From 04/22/2016 to 05/21/2016
- 03:57 PM Feature #1444 (Patch ready): Add support for arm64-v8a
- 02:12 PM Bug #1456: Android: Fix CPU_Cores()
- 01:26 PM Bug #1456 (Approved): Android: Fix CPU_Cores()
- It is really important to have those, so in time, we need to find how to fix that...
Useful link:
- https://devel... - 01:47 PM Task #1448 (Rejected): Restore documentation for RGBA and PrimitiveTypes (Deleted in 9809 revision)
- 01:22 PM Task #1448: Restore documentation for RGBA and PrimitiveTypes (Deleted in 9809 revision)
- I believe that no docs were deleted.
The only thing I have done is to uncheck "includeable" flag for Core/src.tpp.... - 01:46 PM Bug #1449 (Approved): Fix compilation issue with makefile (Add -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 option)
- 01:24 PM Bug #1449: Fix compilation issue with makefile (Add -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 option)
- I believe this one is already fixed.
- 01:25 PM Feature #1304 (Approved): AndroidBuilder should be able to compile Core
- 01:23 PM Feature #1445 (Approved): AndroidSDK template should support ScrollView (when TextView is active)...
- 08:24 PM Feature #1453: Remove optimal mode, optimize everything for speed...
- On Android we have - debug and release. Do you plan the same?
- 02:49 PM Feature #1453 (Approved): Remove optimal mode, optimize everything for speed...
- 02:48 PM Feature #1451 (Approved): Http ParseRequest to Core
- 04:13 PM Bug #1341 (In Progress): Menubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI feature
- It looks better - but still we have got big left/right margin. I think it should be a little bit more smaller.
- 04:13 PM Bug #1341 (In Progress): Menubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI feature
- It looks better - but still we have got big left/right margin. I think it should be a little bit more smaller.
- 09:06 AM Feature #1451 (Approved): Http ParseRequest to Core
- Http::ParseRequest
- 03:18 PM Bug #1450 (New): Fix uppbox
- 10:21 PM Bug #1449 (In Progress): Fix compilation issue with makefile (Add -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 option)
- The makefile that should contain this flag is actually generated by TheIDE, so it should be probably fixed there. The...
- 10:21 PM Bug #1449 (In Progress): Fix compilation issue with makefile (Add -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 option)
- The makefile that should contain this flag is actually generated by TheIDE, so it should be probably fixed there. The...
- 06:36 PM Bug #1449 (Approved): Fix compilation issue with makefile (Add -std=c++0x or -std=c++11 option)
- Current makefile for POSIX dosen't work because we need to enable c++11.
- 10:11 AM Task #1448 (Rejected): Restore documentation for RGBA and PrimitiveTypes (Deleted in 9809 revision)
- We need this kind of documentation, because we pointed to this type in other places. ImageBuffer for example points t...
- 08:58 AM Bug #1341 (Ready for QA): Menubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI feature
- 08:32 AM Feature #1137 (Approved): Navigator need high resolution (16x16) sort icons
- 08:31 AM Bug #1416 (Approved): Find File allow to jump to package seprator (ALT + SHIFT +F)
- 08:17 AM Feature #460 (Rejected): Avoid the need of String().Cat() with moving << as String method
- Resolved with C++11 &&
- 08:15 AM Bug #1443 (Rejected): ide: File opened as binary, why?
- 08:14 AM Feature #1442 (Approved): Optimize mingw heap issue
- 11:02 PM Feature #1447 (Approved): Add better way to adding new file to packages
- Adding files by Insert package directory files is not intutive. We should provide alternative way.
I think the goo... - 10:44 PM Bug #1446 (Approved): Fix BLITZ for Core (AndroidBuilder)
- 10:14 PM Feature #1445 (Approved): AndroidSDK template should support ScrollView (when TextView is active)...
- AndroidSDK template should support following two operations:
- ScrollView should be added when option TextView is ac...
