
From 01/21/2014 to 02/19/2014


08:05 PM Feature #354 (Approved): Add plugin/LZMA
Miroslav Fidler
02:37 PM Feature #692 (Approved): SqlExp: Add SqlAbs
Miroslav Fidler
11:45 AM Feature #691 (In Progress): Small ide layouts update - standardized "OK" & "Cancel" button position
Zbigniew Rebacz


04:27 PM Feature #691 (Approved): Small ide layouts update - standardized "OK" & "Cancel" button position
I think that it will be good to eliminate some graphical issues in IDE layout.
This patch only affects posit...
Zbigniew Rebacz


03:41 PM Bug #661: Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Can you check&close, please? Miroslav Fidler
03:41 PM Bug #656 (Approved): GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY dosen't refresh the state of ctrls (GTK Backend)
Miroslav Fidler
03:38 PM Bug #628: TheIDE does not reload Assist when changing Build method
Are you sure that mingw64 include paths are correctly configured? Miroslav Fidler
03:33 PM Bug #687 (Approved): ide: LayDesigner crashes if encoding set to UTF-8 BOM
Miroslav Fidler
03:27 PM Bug #127 (Rejected): Tooltip while debugging
Miroslav Fidler
02:52 PM Feature #337 (Rejected): Sql: Script session
Miroslav Fidler
02:51 PM Bug #230 (Approved): Fix symlink behaviour
Miroslav Fidler


09:02 AM Bug #690 (New): TURTLE: Prevent 'easy' leaving of page (disconnect)
Miroslav Fidler
09:01 AM Bug #689 (Approved): Ctrl::Create should invoke "RefreshLayoutDeep" method (GTK backend)
Miroslav Fidler


05:11 PM Bug #689 (Approved): Ctrl::Create should invoke "RefreshLayoutDeep" method (GTK backend)
It seems that GTK backend author forgot to add "RefreshLayoutDeep()" invocation at the end of Ctrl::Create method. Al... Zbigniew Rebacz
02:58 PM Bug #619 (Patch ready): GTK backend serialization should support multi monitor mode
For me, this patch is OK. Now, X11 and Windows version are using "GetVirtualWorkArea()" in this certain place. Zbigniew Rebacz
02:58 PM Bug #619 (Patch ready): GTK backend serialization should support multi monitor mode
For me, this patch is OK. Now, X11 and Windows version are using "GetVirtualWorkArea()" in this certain place. Zbigniew Rebacz


06:37 PM Feature #643 (Ready for QA): Xmlize default value
Miroslav Fidler
02:07 PM Feature #688 (Approved): ide: pdb: Add 'this' pane
Miroslav Fidler


10:47 AM Bug #687 (Approved): ide: LayDesigner crashes if encoding set to UTF-8 BOM
Miroslav Fidler


12:17 AM Bug #656 (Patch ready): GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY dosen't refresh the state of ctrls (GTK Backend)
... Zbigniew Rebacz
12:17 AM Bug #656 (Patch ready): GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY dosen't refresh the state of ctrls (GTK Backend)
... Zbigniew Rebacz
11:52 PM Bug #680 (Rejected): Should FileSels list use option NoRoundSize()?
It seems that it was intentional.
Bug is rejected.
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:26 PM Bug #686 (Approved): Win8 win bgground Miroslav Fidler
08:02 PM Feature #685 (New): Consider aliasing SQLIDs Miroslav Fidler
01:37 PM Bug #673 (Approved): ide: problem with win32 debuging and missing .dll (crashes)
Miroslav Fidler
09:51 AM Bug #681 (Approved): TURTLE: Mouse wheel in IE
Miroslav Fidler


06:32 PM Bug #677 (Approved): TURTLE: Initial focus when opening TopWindow
Miroslav Fidler
06:13 PM Bug #682 (Approved): TURTLE: In ArrayCtrl, showing popup for too narrow column then moving out ki...
Miroslav Fidler
03:18 PM Bug #679 (Rejected): TURTLE: webide Clicking in help does not work so well...
(caused by missing topics) Miroslav Fidler
02:31 PM Bug #615 (Approved): GDB_MI2 high cpu usage (One core is fully loaded)
Miroslav Fidler
02:31 PM Feature #659 (Approved): XmlNode deep copy
Miroslav Fidler


07:01 PM Bug #657 (Approved): ide: Out of memory with 150MB XML file
Miroslav Fidler
06:27 PM Bug #683 (Rejected): Ctrl::IsWaitingEvent should return true for time callbacks (or execute them,,,)
(would break existing code) Miroslav Fidler


