Release 2/2015

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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category Target version
  Release 2021.1 - NTH 26 Collapse all/Expand all
1341BugIn ProgressHighMenubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI featureMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1667BugNewHighTheIde crash after suspend (linux)Miroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
1840TaskNewHighSystem notification should not be limited only to tray iconMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1138BugNewNormalNavigator display dosen't show arrow symbolizing that there is more content in cellMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
1286BugNewNormalcpp: Fix remaining issue gcc 4.910/21/2020 11:34 PMRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1312BugNewNormalCodeEditor: Block replace should be optimized - takes to long with 1MB line and a lot of replaces10/21/2020 11:34 PMCodeEditorRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1316BugNewNormalOpenGL 3 support in win10/21/2020 11:34 PMRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1325BugNewNormalLineEdit: Rectangular block delete in 250MB file does not work10/21/2020 11:34 PMRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1435BugNewNormalDouble click on world shouldn't mark space after world10/21/2020 11:34 PMRichEditRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1678BugNewNormalAssist++ cannot recognize enum class inside the classMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMAssist++Release 2021.1 - NTH
1784BugNewNormalSwitch control dose not work with tap even on GTK 2.0Miroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1937BugNewNormalTheIDE help doesn't disply related package10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
806FeatureNewNormalAssist++ could support programing languages keywordsMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
1174FeatureNewNormalCore: Consider Win32 issue with orphaned processes10/21/2020 11:34 PMCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1302FeaturePatch readyNormalRichEdit could support nonprintable characters conceptMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMRichEditRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1378FeatureNewNormalFileSel could offer manual path edit10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1440FeatureNewNormalThreads can have names10/21/2020 11:34 PMCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1460FeatureNewNormalDisable arraty shuold change paper color10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1877FeatureNewNormalReturning Tuple that contains Vector should be possibleMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1894FeatureNewNormalOne should support custom deletersMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
2160FeatureNewNormalUppHub: Background job that will detect which packages has updatesMiroslav Fidler03/15/2021 12:00 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
1355TaskNewNormalComments keyword should be more independent from CSyntaxMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCodeEditorRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1691TaskNewNormalImprove nightly tarballsMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMGeneralRelease 2021.1 - NTH
2074TaskNewNormalmacOS toolbar should support application name approchZbigniew Rebacz10/21/2020 11:34 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1 - NTH
1351FeatureNewLowIf separator is close it can move whole groupMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMIDERelease 2021.1 - NTH
1479TaskPatch readyLowCore get ride of "extra ;" warning with pedantic modeMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:34 PMCoreRelease 2021.1 - NTH
  Release 2021.1 19 Collapse all/Expand all
1394BugNewHighJapanese characters are too small in CodeEditorMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMDrawRelease 2021.1
1693BugNewHighFileSel layout glitch on Windows 10 (Create directory button out of window)10/21/2020 11:33 PMCtrlLibRelease 2021.1
2126BugNewHighTheIDE doesn't compile from archive on Debian due to lack of "msse4.1" flag Miroslav Fidler12/08/2020 11:25 PMGeneralRelease 2021.1
1719FeaturePatch readyHighAdd STARTTLS support to SMTPMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreRelease 2021.1
1320BugNewNormalcpp: Resolve namespace issue10/21/2020 11:33 PMAssist++Release 2021.1
1348BugNewNormalAssist++ problems with class constructor implemented in file10/21/2020 11:33 PMAssist++Release 2021.1
1363BugNewNormalRun options per main package/flagMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMIDERelease 2021.1
1364BugNewNormalProblem with opening main package10/21/2020 11:33 PMIDERelease 2021.1
1380BugNewNormalAssist++ problem with auto deducing parameter problem)10/21/2020 11:33 PMAssist++Release 2021.1
1382BugNewNormalSupport C++11 multiline string literals10/21/2020 11:33 PMAssist++Release 2021.1
1623BugNewNormalResolve problem with Android build method name and compilation flagZbigniew Rebacz10/21/2020 11:33 PMAndroidRelease 2021.1
1861BugNewNormalide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlightingMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCodeEditorRelease 2021.1
