: this dosen't show private variable
It seems that private/protected variables don't work (Only public works). Zbigniew Rebacz
09:01 PM Bug #1080 (In Progress): cpp: this dosen't show private variable
It seems that private/protected variables don't work (Only public works). Zbigniew Rebacz
09:01 PM Bug #1080 (In Progress): cpp: this dosen't show private variable
It seems that private/protected variables don't work (Only public works). Zbigniew Rebacz
08:07 PM Bug #1116 (Approved): ide: Improve Goto line behaviour Miroslav Fidler
02:36 PM Bug #1115 (Approved): cpp: .h void ApproveCustomer(int customer_id, String reason = Null); Alt+I ...
Miroslav Fidler
10:39 AM Bug #1114: cpp: sql.Fetch displays macro variants (//$- does not work?)
also, sorting is not right Miroslav Fidler
10:38 AM Bug #1114 (Rejected): cpp: sql.Fetch displays macro variants (//$- does not work?)
Miroslav Fidler
10:05 AM Bug #1113 (Approved): cpp: Skylark Http::ParseRequest(const char *p) does not jump to 'var'
Miroslav Fidler
09:58 AM Feature #1112 (New): cpp: When adding (empty, or .cpp) file to project, do not check
Miroslav Fidler


08:57 PM Bug #1067 (Approved): ide: Find in files sometimes scans files twice
Miroslav Fidler
04:03 PM Bug #1111 (Approved): cpp: Changing output .exe forces full reparse
Miroslav Fidler
09:44 AM Bug #1110 (Approved): cpp: some file items in navigator are not displayed correctly
Miroslav Fidler


08:05 PM Bug #1080 (Approved): cpp: this dosen't show private variable
Zbigniew Rebacz


01:58 PM Bug #1103 (Approved): cpp: NULL as keyword
Miroslav Fidler
12:25 PM Feature #1105 (Approved): Add autotest check for umk compile
Miroslav Fidler
11:35 AM Feature #1065 (Approved): Navigator: Improve searching
Miroslav Fidler


11:02 PM Bug #1108 (Approved): cpp: New bug: clicking/pressing enter on first symbol in assist array dosen...
Thanks! Zbigniew Rebacz
01:36 PM Bug #1108 (Ready for QA): cpp: New bug: clicking/pressing enter on first symbol in assist array d...
Miroslav Fidler
01:53 PM Bug #1109 (Approved): Alt+C on ADPI adds namespace
Miroslav Fidler
06:28 AM Bug #1109 (Approved): Alt+C on ADPI adds namespace
Miroslav Fidler
01:36 PM Bug #1107 (Approved): object.Method( - assist does not work there....
Miroslav Fidler


10:27 PM Bug #1108 (Approved): cpp: New bug: clicking/pressing enter on first symbol in assist array dosen...
Miroslav Fidler
05:46 PM Bug #1084 (Ready for QA): Ide star lagging after revision 8458
Miroslav Fidler
03:19 PM Bug #1107 (Approved): object.Method( - assist does not work there....
Miroslav Fidler
02:24 PM Bug #1106 (Approved): GalleryDlg::GalleryDlg key. no assist
Miroslav Fidler
08:39 AM Feature #1105 (Approved): Add autotest check for umk compile
Miroslav Fidler


09:56 PM Bug #1104 (Approved): cpp: Single<CppItemInfoDisplay>(). does not autocomplete...
Miroslav Fidler
02:20 PM Bug #1103 (Approved): cpp: NULL as keyword
Miroslav Fidler
12:43 PM Bug #1102 (Approved): Annotations patch does not handle type classifications (void Foo(Upp::String))
Miroslav Fidler
09:25 AM Bug #1101 (Rejected): windef.h reports some errors with very high numbers
Miroslav Fidler
09:25 AM Bug #1099 (Approved): cpp: #define inside scope does not work
Miroslav Fidler


10:51 AM Bug #1100 (Approved): cpp: Jump to PreProcess in Parser::Do does not work
Miroslav Fidler
10:46 AM Bug #1099 (Approved): cpp: #define inside scope does not work
enum {
#define xxx
Miroslav Fidler
08:46 AM Bug #1098: cpp: ide high memory usage with infinity loop
Unable to reproduce.
Is the problem bound with "File/Set main package.." ? I mean, if choose Examples/Clock after ...
Miroslav Fidler


10:15 PM Bug #1098 (Rejected): cpp: ide high memory usage with infinity loop
This is what i do:
- I select android_builder/ide package
- Then select Examples/Clock
- Ide started scanning and ...
Zbigniew Rebacz
05:25 PM Bug #1066 (Approved): cpp: Upp:: functions no autocomplete
Miroslav Fidler
05:04 PM Bug #1084 (In Progress): Ide star lagging after revision 8458
Should be a bit better now, do you feel improvement? Miroslav Fidler
05:04 PM Bug #1084 (In Progress): Ide star lagging after revision 8458
Should be a bit better now, do you feel improvement? Miroslav Fidler
05:03 PM Bug #1078 (Ready for QA): cpp: duplicate entries in ctrl+space naviagor
Miroslav Fidler


07:39 AM Bug #1054 (Approved): Problem with default printer on POSIX
Miroslav Fidler


04:03 PM Bug #1090 (Approved): cpp: Workflow.h problems
Miroslav Fidler
01:42 PM Bug #1083 (Approved): IDE: remove "Use SSE2" from new package creating process
Miroslav Fidler
01:05 PM Feature #1055 (Approved): ide: Compare could display the number of files
Miroslav Fidler
11:32 AM Feature #1075 (Approved): ide: Layout code generator - list should use 'name' as name of function
Miroslav Fidler
08:40 AM Feature #1097 (New): Content-ID header issue with HttpRequest
Miroslav Fidler


08:41 PM Bug #1095 (Rejected): Alt+C should not copy namespace
Miroslav Fidler
08:33 PM Bug #1064 (Approved): In Navigator, anonymous unions have generated name
Miroslav Fidler
08:31 PM Bug #1096 (Approved): cpp: TreeNodeInfo parsing problem
Miroslav Fidler
04:07 PM Bug #1089 (Approved): ide: After block replace, keyboard is stuck
Miroslav Fidler


02:45 PM Bug #1096 (Approved): cpp: TreeNodeInfo parsing problem
Miroslav Fidler
08:36 AM Bug #1095 (Rejected): Alt+C should not copy namespace
Miroslav Fidler
08:36 AM Bug #1094 (Approved): When starting theide, some short lived Progress is shown, probably 'empty' ...
Miroslav Fidler


10:29 AM Feature #1093 (New): SelectDirButton consider Append option
Miroslav Fidler


04:38 PM Bug #1092 (New): RichEdit: What is wrong with this code?

#if 0

WString text = Get().GetPlainText();
Miroslav Fidler
09:32 AM Bug #1091 (Approved): cpp: Changing namespace layout in ChWin32.cpp does not trigger checking files
Miroslav Fidler
08:59 AM Bug #1087 (Rejected): cpp: AW_TITLEBAR is now in Upp namespace
(it was real, #included from Upp namespace) Miroslav Fidler


02:55 PM Bug #1090 (Approved): cpp: Workflow.h problems
Miroslav Fidler
01:40 PM Bug #1089 (Approved): ide: After block replace, keyboard is stuck
Miroslav Fidler
12:19 PM Feature #1088 (New): InstallPanicMessageBox() available to program
I would like that memory or other critical errors would call a programmer defined user function.
Now InstallPanicM...
Iñaki Zabala
09:38 AM Bug #1087 (Rejected): cpp: AW_TITLEBAR is now in Upp namespace
Miroslav Fidler

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