02:53 PM Bug #615 (Ready for QA): GDB_MI2 high cpu usage (One core is fully loaded)
Massimo Del Fedele
02:19 PM Feature #684 (New): TheIDE could highlight errors in indentation
Pythonescue... Miroslav Fidler
01:50 PM Bug #683 (Rejected): Ctrl::IsWaitingEvent should return true for time callbacks (or execute them,,,)
Miroslav Fidler


01:13 PM Bug #682 (Approved): TURTLE: In ArrayCtrl, showing popup for too narrow column then moving out ki...
Miroslav Fidler


07:17 PM Bug #675 (Approved): Problem in linker command on linux
Miroslav Fidler
07:14 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Ah, yeah, that is it. Fixed Miroslav Fidler
07:14 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Ah, yeah, that is it. Fixed Miroslav Fidler
09:29 AM Bug #681 (Approved): TURTLE: Mouse wheel in IE
Miroslav Fidler


11:29 PM Bug #675 (Ready for QA): Problem in linker command on linux
Well, updated.... anyways I tested it with some builds and seems all ok. Massimo Del Fedele
11:29 PM Bug #675 (Ready for QA): Problem in linker command on linux
Well, updated.... anyways I tested it with some builds and seems all ok. Massimo Del Fedele
08:04 PM Bug #675: Problem in linker command on linux
Yes, but still not committed. If you mean I'll do it right now. Massimo Del Fedele
07:32 PM Bug #675: Problem in linker command on linux
I am confused here.. What have you patched? :) (Any files in ide?) Miroslav Fidler
08:40 PM Bug #615 (In Progress): GDB_MI2 high cpu usage (One core is fully loaded)
Zbigniew Rebacz
08:00 PM Bug #678 (Approved): TURTLE: Drag and drop (webword) crashes FireFox
Miroslav Fidler
09:13 AM Bug #678 (Approved): TURTLE: Drag and drop (webword) crashes FireFox
Miroslav Fidler
07:57 PM Bug #676 (Approved): TURTLE: webide crashes when using T tool in .iml designer
Miroslav Fidler
07:56 AM Bug #676 (Approved): TURTLE: webide crashes when using T tool in .iml designer
Miroslav Fidler
07:29 PM Bug #674 (Approved): IconDes "Export Pngs" dosen't respect cancel button
Miroslav Fidler
07:27 PM Bug #665 (Approved): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Miroslav Fidler
07:19 PM Bug #680 (In Progress): Should FileSels list use option NoRoundSize()?
NoRoundSize option was explicitly created for FileSel :)
I am not sure what you men by "not well fitted". I have a...
Miroslav Fidler
07:19 PM Bug #680 (In Progress): Should FileSels list use option NoRoundSize()?
NoRoundSize option was explicitly created for FileSel :)
I am not sure what you men by "not well fitted". I have a...
Miroslav Fidler
04:34 PM Bug #680 (Rejected): Should FileSels list use option NoRoundSize()?
Personally, I think that it would be good if FileSels list will start using NoRoundSize flag. Why? Because, without t... Zbigniew Rebacz
12:18 PM Bug #679 (Rejected): TURTLE: webide Clicking in help does not work so well...
Miroslav Fidler
08:06 AM Bug #677 (Approved): TURTLE: Initial focus when opening TopWindow
Miroslav Fidler


09:04 PM Bug #675 (Patch ready): Problem in linker command on linux
I patched theide and now it's ok.
BTW, I hat the same problem building theide itself.... I guess it's some GCC recen...
Massimo Del Fedele
08:29 PM Bug #675 (Approved): Problem in linker command on linux
In a big project, using many dynamic libraries, I've got a linker problem of "undefined symbol" for symbols inside dy... Massimo Del Fedele


09:58 PM Bug #674 (Approved): IconDes "Export Pngs" dosen't respect cancel button
It seems that "Export Pngs" dosen't respect cancel button. It is funny when you cancel operation and yours home direc... Zbigniew Rebacz
03:34 PM Bug #673 (Approved): ide: problem with win32 debuging and missing .dll (crashes)
Miroslav Fidler
08:48 AM Feature #671 (Approved): ide: .iml editor should remember scroll position of images
Miroslav Fidler
08:11 AM Bug #652 (Approved): ChStdSkin() & ChClassicSkin() should check the state of IsCompositedGui flag
Miroslav Fidler
08:09 AM Feature #654 (Approved): Ctrl.iml update I
Miroslav Fidler
08:08 AM Bug #672 (Approved): Warning in xml.cpp
thx/ Miroslav Fidler
01:09 AM Bug #665: EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
* Additional menubar fix on pure gtk distributions.
Zbigniew Rebacz


01:18 PM Bug #672 (Approved): Warning in xml.cpp
... Iñaki Zabala
10:30 AM Feature #671 (Approved): ide: .iml editor should remember scroll position of images
(When doing Ctrl+Tab) Miroslav Fidler
01:24 AM Bug #666: Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
I tested with gtk() and gdk() functions, but they return NULL.
I guess (just lurked a bit inside your code......
Massimo Del Fedele