816FeatureNewNormalHandle resolution change event on all existing backends10/21/2020 11:33 PMCtrlCoreRelease 2021.1
1376FeatureNewNormalAlternate real number formatters must be refactoredMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreRelease 2021.1
1813FeatureNewNormalReport a bug - improve10/21/2020 11:33 PMIDERelease 2021.1
2068FeatureNewNormalCore/Heap.h should be includableMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMCoreRelease 2021.1
1628TaskNewNormalUpdate librariesMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMGeneralRelease 2021.1
1934TaskNewNormalFlatpack supportZbigniew Rebacz10/21/2020 11:33 PMGeneralRelease 2021.1
2075TaskNewNormalreference/Oracle warnings MSVCMiroslav Fidler10/21/2020 11:33 PMSqlRelease 2021.1
  none 267 Collapse all/Expand all
1437TaskNewHighFix documentation links12/26/2016 03:42 PMDocumentation
3BugNewNormalReport scrolling with Painter content - scroll artifactsMiroslav Fidler01/24/2011 10:51 AM
86BugNewNormalImplement proper system shutdown sequence in Win32/X11 backendsMiroslav Fidler07/18/2011 05:23 PMGeneral
186BugNewNormalResolve issue with sprintf in Format11/25/2011 02:48 PM
205BugNewNormalProblem with Forum12/02/2011 01:13 PM
254BugNewNormalMSSQL procedure call output parameters02/17/2012 10:11 PM
262BugNewNormalOptimize HashBase, consider making it public03/01/2012 08:30 AM
315BugNewNormalCheck Skylark custom build steps (EXEDIR does not seem to work in Linux)08/04/2012 06:42 PM
325BugNewNormalIDE: Unify umk Console and ide Console09/05/2012 08:45 AM
373BugNewNormalAdd timescan of iso860112/13/2012 02:53 PM
421BugNewNormalRichTextCtrl and RichEdit clipboar behaviorMiroslav Fidler01/21/2013 11:11 AMCtrlLib
457BugNewNormalX11 selection does not work as source03/19/2013 12:58 PM
476BugNewNormalOptimize void IconDes::SaveUndo()05/22/2013 09:10 AM
496BugNewNormalFix SQL threading issue07/22/2013 12:20 PM
552BugNewNormalHeader/Footer QTF should have '^^' suppressed (check)10/29/2013 10:01 AM
589BugNewNormalX11 'klikac' issue with DropList and ArrayCtrl11/26/2013 02:17 PM
668BugNewNormalMemory leak in SysExecMassimo Del Fedele01/28/2014 08:30 AM
670BugNewNormalShould not IsString(Value((int)Null)) return true?01/29/2014 01:11 PM
690BugNewNormalTURTLE: Prevent 'easy' leaving of page (disconnect)02/14/2014 09:02 AM
703BugNewNormalFix OpenGL/GTK03/01/2014 05:49 PM
733BugNewNormalGetTickCount / msecs should probably rather return int6404/03/2014 08:37 AM
757BugNewNormalGLDraw problem07/17/2014 09:45 PMGLDraw
758BugNewNormalOci8 memory corruption04/23/2014 12:19 PM
774BugNewNormalWhen dialog is moved from one screen to another, its MaxSize should be changed04/29/2014 11:19 AM
784BugNewNormalCheck outgoing trafficMiroslav Fidler05/23/2014 07:52 AMWebsite
788BugNewNormalide: Gdb_MI2 Weird issue with long stringsMassimo Del Fedele06/09/2014 06:55 PM
828BugNewNormalide: Layout designer ctrl_alt_down/up not workingMiroslav Fidler02/27/2015 03:16 PMIDE
891BugNewNormalFix thread__ issues10/02/2014 08:08 AM
896BugNewNormalGLCtrl issue10/09/2014 08:10 AM
907BugNewNormalCore/SSL: Add a way to choose method (SSLv3, TLSv1 ....), add SNI01/23/2017 10:31 PMCore
917BugNewNormalGLCtrl on GTK backend is slow and posses arrtiffactsZbigniew Rebacz01/15/2018 10:00 PMGLCtrl
921BugNewNormaladd jpeg-ls11/06/2014 09:20 AM
936BugNewNormalX11 backend has problems with compiz11/24/2014 04:35 PM
937BugNewNormalFix cinnamon issues...Miroslav Fidler02/28/2015 11:10 PMCtrlLib
940BugNewNormalRandom crashes in linuxMiroslav Fidler02/27/2015 05:04 PMCtrlCore
956BugPatch readyNormalRemove hand icon from calendarDaniel Kos02/25/2015 06:55 PMCtrlLib
995BugPatch readyNormalSynchronize controls after SetValuesDaniel Kos11/21/2015 04:14 PMGridCtrl
998BugNewNormalSwitching menu bar item is potentialy slow (can generate lag effect)Miroslav Fidler02/28/2015 11:11 PMCtrlCore
1005BugNewNormalide: DIFF syntax highlighting problem with multiline commentsMiroslav Fidler03/10/2015 09:59 AMCodeEditor
1009BugIn ProgressNormalTurtle - FileSelector undefinedMiroslav Fidler03/08/2015 06:08 PMTurtle
1014BugNewNormalide: CdbHexView SetTotal should respect Win6403/15/2015 12:51 PM
1021BugNewNormalAdd bgp03/22/2015 09:02 AM
1023BugNewNormalCheck MI2Massimo Del Fedele03/25/2015 11:56 AM
1033BugNewNormaljsonrpc seems to have problem with Null Date04/02/2015 04:15 PM
1039BugNewNormalide: Replace in block shows progress indicator for small (1000 lines) block04/07/2015 01:05 PM
1040BugNewNormalide: Check theide CPU activity while building04/07/2015 03:10 PM
1043BugNewNormalLZ4Decompress can crash if input file is invalid04/18/2015 11:52 AM
1047BugNewNormalInvestigate issue of second loop in pdb debugger04/26/2015 02:08 PM
1052BugNewNormalRichEdit::Print() fails when RichEdit is Floating()Miroslav Fidler05/05/2015 10:16 AMRichEdit
1071BugNewNormalcpp: Resolve issue with iml/lay/sch05/13/2015 01:15 PM
1092BugNewNormalRichEdit: What is wrong with this code?05/20/2015 04:38 PM
1121BugNewNormalSometimes stop debuggin by button crash ide (GDB_MI2)Massimo Del Fedele12/11/2017 01:57 PMIDE
1150BugNewNormalide: Log (e.g.) should be reloaded when activating theide06/25/2015 02:24 PM
1155BugNewNormalide/cpp/u++: Check why in linux, it consumes 328MB vs 100MB in windows06/28/2015 09:15 AM
1158BugNewNormalcpp: Resolve specific declaration06/28/2015 04:04 PM

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