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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
994BugApprovedHighCurrent Ambiance menu fix is not a solution (Ubuntu - Unity)Zbigniew Rebacz02/28/2015 11:42 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
997BugApprovedHighNew IDE help icon can be a little bit bigZbigniew Rebacz02/27/2015 06:06 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1077BugApprovedNormalcpp: scanning hellZbigniew Rebacz06/14/2015 10:50 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1078BugApprovedNormalcpp: duplicate entries in ctrl+space naviagorZbigniew Rebacz06/14/2015 10:59 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1079BugApprovedNormalcpp: push_back methid of std::vector is not detectedZbigniew Rebacz05/18/2015 05:56 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1084BugApprovedNormalIde star lagging after revision 8458Zbigniew Rebacz06/22/2015 04:20 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1085BugApprovedNormalusc.patch created after closing enviroment settingsZbigniew Rebacz04/13/2016 08:43 AMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1186BugApprovedUrgentBuild methods crash ide when empty builder is savedZbigniew Rebacz07/16/2015 03:34 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1205BugApprovedNormalWhen build mehtod is changed it should trigger code rescanningZbigniew Rebacz07/29/2015 12:40 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1214BugApprovedNormalJumping to header dosen't save historyZbigniew Rebacz07/30/2015 04:59 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1268BugApprovedLow#include <float.h> cause problems in CodeEditor and Assist++Zbigniew Rebacz09/20/2015 11:06 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1310BugApprovedNormalide: Standard GDB debugger panes should close automatically after succesfull debugZbigniew Rebacz10/28/2015 04:03 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1370BugApprovedHighcmd.exe dosent' apper when debugging with mingw debugerZbigniew Rebacz06/19/2017 09:23 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1377BugApprovedNormalImport build method duplicates existing entriesZbigniew Rebacz03/12/2017 11:26 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1385BugApprovedLowCTRL + ALT + LEFT/RIGHT dosen;t work in stacking modeZbigniew Rebacz04/19/2016 08:51 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1405BugApprovedNormalEditorTabBar icons is loaded from operating system when package is open (Problem with TabBar serialization)Zbigniew Rebacz04/19/2016 08:50 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1427BugApprovedHighNavigator is not hide in designersZbigniew Rebacz04/25/2016 08:27 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1436BugApprovedNormalNavigator is show in designer when user ends editing settingsZbigniew Rebacz07/22/2017 09:57 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1446BugApprovedNormalFix BLITZ for Core (AndroidBuilder)Zbigniew Rebacz03/18/2017 01:27 AMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1661BugApprovedNormalProblem When there is a space in Upp path (gdb does not find exefile, && problem using windres)Zbigniew Rebacz03/26/2017 09:28 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1682BugApprovedHighvoid LocalHost::Launch(const char *_cmdline, bool console) doesn't work when file has got space in their name (POSIX)Zbigniew Rebacz04/22/2017 08:36 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1700BugApprovedNormalHistory separation between main package sessionZbigniew Rebacz05/01/2017 03:37 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1728BugApprovedNormalFindFile dialog should not support minalizie operation for windowZbigniew Rebacz05/24/2017 09:46 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1744BugApprovedHighMacroManager allows to import invalid macro fileZbigniew Rebacz06/17/2017 09:56 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz
1755BugApprovedNormalOpening MacroManager or Abbriviation leads to restart code schemes in CodeEditorZbigniew Rebacz06/24/2017 03:35 PMIDEZbigniew Rebacz

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