- 11:09 PM Feature #1444 (Approved): Add support for arm64-v8a
- We cannot compile core for this architecture on Android.
- 11:04 PM Bug #1426 (Approved): GCC 5.3 when -std=c++11 dosen't see isnan isinf functions
- 07:42 PM Bug #1363: Run options per main package/flag
- This is important for whole user experience with TheIDE.
- 07:40 PM Feature #1360 (Ready for QA): Tuple can support Variadic template in c++11
- I think it is implemented - can you approved?
- 07:40 PM Feature #1360 (Ready for QA): Tuple can support Variadic template in c++11
- I think it is implemented - can you approved?
- 07:40 PM Feature #1360 (Ready for QA): Tuple can support Variadic template in c++11
- I think it is implemented - can you approved?
- 07:37 PM Bug #1240 (Rejected): Oxygen gtk prints several critical bugs
- 05:04 PM Feature #1440 (New): Threads can have names
- ...
- 04:34 PM Bug #1438 (Approved): TheIDE crash on Core/Topt.h:228 (Platform Linux)
- 12:13 PM Bug #1438 (Approved): TheIDE crash on Core/Topt.h:228 (Platform Linux)
- How to reproduce (Kubuntu 16.04):
1. Open TheIDE
2. Select any project
3. Wait unitl scanning end.
Result: Cr... - 01:30 PM Bug #1439 (Rejected): Disassmebly pane in GDB backend has wrong formatting
- 12:04 PM Task #1437 (New): Fix documentation links
- We need to improve our documentation fast. Almost all links doesn't work (In TheIDE help - on website the ratio is be...
- 11:59 AM Task #1434 (Approved): ImageBuffer doc - Links to classes dosen't work (Point Size etc).
- 11:53 AM Bug #1436 (Approved): Navigator is show in designer when user ends editing settings
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Open designer (like help)
2. Open settings
3. Close (Cause rescanning)
Result: Navigator... - 11:29 AM Bug #1435 (New): Double click on world shouldn't mark space after world
- This is probably default behavior for other editors like LibraOffice, Firefox or Chrome, so it is a little bit not st...
- 12:49 PM Task #1434 (Approved): ImageBuffer doc - Links to classes dosen't work (Point Size etc).
- We have general problem with links inside Upp documentation.
- 10:49 PM Feature #1433 (New): Syntax highlight for Objective-C
- Support objective-c highlight in minimal way. What to do with .m and .mm files?
- 08:27 PM Bug #1427 (Approved): Navigator is not hide in designers
- 10:26 AM Bug #1430 (Approved): HttpRequest issues
- 12:17 AM Bug #1427 (Ready for QA): Navigator is not hide in designers
- 09:13 PM Bug #1429 (Approved): GTK Backend wrong placment of system "X" button when window is not resizabl...
- I was playing a little bit with KDE 5 and it seems that it wrongly place system close button "X" when window is not r...
- 11:48 AM Feature #1428 (New): SVN Synchronize: option to disable nest
- 09:30 PM Bug #1427 (Approved): Navigator is not hide in designers
- Navigator should be hided when user is in designer mode (help, layout editor etc).
I think it was hide (but i migh... - 01:19 PM Bug #1426: GCC 5.3 when -std=c++11 dosen't see isnan isinf functions
- Attention adding std:: before this two method fix this issue.
- 01:18 PM Bug #1426 (Approved): GCC 5.3 when -std=c++11 dosen't see isnan isinf functions
- Tested with Kubuntu 16.04 and GCC 5.3. In default mode everything works fine.
It seems that we have got compilatio...
- 11:56 PM Bug #1425: KDE5 Breez Theming issue (Chamelleon - GTK theming)
- Standard as always works perfect :)
- 11:43 PM Bug #1425 (Approved): KDE5 Breez Theming issue (Chamelleon - GTK theming)
- Just move to Kubuntu 16.04 LTS and it seems that we have got several issues with chameleon (More information in scree...
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