08:08 PM Bug #661: Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
just a small precisation : I'm using the SO flag in main package configuration, NOT the 'all shared' mode in builder.... Massimo Del Fedele
08:01 PM Bug #661: Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
I've seen that package order is selected by this code in Builder.cpp, line 422, on which I forced here the dependency... Massimo Del Fedele
05:38 PM Feature #654: Ctrl.iml update I
Mirek wrote:
"Applied, but I am not sure that I am in favor of this kind of changes in the future."
OK, I am fully ...
Zbigniew Rebacz
05:11 PM Bug #665 (Patch ready): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:25 PM Bug #665: EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
The correct file...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:25 PM Bug #665: EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
The correct file...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:37 PM Bug #652 (Patch ready): ChStdSkin() & ChClassicSkin() should check the state of IsCompositedGui flag
It seems that in this bug report I forgot to include proper file.
What needs to be updated:
- "Hard theme restart...
Zbigniew Rebacz
04:37 PM Bug #652 (Patch ready): ChStdSkin() & ChClassicSkin() should check the state of IsCompositedGui flag
It seems that in this bug report I forgot to include proper file.
What needs to be updated:
- "Hard theme restart...
Zbigniew Rebacz
01:11 PM Bug #670 (New): Should not IsString(Value((int)Null)) return true?
... Miroslav Fidler


09:25 PM Bug #665 (In Progress): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Zbigniew Rebacz wrote:
> Hello Mirek,
> You should also move "img = GetGTK(w, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN, ...
Miroslav Fidler
09:25 PM Bug #665 (In Progress): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Zbigniew Rebacz wrote:
> Hello Mirek,
> You should also move "img = GetGTK(w, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN, ...
Miroslav Fidler
04:36 PM Bug #665 (Patch ready): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Hello Mirek,
You should also move "img = GetGTK(w, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN, "entry", GTK_SHADOW, 20, 20);"...
Zbigniew Rebacz
09:09 PM Bug #667 (New): TrayIcon in GTK does not work
Miroslav Fidler
09:08 PM Bug #667 (In Progress): TrayIcon in GTK does not work
Miroslav Fidler
08:15 PM Bug #669 (Approved): Some methods of S_info should be static
Miroslav Fidler
03:37 PM Bug #669 (Approved): Some methods of S_info should be static Miroslav Fidler
08:30 AM Bug #668 (New): Memory leak in SysExec Miroslav Fidler


