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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLibcbpporter cbpporter
1604FeatureIn ProgressNormalStreamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positionscbpporter cbpporter01/18/2017 03:40 PMCodeEditorcbpporter cbpporter
1053BugNewLowUWord to disable Save tool bar button after savingMiroslav Fidler05/05/2015 04:19 PMIñaki Zabala
1999BugNewLowUnused parameter multisamplebuffering in GLCtrl.h, line 151Miroslav Fidler11/01/2019 06:19 PMGLCtrlIñaki Zabala
995BugPatch readyNormalSynchronize controls after SetValuesDaniel Kos11/21/2015 04:14 PMGridCtrlIñaki Zabala
32FeatureNewLowsvn log filter to do almost automatic announcement textsIñaki Zabala02/17/2011 12:49 PMIñaki Zabala
421BugNewNormalRichTextCtrl and RichEdit clipboar behaviorMiroslav Fidler01/21/2013 11:11 AMCtrlLibIñaki Zabala
1052BugNewNormalRichEdit::Print() fails when RichEdit is Floating()Miroslav Fidler05/05/2015 10:16 AMRichEditIñaki Zabala
1088FeatureNewNormalInstallPanicMessageBox() available to programMiroslav Fidler05/19/2015 12:19 PMCoreIñaki Zabala
266FeatureNewLowBreakpoints in templatesMiroslav Fidler08/21/2015 03:39 PMDebuggerIñaki Zabala
438FeatureNewNormalArrayCtrl to show header fields when column width is too smallMiroslav Fidler02/07/2013 11:27 AMCtrlLibIñaki Zabala
73FeatureNewNormalimprove color Standard conversions RGB <-> Cie XYZ <-> Cie L*a*b*Ion Lupascu07/05/2011 10:00 PMIon Lupascu
1375BugNewNormalWrong postgresql include in many linux distrosMiroslav Fidler01/30/2016 01:01 PMSqlJan Dolinár
523FeaturePatch readyNormalPeriodic background jobs in skylarkJan Dolinár10/07/2013 09:24 AMSkylarkJan Dolinár
1801FeatureNewNormalZstd custom memory allocation routines10/24/2017 08:22 AMMiroslav Fidler
10FeatureNewNormalXML: support different encodings01/25/2011 10:52 AMMiroslav Fidler
457BugNewNormalX11 selection does not work as source03/19/2013 12:58 PMMiroslav Fidler
936BugNewNormalX11 backend has problems with compiz11/24/2014 04:35 PMMiroslav Fidler
589BugNewNormalX11 'klikac' issue with DropList and ArrayCtrl11/26/2013 02:17 PMMiroslav Fidler
701TaskNewNormalWrite guide on MT GUI programming09/15/2014 03:49 PMMiroslav Fidler
2058BugNewNormalWine problem with changing the gui font size09/04/2020 10:24 AMMiroslav Fidler
774BugNewNormalWhen dialog is moved from one screen to another, its MaxSize should be changed04/29/2014 11:19 AMMiroslav Fidler
2061FeatureNewNormalWarnings option in error pane09/10/2020 03:53 PMMiroslav Fidler
247FeatureIn ProgressNormalUse shared bz2, jpeg, tiff in linuxJan Dolinár02/23/2015 03:53 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
2215BugNewNormalUse host API for NLS sorting08/27/2021 10:15 AMMiroslav Fidler

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