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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Author
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940BugNewNormalRandom crashes in linuxMiroslav Fidler02/27/2015 05:04 PMCtrlCoreMiroslav Fidler
998BugNewNormalSwitching menu bar item is potentialy slow (can generate lag effect)Miroslav Fidler02/28/2015 11:11 PMCtrlCoreZbigniew Rebacz
1649BugNewNormalCtrlCore: 'CurrentTime' macro redefined in GtkX11Util.cpp fileMiroslav Fidler02/24/2017 09:03 PMCtrlCoreSender Ghost
1473FeatureNewNormalDbus support for linuxZbigniew Rebacz01/23/2017 10:12 PMCtrlCoreZbigniew Rebacz
421BugNewNormalRichTextCtrl and RichEdit clipboar behaviorMiroslav Fidler01/21/2013 11:11 AMCtrlLibIñaki Zabala
937BugNewNormalFix cinnamon issues...Miroslav Fidler02/28/2015 11:10 PMCtrlLibMiroslav Fidler
956BugPatch readyNormalRemove hand icon from calendarDaniel Kos02/25/2015 06:55 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1650BugNewNormalTreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect03/14/2017 11:50 AMCtrlLibcbpporter cbpporter
1915BugNewNormalFix WhenPush issue11/14/2018 02:23 PMCtrlLibMiroslav Fidler
438FeatureNewNormalArrayCtrl to show header fields when column width is too smallMiroslav Fidler02/07/2013 11:27 AMCtrlLibIñaki Zabala
964FeatureNewLowWindows 8/7/Vista? menuitem style extension for inactive item01/20/2015 11:17 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1285FeatureNewNormalCtrlLib: FileSel could perform reload on Activate10/09/2015 01:18 PMCtrlLibMiroslav Fidler
1698FeatureNewLowColor pusher should have it's representation in .usc file04/28/2017 09:55 PMCtrlLibZbigniew Rebacz
1831FeatureNewNormalReplace widget arguments with 'double'01/25/2018 11:03 PMCtrlLibMiroslav Fidler
266FeatureNewLowBreakpoints in templatesMiroslav Fidler08/21/2015 03:39 PMDebuggerIñaki Zabala
1437TaskNewHighFix documentation links12/26/2016 03:42 PMDocumentationZbigniew Rebacz
1717DocumentationNewNormalCreate "Build method" settings detailed documentationZbigniew Rebacz05/12/2017 09:54 PMDocumentationZbigniew Rebacz
1791BugNewNormallibpng issue08/25/2017 09:24 AMDrawMiroslav Fidler
86BugNewNormalImplement proper system shutdown sequence in Win32/X11 backendsMiroslav Fidler07/18/2011 05:23 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
102BugNewLowIn linux, fix irregular scrollbar themes Amaranth and Crystal sphereMiroslav Fidler09/26/2011 08:57 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
220FeatureNewNormalAdd reference example for ArrayCtrl columns / indiciesMiroslav Fidler12/14/2011 11:31 AMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
247FeatureIn ProgressNormalUse shared bz2, jpeg, tiff in linuxJan Dolinár02/23/2015 03:53 PMGeneralMiroslav Fidler
917BugNewNormalGLCtrl on GTK backend is slow and posses arrtiffactsZbigniew Rebacz01/15/2018 10:00 PMGLCtrlZbigniew Rebacz
1999BugNewLowUnused parameter multisamplebuffering in GLCtrl.h, line 151Miroslav Fidler11/01/2019 06:19 PMGLCtrlIñaki Zabala
1293BugNewNormalGLCtrl dosen't recive key events10/16/2015 08:42 PMGLCtrlZbigniew Rebacz

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