08:36 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Nope, it doesn't work; doing a "rebuild all" on UWord, the result is :
CtrlLib: 56 file(s) built in (0:00.67), 11...
Massimo Del Fedele
08:36 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Nope, it doesn't work; doing a "rebuild all" on UWord, the result is :
CtrlLib: 56 file(s) built in (0:00.67), 11...
Massimo Del Fedele
08:29 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Massimo Del Fedele wrote:
> Tested with UWord, it works BUT it requires manual build of all packages in correct orde...
Miroslav Fidler
08:29 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Massimo Del Fedele wrote:
> Tested with UWord, it works BUT it requires manual build of all packages in correct orde...
Miroslav Fidler
06:58 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Tested with UWord, it works BUT it requires manual build of all packages in correct order, otherwise it gives error o... Massimo Del Fedele
06:58 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Tested with UWord, it works BUT it requires manual build of all packages in correct order, otherwise it gives error o... Massimo Del Fedele
02:06 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Not sure how have you tested, but it was impossible to build any U++ project (mostly because of problems in legacy U+... Miroslav Fidler
02:06 PM Bug #661 (Ready for QA): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Not sure how have you tested, but it was impossible to build any U++ project (mostly because of problems in legacy U+... Miroslav Fidler
08:25 PM Bug #658 (Approved): plugin/UnZip: support central directory
Miroslav Fidler
04:52 PM Bug #653 (Approved): Compilation fails with freetype >= 2.5.1
Seems OK on Arch. I'll check the rest tomorrow, but I expect it to work as well. Jan Dolinár
10:18 AM Bug #653 (Ready for QA): Compilation fails with freetype >= 2.5.1
As there is only single function in that file and its signature is unlikely to change ever, I have simply moved it to... Miroslav Fidler
10:18 AM Bug #653 (Ready for QA): Compilation fails with freetype >= 2.5.1
As there is only single function in that file and its signature is unlikely to change ever, I have simply moved it to... Miroslav Fidler
03:00 PM Bug #666 (Rejected): Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
Well, what I wanted to say is that for GTK backend the apparent handle is not X11 id, but GtkWindow * (or GdkWindow *... Miroslav Fidler
03:00 PM Bug #666 (Rejected): Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
Well, what I wanted to say is that for GTK backend the apparent handle is not X11 id, but GtkWindow * (or GdkWindow *... Miroslav Fidler
01:59 PM Bug #666: Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
Any solution for me is good, as long as I can get the platform window handle for a DHCtrl.
I'm creating an OpenCasca...
Massimo Del Fedele
09:12 AM Bug #666 (Ready for QA): Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
I am somewhat reluctant to provide this: move to GTK was primarily intended to isolate us from X11, so that when e.g.... Miroslav Fidler
09:12 AM Bug #666 (Ready for QA): Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
I am somewhat reluctant to provide this: move to GTK was primarily intended to isolate us from X11, so that when e.g.... Miroslav Fidler
02:56 PM Bug #665 (Approved): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Miroslav Fidler
02:52 PM Bug #656 (In Progress): GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY dosen't refresh the state of ctrls (GTK Backend)
Well, mouse-leave is normally checked using periodic timer (this is to support platforms lacking proper inputs).
Miroslav Fidler
02:52 PM Bug #656 (In Progress): GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY dosen't refresh the state of ctrls (GTK Backend)
Well, mouse-leave is normally checked using periodic timer (this is to support platforms lacking proper inputs).
Miroslav Fidler
02:45 PM Feature #655 (Approved): ChHostSkin(GTK) when Qt is detected should highlight menubar topitem[1]
Miroslav Fidler
02:38 PM Feature #654 (Ready for QA): Ctrl.iml update I
Miroslav Fidler
02:37 PM Feature #654: Ctrl.iml update I
Applied, but I am not sure that I am in favor of this kind of changes in the future.
That said, I think it would b...
Miroslav Fidler
02:38 PM Bug #652 (Approved): ChStdSkin() & ChClassicSkin() should check the state of IsCompositedGui flag
Miroslav Fidler
02:34 PM Feature #627 (Approved): IDE tool bar should update respect editor state
Miroslav Fidler
10:44 AM Bug #667 (Approved): TrayIcon in GTK does not work Miroslav Fidler
10:01 AM Bug #663 (Approved): Resolve abs/fabs issue with GCC
Miroslav Fidler
09:49 AM Bug #660 (Approved): ide: crashing at F2
Miroslav Fidler


06:20 PM Bug #666 (Rejected): Provide access to underlying X11 Window of DHCtrl in GTK+ backend
Since introduction of GTK backend, the DHCtrl control (in GTK) is simply
a Ctrl alias.
I'd need access to underlyin...
Massimo Del Fedele
03:23 PM Bug #665 (Approved): EditField::Style dosen't work property on some Qt(KDE) distributions (ChGTK)
Nasty and hard to diagnose bug. So, what is the problem? On Qt platform such as KDE ChGtk has got problem to choose p... Zbigniew Rebacz


08:27 AM Bug #662 (Approved): RichEdit compilation fails with GCC
Works now, thanks. Jan Dolinár


03:22 PM Feature #651 (Approved): Missing smoothen icon in RichText
Miroslav Fidler
02:38 PM Bug #661 (Ready for CR): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Massimo Del Fedele
12:39 PM Bug #664 (Approved): RichEdit: After Enter style (e.g. Bold), even if reset, returns
Miroslav Fidler
12:04 PM Bug #663 (Approved): Resolve abs/fabs issue with GCC
Miroslav Fidler
10:33 AM Bug #662 (Approved): RichEdit compilation fails with GCC
Build for 6807 failed, because of amiguous call to abs with double parameter in RichEdit/Mouse.cpp. ... Jan Dolinár


04:11 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Proposed changes are correct, please go on fixing it (post a patch here and switch the task to me as Patch Ready afte... Miroslav Fidler
04:11 PM Bug #661 (In Progress): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Proposed changes are correct, please go on fixing it (post a patch here and switch the task to me as Patch Ready afte... Miroslav Fidler
01:41 PM Bug #661 (Approved): Fix 'all shared' build on Posix
Actually, using all shared build (SO flag on main package) on linux has following caveats:
- generated .so names d...
Massimo Del Fedele


01:40 PM Bug #660 (Approved): ide: crashing at F2 Miroslav Fidler
12:24 PM Feature #659 (Approved): XmlNode deep copy
Miroslav Fidler
12:10 PM Bug #658 (Approved): plugin/UnZip: support central directory
Miroslav Fidler
12:07 PM Bug #657 (Approved): ide: Out of memory with 150MB XML file
with quite weird error info (trying to allocate 3.5GB!?) Miroslav Fidler
02:42 AM Feature #655: ChHostSkin(GTK) when Qt is detected should highlight menubar topitem[1]
Additional fix:... Zbigniew Rebacz

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